View Full Version : Da Vinci Code

05-17-2006, 07:16 PM
So who is going to go see it on friday? I'm going this weekend and so so so excitied!!

05-17-2006, 08:39 PM
Let me know how you liked the movie!!! :)

05-18-2006, 08:20 AM
haven't decided yet if I want to see it......

05-18-2006, 08:25 AM
I'm reading the book right now. I'll be busy with at a conference this weekend, but hopefully I'll have the book done by next weekend.

I'd like to see it though. :)

05-18-2006, 08:33 AM
Loved the book but don't know how much I want to see the movie. Both Tom Hanks and Ron Howard are major turn offs for me and honestly, I don't know how well the story would do in movie format....its a first book for a reason. Too much thinking and not enough action to do too well as a movie I think.

I will most likely Netflix it though when it comes out on DVD. Don't have time for theaters anymore....unless its Harry Potter. ^_^

05-18-2006, 10:42 AM
I don't know. I am usually disappointed watching a movie after reading the book. I'll wait and see if many people say it's really good, I am not convinced it is...

Pawsitive Thinking
05-18-2006, 10:42 AM
Hasn't had good reviews has it? I preferred Angels and Demons

05-18-2006, 11:29 AM
What exactly is the da Vinci Code? Can someone sum it up for me? :o

05-18-2006, 11:40 AM
i might be going to see it on saturday with midget gem and miss z. it should be good.

05-18-2006, 12:06 PM
I am one of the few people who thought the Da Vinci Code was boring. Lots of academic knowledge and 2 superheroes - each chapter ends in a cliffhanger but you know these two will get out ok.

But- of course I will see the movie. It will have some nice effects and that little bit of action pressed into two hours can make up for some more excitement :D

05-18-2006, 12:34 PM
I don't understand the hype of it, honestly. Its a fictional novel, is it not? And so many people take it literally.. hehe. Anyway it bored me, soooo

05-18-2006, 12:36 PM
:) Dont really know if I want to see the total content & not be disturbed; but however my curiosity from hearing of it for years has me do wanting to see some of it.. Yes it is playing here in my town this weekend & I will go..

Miss Z
05-18-2006, 12:40 PM
i might be going to see it on saturday with midget gem and miss z. it should be good.

Yes, it will be so exciting!!! I cannot wait to see it, the Da Vinci Code is my favourite book, Dan Brown is such an amazing author and I would love to write like him! :D I'm so glad it turned out to be a 12A, I had fears that it might have ended up an 18 and then we wouldn't have been able to see it! But I'm very hyped up about it and us three lasses will have a bash no matter what the film turns out to be like!;) :D

05-18-2006, 12:41 PM
:) Dont really know if I want to see the total content & not be disturbed; but however my curiosity from hearing of it for years has me do wanting to see some of it.. Yes it is playing here in my town this weekend & I will go..

That is how I feel - I am sure I won't be happy about the content.....

05-18-2006, 12:43 PM
I don't understand the hype of it, honestly. Its a fictional novel, is it not? And so many people take it literally.. hehe. Anyway it bored me, soooo
It's the fact that it is shown as "fact" not a work of fiction that has some of us riled up. Plus the "facts" that he talks about are totally wrong!!!! If I could sue him for slandering My Lord, I'd sure do it. You wouldn't see this type of thing written about Mohammad or Buda.

I don't see why people should feel free to play fast and loose with my religion. :(

Miss Z
05-18-2006, 12:48 PM
It's the fact that it is shown as "fact" not a work of fiction that has some of us riled up. Plus the "facts" that he talks about are totally wrong!!!! If I could sue him for slandering My Lord, I'd sure do it. You wouldn't see this type of thing written about Mohammad or Buda.

