View Full Version : Ebayers?

05-18-2006, 02:08 PM
I'm getting frustrated! Ash and I put some baby clothes up for auction.... and not one person has bid! Is it normal to not have any bids until the day hte auction is up?

We're starting to feel like we're not going to sell our items and will be stuck with the whopping $2.15 posting bill :rolleyes:

Ahhhh... and we were soooo excited to make a fortune off ebay. All I can see is that we spent hours photogrpahing the stuff, editing the photos, writing descriptions, and nobody is seemingly interested! Did we do anything wrong?

05-18-2006, 02:17 PM
Bidding at the very last second is an extremely popular way to bid. It's called "snipping" and many bidders do it and many others dislike it.

Baby clothes though are a pretty popular item so you may not get many bids on that fact alone. I'm not sure clothes do well on Ebay at all. Sorry. :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-18-2006, 02:18 PM
No, it's not uncommon to not receive any bids until the final minutes actually. People are becoming very ebay savvy these days and will wait until the wee moments to bid, hoping to keep the final price down. I learned early on that good pictures are a necessity, but do not spend hours upon hours getting it just right - you're just wasting your time. Also, did you research your items on ebay before you posted? You need to do that to make sure you have them priced right, and also to check our your competition. If there are a ton of baby clothes on ebay, it's possible you might not get any bids at all.

Ebay is a weird thing. The items we had that we thought would bring a ton of money brought almost nothing, and the items we thought were worthless brought a ton of money - go figure. :rolleyes: All you can do is try and hopefully in the long run you'll make way more than the few posting fees for the items you didn't sell.

Question though....the baby isn't even born yet and already you're selling items you bought for it? <just kidding> ;)

05-18-2006, 02:18 PM
Are you new to ebay - I mean zero feeback? That will sometimes keep people away from bidding when it's a newbie. Do you accept PayPal? I usually only bid on auctions that take PayPal because I don't like to send checks or deal with money orders and I get some level of protection with PayPal.
I've never sold or bid on baby clothes so I'm not sure what more you may need to do but those are basics. Is it possible your starting price is too high?

Also, I typically "snipe" and bid at the very last moment so maybe you have some of those waiting.

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-18-2006, 02:27 PM
Would you post a link to one of your ads so we could have a look and give you some feedback - I buy quite a lot of stuff off eBay, but certain wording etc puts me off bidding.

05-18-2006, 02:27 PM
LOL Debbie! The clothes we are selling were given to us by a friend of a relative who gave the clothes to by mom who gave the clothes to us.... follow that? Good, we're not sure if WE do! :D They are cute clothes, but the size is either wrong for the season where the baby will fit them or we happen ot already have another one just like it! Amazing but true, we have duplicates of a lot of clothes already thans to family and friends who gave us stuff already.

We tried selling them at Once Upon a Child but they aren't taking that size at the moment.

My photos are good (I think), nice and clear, with descriptions at the top.

We listed them in two categories because the sizes fall between two categories.

Its listed a Lot of clothing.

I have only ebayed once in my life -- and got 100% positive feedback :D :p

So, now that we were sure these clothes would do well and aren't, should I run around the house looking for stupid stuff that we're sure WON'T sell? And then we'll make a mint off it?

05-18-2006, 02:31 PM
Sorry Julie, here's the link (duh! for forgetting to post it!) Please tell me if I put in anything offesnive! I was just following hat other seemingly successful ebayers wrote in their ads.

Kim's Ebay listing (http://cgi.ebay.com/Large-lot-of-Infant-girl-spring-and-summer-clothes_W0QQitemZ4881885681QQcategoryZ57825QQssPag eNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

05-18-2006, 02:56 PM
I can't give any help because I've never bought or sold on ebay, but I do have some questions for those with experience if you don't mind broadening this thread? Tell me if you do, and I'll open a new one.

