View Full Version : Prayers for my niece ***UPDATE***

05-18-2006, 09:16 AM
My niece (in-law) and my nephew are expecting a set of twins, and she is having some troubles with the pregnancy. She is about 27 weeks, has gestational diabetes, and was in the hospital Tuesday night with extremely high blood pressure. She is now home, and on bed rest, and they are going to do a c-section on May 23. They want the babies' lungs to be as developed as possible, but they need to get them out due to health issues for my niece, Tamara.

This will be the 4th set of twins in our immediate family. Daddy is an identical twin. Travis and Tamara have been waiting a long time to be parents, and they will be great! We just want everyone to be healthy.

Another niece (in-law) Trina and my nephew Jason just lost their baby last weekend at 20 weeks. So we are feeling very vulnerable right now.

Could you please take a moment to send some prayers and good thoughts to Indiana? I would appreciate it! I know PT prayers do wonders! Thank you.

Rie Rie
05-18-2006, 09:24 AM
Prayers and best wishes for two healthy babies. Please give us a report on how mother and babies are doing when things are settled.

05-18-2006, 10:48 PM
Donna: Forgive me. I don't know how I missed this. :o

Gini has just gone through something similar (minus the twins) and now here you are asking for prayers for your niece. Please know that she and the babies will be in my prayers tonight.

Please keep us posted, OK?

05-18-2006, 11:53 PM
Hi, this is Gini. I just popped online to see what is going on and saw this thread.

I cannot believe that you are repeating the exact words that I was posting on a thread asking for prayers for my own niece.

I know that they gave my niece steroids to assist in the development of the babie's lungs - and it worked.

My niece has also had a C section and the baby is doing very well and nursing.

You can count on my immediate prayers, because I feel your worries so well, too well in fact.

Please keep us posted and I will check back often to see how everyone is doing.

05-19-2006, 05:08 AM
Prayers for your neice and the twins.

05-19-2006, 10:52 AM
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. No changes as yet. She is at home and following the doctor's orders to stay in bed. She and my nephew live about 2 1/2 hours from me, and I was down there (Lafayette) last weekend, so I will not be able to go again this weekend. I will wait until the babies and mommy are home to see them.

I appreciate all of your thoughts, as I know what PT prayers and well wishes can do! I know that others have been through this before. Thanks again. Donna

05-19-2006, 11:18 AM
Prayers to your niece and her babies, and for the loss of your nephew's baby. What a scary time. :(

05-19-2006, 05:04 PM
Prayers from your western neighbor on the way! Is your niece getting steroids for the babies' lungs?

05-20-2006, 02:20 PM
wow, this is something. extra prayers chimin' on way to indiana from one big magical ark! ;) (no kidding). here, ((((donna))))

it must be painful for them, especially knowing another little family had lost one recently too. I pray your niece will be and those two blessings come out allright! I'd like to know as soon as you hear.

as being oldest, I was third (first) baby survived and I still wonder what's the reason to live. so I'm sure those two babies will be blessed either way. I don't mean drag other (dark) side in but what if they're not developing properly, meant to die sooner? less pain for parents, perhaps.

hope they're still hanging in there - know I'll be thinking of you all, dear.

05-20-2006, 03:00 PM
I don't mean drag other (dark) side in but what if they're not developing properly, meant to die sooner? less pain for parents, perhaps.
Gina, I just have to say this. If I were in Donna's shoes, I would not appreciate a comment like this. Here she is asking for prayers for two healthy babies and you bring this up. It is very insensitive as far as I'm concerned.

What if Crayola was really sick and needed an operation and someone posted....gee, he might die on the operating table. How would you feel??

Let's show a little compassion for Donna and her niece. Just my opinion.

05-20-2006, 03:23 PM
sigh. see "bless either way" & question mark? for those who can't tell who I am - I seem never say good in words. if it wasn't my intent to, I would never know I offended. but because I think donna knows what I mean, I implied. and for crayola, I'll understand.

donna, if I did, I'm truly very sorry. like I said, I meant to look at both sides than nothing, less grieving - just wishing, hope for the best still.

forgive me. :(

05-20-2006, 03:23 PM
Gina, what Donna requested were prayers for LIFE - HEALTH! And that is what she will receive from me.

After having spent the last week worrying over my niece who is still in the hospital after having given birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy.....I find this very insensitive as well.

Oh heavens, I am sure you meant nothing by this - but it is like asking "well, are you going to lose that leg or what?" "Maybe it would be better for you if you lost it."