I don't see why people should feel free to play fast and loose with my religion. :(

I am in no way, shape, or form, critisizing your view or religion :) but I find what he writes very interesting. I myself have many doubts and questions about any religion. And I was very intrigued about many of the things in the book, I went and researched everything from it, and I really do think that Mary Magdalene is in that Lord's supper painting. Whether it's truth or not, I think it's absolutely fascinating.:)

05-18-2006, 12:48 PM
It's the fact that it is shown as "fact" not a work of fiction that has some of us riled up. Plus the "facts" that he talks about are totally wrong!!!! If I could sue him for slandering My Lord, I'd sure do it. You wouldn't see this type of thing written about Mohammad or Buda.

I don't see why people should feel free to play fast and loose with my religion. :(

You know what... I TOTALLY agree. Remember that comic that came out in a newspaper and how much trouble it caused?

Oh, well.. this may be wrong for me to say, as I don't know exactly what the da Vinci Code is (from what I've seen on documentary commericals like "Jesus had a very special relationship with Mary Magdalene"), these people have challenged the Lord and questioned in Him in such a way that they would be considered as those who turned their back on God and who deserve no place in His Kingdom.

05-18-2006, 12:49 PM
I don't see how it is being portrayed as fact. It's a movie and, as most movies are, fiction.

05-18-2006, 12:50 PM
It's the fact that it is shown as "fact" not a work of fiction that has some of us riled up. Plus the "facts" that he talks about are totally wrong!!!! If I could sue him for slandering My Lord, I'd sure do it. You wouldn't see this type of thing written about Mohammad or Buda.

I don't see why people should feel free to play fast and loose with my religion. :(

You worded that so well. I like this verse from the bible:

2Thess. 2:11: And for this cause God shall send
them strong delusion, that they should
believe a lie.
and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness

Hmm, makes ya think?

05-18-2006, 12:56 PM
I don't know exactly what the da Vinci Code is (from what I've seen on documentary commericals like "Jesus had a very special relationship with Mary Magdalene"),

Yes, that Jesus and Mary were married, that Mary was pregnant, and that Mary is the Holy Grail. Also that it is Mary beside Jesus in the portrait of The Last Supper. :rolleyes:

If it was Mary in the portrait, then John is not there. Um, hello? That would not make any sense - not to mention that in those times, famous painters would be paid extra to include the buyer's face, or his wife, in the portrait. It has been mentioned that John in the portrait has a striking resemblance to the buyer's wife.....

05-18-2006, 12:58 PM
It's the fact that it is shown as "fact" not a work of fiction that has some of us riled up. Plus the "facts" that he talks about are totally wrong!!!! If I could sue him for slandering My Lord, I'd sure do it. You wouldn't see this type of thing written about Mohammad or Buda.

I don't see why people should feel free to play fast and loose with my religion. :(
Oh, wow, I agree with you 100%. I mean everyone will question their own religion at one point or another, but when people try to disprove Christianity to me USING references from a FICTIONAL book, it just... ahhhhh it really aggravates me! I mean, sure that may be their belief as I have mine, but its just.. the fact of things. You're right; if a book were made in the same context as the Da Vinci Code about Muhammed or Buddah, h*ll would break loose and people would NOT be happy. But, oh, its just Christanity, so its ok :rolleyes:

Sorry guys don't take offense to that, it just irks me and I'd rather rant in a mature environment than to some who will bash me for my beliefs/opinions :)

05-18-2006, 01:15 PM
Oh, wow, I agree with you 100%. I mean everyone will question their own religion at one point or another, but when people try to disprove Christianity to me USING references from a FICTIONAL book, it just... ahhhhh it really aggravates me! I mean, sure that may be their belief as I have mine, but its just.. the fact of things. You're right; if a book were made in the same context as the Da Vinci Code about Muhammed or Buddah, h*ll would break loose and people would NOT be happy. But, oh, its just Christanity, so its ok :rolleyes:

Sorry guys don't take offense to that, it just irks me and I'd rather rant in a mature environment than to some who will bash me for my beliefs/opinions :)

You hit the nail on the head - I totally agree with you.

On a side note, Muslims are supposedly upset about the movie as well, since they consider Jesus to be a prophet from God.

05-18-2006, 01:32 PM
im seeing it with parents.