I would really like some input from those of you who have sold on ebay. For instance, how do you get a PayPal account? Since I'm a newbie, is it best for me to offer locally only so that people can see the items in person? What I want to sell is some Beatles memorabilia going back to the early 1960's. I have special magazines from their first trip to the US and, I think, one to Scandinavia, plus the very first editions of the Beatles magazine. Do you think anyone would be interested in a ticket stub from a 1963 Beatles concert?

05-18-2006, 02:56 PM
I am an ebay buyer, but not a seller.I took a look at your ad, and I think it looks GREAT! Much better than most... (I really like being able to click on individual items to view.)!!! Your descriptions of the items was very good, in my opinion.

I have never bought clothing on Ebay, but my one concern is that many expectant parents typically get these sizes of clothing at Baby showers. I don't know if that has anything to do with your not getting any bids, was just an observation.

Good luck! I hope that you get some last minute bidders and the items sell!

05-18-2006, 03:02 PM
Lizzie, my neighbor would LOVE to see about the Beatles stuff -- he's got a sandwich shop name the Yellow Submarine and its filled with Beatles stuff. A die-hard fan!

I forgot to answer Lori's question: Yes, it has Paypal as the payment option. I want it as the only payment option unless someone emails me and asks if they can send alternative payment. I'll have to feel really good about them before I do accept other forms of payment.

05-18-2006, 03:03 PM
The add looks great! I think I would have broken the items down into the sizes- sell all size 0-3 together, 3-6 together, etc. When I'm looking for clothes, it is normally for a specific size and not such a broad range- that could just be me though!

Do we know that Ashley is having a girl or is it still a surprise?

05-18-2006, 03:06 PM
Anytime I've listed anything on eBay I've never got any bids on any of my items :rolleyes: Maybe the price was too high, I tried lowering it, nothing. :rolleyes:

05-18-2006, 03:08 PM
I originally wanted to post everything as one lot with all the same sizes but Ashley read the tags wrong (she thought the 3 mos. was 3-6, not 0-3 mos.) At that point it was already listed and we just edited the listing to be entered into a second category - so its now listed as 0-3 and 3-6. Not a big deal really, since someone might buy it before the baby is born and then the baby would wear all the clothes as they fit into it.

We have no idea what the baby is yet. Though at the doctor's today the heart rate was 136, and the nurse said it "sounds like a boy". :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-18-2006, 03:10 PM
Goodness, I don't know why you are not getting bids - the ad looks great.... I can only think of the following:
1) Are there loads of similar items available?
2) Maybe people are put off slightly by the low feedback (unavoidable - we all have to start somewhere)
3) Maybe you will get some last-minute bids from people hoping for a bargain (time-zones allowing, that is how I normally bid)

Can you see how many people have added it to their "watch" list?

05-18-2006, 03:13 PM
For about 2 months I was bidding on baby clothes and baby items for my Neice who is having a boy. But I was looking for a specific pattern & brand. It was the CARTER'S JOHN LENNON REAL LOVE series. I looked at your page really quickly but does it have the brand(s) in the description?

Good luck. I've been wanting to sell stuff on EBAY but haven't gotten around to doing it. I didn't realize you had to pay a posting fee even if nobody bidded.

05-18-2006, 03:14 PM
There's a way to tell if someone put it on their watch list? Anyone know where I can see that? I'm SUCH A novice here!

Killearn Kitties
05-18-2006, 03:16 PM
On your "My Ebay" screen you can tell the number of bids and the number of watchers in the same place. Go have a look, and let me know if you see it.

