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05-18-2006, 03:38 PM
When I'm away at work for 2 weeks, I look forward to reuniting with the kitties. None of them are particularly talkative, but when I get home they come running meowing and squeaking away. Here's what it sounds like they are saying.

Halo ~ Hello. Glad you're home. I don't know where you go and why you are gone so long, but as long as I don't have to go to the vet, I'm happy. :D

Cammie ~ Oh, it's you. Were you gone? I never noticed. Do you have to live here? Sure, you're useful to me once in a while, but I need to be adored 24 hours a day, and you are sadly lacking in that area. Just don't get between me and Bobcat and I'll let you live here. If you have to. :rolleyes:

Pepper ~ Hello! Hi! Howdy! Guess what? While you were gone, Halo made long distance phone calls. Cammie had boys over. I was a good girl. Halo went outside unsupervised. Cammie jumped on the kitchen counter. I was a good girl. Did you bring me anything? Can I help you unpack? Your suitcase sure smells interesting. Did I tell you that I was a good girl while you were gone? :p

05-18-2006, 03:44 PM
MooShoo greets me at the door every night meowing away saying, "Oh mummy, I love you SO much, come give me some sugar!!"

Maya Linn, on the otherhand, says, "Yeah, glad you're home now couldya please get your butt up to the kitchen and feed us???"

Shortie just rolls on the floor and waits for me to scratch her armpits.

Mollie Rose could care less. What do ya want for a 12 year old??

05-18-2006, 03:46 PM
I came home one day and picked up Chuck and said, were you a good boy today and he said Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! No lie!

Is was clear as day! LOL My daughter and I were rolling!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-18-2006, 03:48 PM
:D :D
CJ comes running from wherever he is and starts loudly meowing his hellos as he rubs on the nearby walls waiting for me to bend down and give him hello pets. It's so funny, because he does this to everyone who walks in the door! :D

If Peanut is up she'll come running. She won't say anything but will immediately go trotting off to the kitchen for treats. If she's not up, forget about it! :rolleyes: :D

05-18-2006, 04:19 PM
Lisa - you did a great job showing the personalities of each cat with what they were saying. So, Pepper is the suck-up is she?

I won't list 14 responses, it would drive you all crazy. Raven is the one cat who doesn't say anything to me since he's still very feral, and he's only been with me for 10 days. He just looks at me with a "Oh god, you're back, now I have to run and hide" look of horror on his face. Quite a welcome!

05-18-2006, 04:23 PM
When I come home and call the boys, they'll both come running (usually), but Archy is the only who who 'talks'. He trills to me constantly, telling me about his day, how he went from window to window following that pesky squirrel or watching the neighbor's cat sun herself. Then he'll tell me about his naps and the lunch he enjoyed and the other nap he took.

Binky, however, says nothing, just walks into the kitchen and rubs against the refrigerator, which is his signal to be fed...NOW.

05-18-2006, 05:13 PM

feed me

05-18-2006, 05:22 PM
Scrappy 2 wants a piece of cheese.
They all want to see whats in the shopping bags.
and they all say.
Welcome HOME, DAD!!!!!

Laura's Babies
05-18-2006, 06:08 PM
I can't wait to see how mine greet me when I get back from work in June.. They are probably going to resent me invading their "turf" once they get use to being here alone and I come home. :(

05-18-2006, 06:23 PM
Lisa - you did a great job showing the personalities of each cat with what they were saying. So, Pepper is the suck-up is she?
lol It's more that Pepper only has one tone of voice. You know how most cats have different sounds? Pepper doesn't. She has a sort of crabby sounding voice (her personality is not crabby at all) that sounds like she is informing on everyone (ratting everyone out). She seems to have a lot to say. It just sounds like she's gossiping about everyone.

05-18-2006, 08:05 PM
Soni - Hi, how are ya? Can I have some love? Are you going to pet me? *streeetches on your leg* Will you PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME?! PICK ME UP! Gimme kisses!

Isis - Oh, you're home? Great. Are you going to feed me? If not, I'll just resume my nap.

Tiger Lily (foster) - EEEEEEEEHK! You're home! *climbs up your leg* Hooray! Can I have some snacks and lovin? Thanks!

K & L
05-18-2006, 08:20 PM
Too funny! Boy don't you just wish you knew what they were really thinking!? :eek:

05-18-2006, 09:04 PM
Too funny! Boy don't you just wish you knew what they were really thinking!? :eek:

Only when I'm worried about them. I think it's best that we don't know what they are thinking most of the time because it would be blow to our self-esteem. I have a feeling that most of them have the same constant thoughts as Slick's Max.

05-18-2006, 09:33 PM
:D :D :D

Allen: Oh, hi. Yawn. You woke me up

Pouncer: Drat, its that nutsy lady who insists on picking me up. Maybe I can run before she notices I was waiting for her to get home.

Harry: Oh good, someone is here to feed me! I'm starving here!

Abby: Hiya meowmie! Pouncer picked on me.

Flutter: Hiya! Pet me! Pet me! Petme! Excuse me, I said PET ME! (she's too cute, because if we ignore her, she'll grab our arm to tell us that we're not listening to her "pet me" demands)

05-18-2006, 10:00 PM
Flutter: Hiya! Pet me! Pet me! Petme! Excuse me, I said PET ME! (she's too cute, because if we ignore her, she'll grab our arm to tell us that we're not listening to her "pet me" demands)
I love it! Kuhio used to do something like that. She'd sit beside you and pat your arm over and over until she got attention. :) Once she smacked the newspaper out of Bob's hands when he insisted on reading it instead of adoring her.

05-18-2006, 10:51 PM
Bastet: Darn it your home and just when I was getting into some mischief.

Zaicha: Hi, I am hungry feed me. If you don't feed me now I will continue to do this really annoying meow until you do. See I am still doing it and its getting louder and more insistant.

05-19-2006, 04:05 AM
I came home one day and picked up Chuck and said, were you a good boy today and he said Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! No lie!

Is was clear as day! LOL My daughter and I were rolling!

Weezie does that too! I'll pet her and say, "Weezie, are you pretty?" Nooooooooo!! "Weezie, are you a good kitty?" Noooooooo!!

Everything is "nooooooo!!" to her - it cracks me up! :D

05-19-2006, 09:32 AM
Weezie does that too! I'll pet her and say, "Weezie, are you pretty?" Nooooooooo!! "Weezie, are you a good kitty?" Noooooooo!!

Everything is "nooooooo!!" to her - it cracks me up! :D

Looks like we have a couple commedians on our hands! LOL

05-19-2006, 10:22 AM
Very cute thread! I have enjoyed reading how everyone is met when they return.

Coming home from work:

Sasha: "ohhhhh, you woke me from my kitty cat nap. I need to stretch and now you need to rub my belly."

Tabitha: "MOM, You're home! I slept all day, but can you feed me now? Okay, pet me first, but come on, let's get in the kitchen and you can feed me."

Coming home from vacation:

Sasha: "YOU'RE HOME!!!!! Oh, I missed you.... please pet me. Let me smell the suitcase. Where have you been? Tabitha got sick on the bed. Where were you? I played with the kids. They are fun. Where did you go? You're not petting me anymore. Why?"

Tabitha: (while sitting at the top of the stairs, watching...) "Oh, so you decided to come home. Well, I hope you had fun. Sasha has been a BRAT! She chased me everywhere I went. Please don't leave us home alone again. I will come down and see you later. I want you to feel guilty for a while longer."