Miss Z
05-18-2006, 02:25 PM
Not to stir things up, but I'm surprised how many people are against this film. Surely, when Dan Brown decided to write this book, he did not think, "Aha! I know! I'll write a book which will offend many Christians and cause absolute havoc!" Of course not. Katherine (midget gem) and I are fascinated by it and I can read it over and over again and never get bored. He wrote the book so that people may have an interesting and very different book to read. Just like the film makers decided to make an action-packed and interesting film about it. Sorry, but I just don't see a bad thing about it here. I know I'm not religious and I have the utmost respect for anyone on here who thinks I'm talking a load of rubbish. We all have opinions. I for one am excited about this film. It doesn't have to be the truth, just something which some people enjoy and are interested in. There's nothing wrong with people liking slightly controversial books, is there?:)

05-18-2006, 02:30 PM
Not to stir things up, but I'm surprised how many people are against this film. Surely, when Dan Brown decided to write this book, he did not think, "Aha! I know! I'll write a book which will offend many Christians and cause absolute havoc!" Of course not. Katherine (midget gem) and I are fascinated by it and I can read it over and over again and never get bored. He wrote the book so that people may have an interesting and very different book to read. Just like the film makers decided to make an action-packed and interesting film about it. Sorry, but I just don't see a bad thing about it here. I know I'm not religious and I have the utmost respect for anyone on here who thinks I'm talking a load of rubbish. We all have opinions. I for one am excited about this film. It doesn't have to be the truth, just something which some people enjoy and are interested in. There's nothing wrong with people liking slightly controversial books, is there?:)
Oh, I'm not against the film by any means at all. But I do hate what the book has stirred up, and the fact so many people treat it as fact. Not the book ITSELF, or the movie ITSELF, but its fan base and everything it has sparked and how people treat me like I'm dumb for believing what I do and use the Da Vinci Code as "proof" to disprove the Bible and all that stuff. I know that probably was not his intentions at all, but its the fan base I have issues with ;)

Miss Z
05-18-2006, 02:39 PM
and how people treat me like I'm dumb for believing what I do and use the Da Vinci Code as "proof" to disprove the Bible and all that stuff.

OMG, you are definitely not dumb, but the people that treat you like that are! Everyone has different beliefs and you are entitled to your own. :)

05-18-2006, 05:37 PM
I cannot wait to see it here! Mainly because I love all the actors in the movie: Audrey Tautou, Tom Hanks, and Ian McKellen. I can't confess to have read the book, though....

Buddy Blaze Lover
05-18-2006, 06:05 PM
I'm personally against everything with the Da Vinci Code, because it is a poor portrayal of things that really happened, made fiction, and makes the Bible look bad, plus countless other things I won't go into...I'm not saying anymore, but it is my opinion.

05-20-2006, 03:20 PM
not to mention that in those times, famous painters would be paid extra to include the buyer's face, or his wife, in the portrait.

Kinda like Photoshop in oil? :confused:

Unless there was a photographer from Life Magazine. a news crew from CNN, and Geraldo there to do the behind the scenes interviews-the bible is as much fact as the DVC.

Not to challenge Christians/RCs on the board.....

The DVC is fiction. it challenges belief.

Belief is something that cannot be proved with facts.

I can see where the RC church is up in arms about the whole deal...

Now pardon me, I need to go whip myself. :eek: :confused:

05-20-2006, 03:32 PM
No way i will never see iti
it is against my God and my Lord

05-20-2006, 04:19 PM
Meanwhile, I am ignoring all the DVC book-and-movie hype and enjoying a reread of The Life And Death of Peter Sellers.

Most of it seems to be fact, so far....

midget gem
05-20-2006, 04:36 PM
Well, Victoria, Zara and I went to see the film today and it was BRILLIANT:D . Anyone who wants to see it should, it stays close to the plot and is exciting. I don't think it is offensive, it's simply an enjoyable film:cool: . Quite scary, too. I want to see it again!:)

05-20-2006, 05:24 PM
Unless there was a photographer from Life Magazine. a news crew from CNN, and Geraldo there to do the behind the scenes interviews-the bible is as much fact as the DVC.