Suki Wingy
05-18-2006, 03:16 PM
Your ad looks great! :confused:
I Personally don't see why anyone would bid before the last day, that bumps up the price! I ONLY bid at the last few minutes. (Unless it's buy it now of course)
I put up a pair of brand new $150 Tony Lama boots with 5 wonderfull pictures for $80 and NO one bid, so I lowered it to $40 and still after 3 weeks NO one bid! This was the first thing my mom and I listed (share account) we did have great Ebuyer ratings, we've bought about 10 things, including a $100 saddle, payment right on time. *sigh*

05-18-2006, 03:17 PM
Your auction looks great and the starting price is a bargain but my first instinct was wow, $9.00 shipping? I guess I just don't think that baby clothes weigh that much even if there are 17 pieces. It just sounds kind of high to me. Of course if I was the only bidder who could complain at $11.99 for all those pieces shipped.

Good luck with it. I've never sold baby clothes but I've sold plus size clothing (things I didn't like before I lost weight) and I did really well with them. When I know that I will keep the weight off I may clear out my plus size wardrobe on ebay, LOL!

05-18-2006, 03:19 PM
On your "My Ebay" screen you can tell the number of bids and the number of watchers in the same place. Go have a look, and let me know if you see it.
All I see is this:
Seller status: Your item has no bids. (To make changes to your listing, click the "Revise your item" link).

05-18-2006, 03:19 PM
Also, I just noticed on your counter at the bottom of the page that it's only 25 (well now 31 with all of us looking) so you just aren't getting many hits.

05-18-2006, 03:21 PM
Your auction looks great and the starting price is a bargain but my first instinct was wow, $9.00 shipping? I guess I just don't think that baby clothes weigh that much even if there are 17 pieces. It just sounds kind of high to me. Of course if I was the only bidder who could complain at $11.99 for all those pieces shipped.

Good luck with it. I've never sold baby clothes but I've sold plus size clothing (things I didn't like before I lost weight) and I did really well with them. When I know that I will keep the weight off I may clear out my plus size wardrobe on ebay, LOL!
We took the box to the Post Office before we listed it. It came to $8.10 as the cheapest rate. We said $9 to include gas to get there and the boxing, etc ;) Yeah, we were a bit surprised at the postage ourselves.

You can clear your wardrobe with me! :D

Killearn Kitties
05-18-2006, 03:23 PM
All I see is this:
Seller status: Your item has no bids. (To make changes to your listing, click the "Revise your item" link).

Are you looking at your actual listing, or have you signed into "My Ebay" from the options at the top?

05-18-2006, 03:24 PM
Are you looking at your actual listing, or have you signed into "My Ebay" from the options at the top?
Signed in at the top. I'm SO CONFUSED!

05-18-2006, 03:26 PM
Gee, don't blame you for the $9 shipping then. The PO is getting ridiculous!

I just looked at similar auctions to yours that have closed recently and it's kind of hit or miss. A few went for around $20 for a large lot, one for $10 and couple for $7 and $5. There were a couple that got not bids.

Hang in there! Seeing that you still have a couple more days I wouldn't get too frustrated yet.

Killearn Kitties
05-18-2006, 03:27 PM
So once you have signed in do you see a section called "Items Selling" or words to that effect. You would get a title of the left, then you would see price, number of bids, and also a number under a heading of "Watchers". Now the number may be 0, but it would still be there.

05-18-2006, 03:34 PM
Karen, I don't see what you're referring to -- but I COULD be blind since it took me 5 minutes to find the link to edit the listing.

Attached is a screen capture

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-18-2006, 03:42 PM
For instance, how do you get a PayPal account?
Go to Paypal.com, create a log-in then create an account. They'll walk you through all the steps. You WILL have to give personal information that most people warn you about giving out over the internet, but just make sure the https: is at the beginning of the URL and you should be fine - I've never had any problems. As for getting started on Ebay, they offer a ton of info for newbies. I read through some of it, but I learn from doing so the best thing for me was to just jump in and start an auction! :D If I were you, I would save my Beatles stuff until you're a little more experienced. Start out with items you really don't care about just to see how it works. Also, if you want to get the most for your items, DON'T only offer them locally. I find most people will ask questions if they're unsure of what they're looking at through pictures, but most don't need to see the item in person. Although, you need to be honest when describing the item. Don't try and gloss over obvious flaws and make the buyer think he is getting a pristine item if it is not. Trust me, if they really want it they will take it, flaws or not.