05-20-2006, 03:53 PM
Donna you have my most sincere prayers for healing for both the broken hearted and worried hearted. Hugs to all around.

Gina - I am truly speechless. While I think your intentions were good some things are better left unsaid. If you would have said this to me if I had lost a baby or when my grandparents died I... I.... devastated to say the very least.

05-20-2006, 06:08 PM
(((Donna, Tamara, Travis, Baby Twins, Trina, Jason & Baby Angel)))

You ALL will remain in my prayers for healing, happiness, health and only good things in the future.

I'm so sorry for Trina and Jason's loss, I hope that time will heal their saddness and that whatever they want out of life, be it their own child physically or a child from adoption, will be theirs very soon. BIG HUGS to them.

My prayers go out to Tamera, Travis and the Twins that are still "cooking". I hope their little lungs develop nice and strong and healthy baby cries are heard throughout their home when the time is right for those little ones to grace this world.

Lots of hugs and love for you all,
Kelly :)

Daisy and Delilah
05-20-2006, 06:27 PM
My thoughts and prayers are coming to you from Florida. I hope all goes well.

05-23-2006, 08:14 AM
Again, thank you all for your responses, prayers, and good wishes. Today is the day! I am 2 1/2 hours away, so I am waiting for a phone call or an email. I just know that everything will be okay! I appreciate your well wishes.

I have to add also, that I am sorry that there has been some misunderstanding on some things that have been posted here. Please know that I appreciate ALL that has been said, and I am not offended by anything.

Gina and I have been corresponding by PM and she has clarified what she meant. The responses between she and I are private, and I will not share them here except to say that she was very apologetic and we both understand what she actually was meaning to say. There are no hard feelings between us at all.

I will keep everyone posted on the births as soon as I hear something! Thank you again for all of your concern. Donna

05-23-2006, 08:56 AM
I am thinking about your niece and those babies right this moment. Perhaps they are being delivered right now??

Prayers from Ohio to Indiana.

05-23-2006, 09:18 AM
Please let us know when you hear something. Sending more prayers just in case.

05-23-2006, 10:33 AM
I just called my Mother, as I am so anxious to hear how things are. For some reason (Mom didn't know why) they have put things off until this Thursday, May 25. Everyone (Mom and babies) are fine.... just that the doctor decided to wait another couple of days.

I guess that is fine as it gives them a few more days to develop.

My mom (Great grandmother) is anxious for them to be born, but sad that she cannot be here. My parents live in Florida and the rest of the family is in Indiana.

I will keep all of you posted as soon as I hear anything.

Thanks again for your continued prayers and well wishes!

05-23-2006, 10:42 AM
That's great news!! If the babies are heathy enough to wait a few more days, hopefully their little lungs will be that much stronger!

The power of PT prayers never ceases to amaze me.

05-23-2006, 10:52 AM
When they delayed my niece's delivery they told her that she had bought a few more days - and all the better for her new son.

He has had his first checkup and came through with flying colors.

All of us are pulling for these babies. I sure do understand your excitement and concern.

05-25-2006, 01:53 PM

Thank you everyone for their many prayers and good wishes!

My sister just called to let me know that Jack Thomas and Brody James have been born! Everyone is doing well! One weighed 6.14 and the other 6.07 (she couldn't remember which was what weight!).

The babies are "under observation" for a while since Mom had diabetes. Just making sure everything is fine!

Thank you again for all of your well wishes!

Great Aunt Donna! :D

*This is the 4th set of twins in my immediate family, and my first set of great nephews! (I have identical twin sisters, one of them has fraternal girls and another sister has identical boys... and one of those boys is the daddy for these newborns!)

05-25-2006, 01:56 PM

I am so happy for you...........brand new babies in the family are so exciting. I hope everyone continues to do well and they are soon home.

05-25-2006, 01:57 PM
Congratulations!!!! Wow, they had good birth weights! I'm so happy for you and your family!

06-01-2006, 06:00 PM
OH MY!!!!! I missed this announcement!! Congratulations times two. :D :D

06-02-2006, 12:36 PM
{{{{prayers}}}} going your way :D

06-20-2006, 01:05 PM
posted by donnaj4962

YAY!! am just seeing this!


;) welcome to the world, little jack & brody!! have many many days more coming, watching these little (sweet)hearts growing! hey, how have they been doing?

I just had my new baby niece too, I tell you, time FLIES & adorableness RACKS up. so, look forward to more stories (and photos) if you can! I'm so happy for you!! :D

again, congratulations to all. :)