A few months ago I started selling a ton of stuff on ebay. I started out with only 1 review, and that was a "buy" review so it really wasn't helpful now that I was selling. I didn't find that people were put off by that at all.

One word of advice. Put right in your listing that you will not end listings early so please don't ask. Until I did that, I was getting requests to end auctions early all the time. I started out with a low starting bid to get peoples interest....for example. One item I started bidding at $9.99. Almost immediately someone offered me $75.00 for the item. Thankfully, by that time I had wised up and told him no, even though it sounded like a fantastic price at that time. We ended up getting about $225.00 for the item, which made the $75.00 offer look pretty measly. So stick to your guns and don't end auctions early. There are much more savvy people out there just waiting to prey on the novice - don't be taken in! I could go on and on, but I too, don't want to hijack this thread. ;)

Kim, don't you have a ghost living in your stairwell? I bed he'd bring a boatload of money! ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-18-2006, 03:44 PM
Karen, I don't see what you're referring to -- but I COULD be blind since it took me 5 minutes to find the link to edit the listing.

Kim, go to the "My Ebay" link on the top of the screen.

05-18-2006, 03:48 PM
tabbycrazy :rolleyes:

Oh, on to the subject. ;)

I think the ad looks great. I would bid on it. BUT.......

I have been looking at kids clothing lately on ebay (for neice and grandneice) but have not actually bought any......why? shipping. There are so many places to get GOOD used baby clothing for half (or less) of retail price that I did not find anything worth bidding on once the shipping cost was added.

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-18-2006, 03:52 PM

to see if anyone is "Watching" your auction, click on " My eBay". When the page loads you will have menus down the left hand side:

All Buying
All Selling
Want It Now
My Messages etc etc

Click on All Selling, then on the auction listing. There should be info there which tells you if anyone it watching the item. If people are watching it, it usually means:

a) they want a reminder close to the closing of the auction and so may be a serious bidder, or
b) they are selling, or considering selling a similar item and are curious as to the price you will get.

05-18-2006, 03:58 PM
I'm very new to ebay and I only buy. I have learned to watch an item closely and right before it ends, I bid and hopefully be the winner among the millions of others doing the same thing. :rolleyes:

05-18-2006, 03:59 PM
Kim, go to the "My Ebay" link on the top of the screen.
Ah! Thanks!

Waaaahhhhh.... nobody is watching my listing! *sniff* I sure hope everyone is right about the last minute thing.

Yes, the cost of shipping is deterring me in some thing we like. If someone local wanted to buy it, I'd gladly have them meet me somewhere to exhange things without the shipping fee.

Jen, I figured someone would notice my ebay name! :D :p Fits, doesn't it?

05-18-2006, 05:41 PM
I think the ad is great!
We buy a lot from Ebay and the only suggestion I have is "Buy it Now". Hubby and I shop a lot with that feature.

And yes it is very common for people to wait til the last minute to buy something.

05-19-2006, 09:37 AM
I buy clothes from ebay.
I would look past the ad because of your shipping. I learned that people mark up shipping, and that makes me mad. Not saying YOU do, but, I would immediately think, "$9.00? :eek: ".

I would also break it down to size. For Jonah, I wanted ONLY a certain time, and didn't want to spend two pennies on something I knew he wouldn't fit.

On a side note...I wasn't really sure why these clothes wouldn't fit the baby- assuming it is a girl? Maybe you could wait six months, and then sell TONS of the stuff as a large lot, including the clothes the baby would then have outgrown?

05-19-2006, 10:06 AM
Perfect example of outrageous shipping charges...

I bid on a cat tree and won the bidding at $10.00. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying close attention to the SHIPPING of the item(or the feedback for that matter) which said "calculated". I thought, "WOW!!! I got a cat tree for maybe $25!!!" NOT!!! The shipping brought the grand total to $135!!!!! :eek: I emailed the guy and told him there was no WAY I could afford that kind of money and was not paying it. He said okay. I then checked out his feedback. BAD NEWS!!!! He had over 100 NEGATIVE feedbacks in a 12 month period. When I went to look at his feedback again, he made it so it's private and no one can see it. What does THAT tell you???

05-19-2006, 10:11 AM
If I were you, I would save my Beatles stuff until you're a little more experienced. Start out with items you really don't care about just to see how it works.

Thank you for your advice, all of it was really helpful, and I've been thinking about what you said above. I have a few signed etchings that a downtown gallery would not take to sell because they are by an East Coast artist that isn't much recognized here. I'll get my feet wet with those. One more question, when you put down a base price, do you have to sell for that price if that's the only offer you get? So, you should put in a lowish but reasonable price to start with? For instance, the etchings cost me $100-$150 when I bought them 20 years ago. I doubt if they are worth much more than that now. If I put, let's say, $40 as a starting price on them, would that look reasonable?

This is a very useful thread, thank you for starting it, Kim ,and good luck with your sale.

05-19-2006, 02:03 PM
Re: Shipping Costs---

With our business we ship almost everyday. A lot of times, believe or not, Fed-Ex, DHL, or UPS is better, faster, more secure and sometimes cheaper than US Postal... However- Shippers are now charging a Fuel Surcharge because of the high cost of gas. So anyway you look at it Shipping is always exspensive. Be sure to check the shipping before you bid. Sometimes you get what you pay for. Fed-ex may be a few dollars more but they have a great website and make tracking packages easy.

Case in point: I have 2 HUGE road cases in my living room. I at 5'10" can almost stand up straight in them! We bought them off Ebay for $25.00 each. Great buy. However we also understood that the Freight bill on them would make the total purchase price more like $500.oo... but I wanted them.

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-19-2006, 02:05 PM
Thank you for your advice, all of it was really helpful, and I've been thinking about what you said above. I have a few signed etchings that a downtown gallery would not take to sell because they are by an East Coast artist that isn't much recognized here. I'll get my feet wet with those. One more question, when you put down a base price, do you have to sell for that price if that's the only offer you get? So, you should put in a lowish but reasonable price to start with? For instance, the etchings cost me $100-$150 when I bought them 20 years ago. I doubt if they are worth much more than that now. If I put, let's say, $40 as a starting price on them, would that look reasonable?

This is a very useful thread, thank you for starting it, Kim ,and good luck with your sale.

You have two options to make sure that you get a minimum price:

Either specify that figure as the Starting Price, or
List the items with a reserve. This is not visible to the bidders, it will just say " reserve not met" until someone bids over that figure. When I do this, I usually say in the text of my ad " Reasonable Reserve" or "Low Reserve" to encourage people to bid.

Placing a reserve DOES affect your listing fees, so add up the costs carefully before deciding how to list your item.

Also, RE EXTORTIONATE SHIPPING FEES as Donna experienced, you can report sellers who are overcharging on shipping and selling the item for a very low price to eBay. It is a way for them to circumvent paying the correct listing fees - when an item sells, you are billed by eBay a percentage of the selling price, EXCLUDING shipping, so dishonest sellers use this trick to circumvent eBay fees.

05-19-2006, 08:08 PM
Your shipping charges are not too high.
Shipping rates are based on weight and distance. (Fuel surcharges are included)
For example: The UPS cost of a package weighing only 1 pound and shipping from TX to PA would be $6.36 and you would have to drop it off at a UPS location.
If you arrange for UPS to pick it up the package the cost would jump to $ 10.51.

Shipping the same 1 pound package just across town would cost me$ 5.52 at to lowest rate.

Btw. Congratulations on your future grandchild!
I guess we can start calling you grandma now.