Actually there were eye witness accounts and records in the Bible, a FACT that many choose to ignore. John of the book of John and Revoluiton and the 3 letters of John was an apostle of Jesus. He witnessed the crucifiction and also the empty tomb. Matthew was also an apostle of Jesus. Mark was a companion of Peter, also an apostle of Jesus.

Excuse me if I believe their eye witness accounts rather than fables that were made up hundreds (and even thousands) of years after the event!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

05-20-2006, 08:18 PM
haha it's getting horrible reviews - who would have guessed it? I've heard that it is Tom Hanks' worst performance,and that it's just plain not an exciting movie.....

05-21-2006, 10:07 AM
ok well i finally saw it last night and i absolutely LOVED IT!!! it was soo good, my mom even liked it and she read the book first. and like most people, she usually likes the book better. but she said it was still very good!!

05-21-2006, 10:39 AM
Yep the movie is getting it bad oh well...

I was gona see it and prove stuff ;) but then ill start a mob lol sorry to say but i dont belive any of it but i do belive in god for shur.

05-21-2006, 11:24 AM
I'm confused as to how it is portrayed as fact? It's a FICTION book, in the fiction section. The movie is fiction it's not shown as "based on a true story" or anything to my knowledge. :confused:

My opinion is if you don't like ideas portrayed the book or the movie, then don't read/see it. Getting all riled up about it just gives it more attention, which I would think would be the opposite effect those opposed to it would want...

Rie Rie
05-21-2006, 11:27 AM
I saw it last night and found it boring. When we got to the theatre, there was a man and two women standing on the curb holding signs, protesting the movie.

Miss Z
05-21-2006, 11:35 AM
It was an amazing film I reckon, I think those critics are mad if they don't give it good reviews, they are focusing on the actors rather than the plot. As Katherine said, I want to see it again. I am getting it as soon as it comes out on DVD.:D
Kinda like Photoshop in oil? http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif

Unless there was a photographer from Life Magazine. a news crew from CNN, and Geraldo there to do the behind the scenes interviews-the bible is as much fact as the DVC.

Not to challenge Christians/RCs on the board.....

The DVC is fiction. it challenges belief.

Belief is something that cannot be proved with facts.

I can see where the RC church is up in arms about the whole deal...

Now pardon me, I need to go whip myself. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif

Richard, I love the way you word stuff! And I completely agree. The Da Vinci Code and the Bible in a way are similar. For some it's fact and for some it's fiction. Personally, I believe next to nothing about what the Bible says. That's just me. And some people believe everything in it. Belief is about what makes sense to you, and solely you, and of course everyone is different, so everyone's beliefs are different. Belief is not fact for everyone. The Da Vinci code is a fictional book, but it uses the beliefs of others, and the beliefs used make sense to me. A lot of the points raised in the book sort of explained why I have no faith in religion, so maybe that's why I love the book and now the film. :) But on this sort of topic, isn't it good to ask questions about such things? People who may have changed their minds about religion after reading the Da Vinci Code may have made the right decision. Why? If they changed their minds, they must have had questions about their religion, and if they are not 100% in agreement with the religion, can they call themselves religious? If you don't change your mind, then it proves you love your God very much and are obviously passionate about your faith, which of course is very good. I have been atheist for a while, but do understand about religion. I don't think you can be atheist without understanding religion. Otherwise you wouldn't know what you're missing out on. It's like trying banoffee pie, some like it and some don't, but those who never try it will never know. You have to sample a bit of both before you make up your mind.:)

Belief will always be disagreed on. It's just the way the human mind works IMHO.

05-21-2006, 03:12 PM
I really don't think what the big thing is about. It is FICTION. I really want to see it. My parents read the book and really liked it. I might be part of the minority here, but it is my opinion. We are entitled to our opinion, just like the guy who wrote the book. (can't remember his name :o )

05-21-2006, 04:58 PM
:) Ok I just got back from the movies && I went in with an open mind & knowing it is a Drama = I do understand Leornordo Da Vinci & his painting of the Mona Lisa & his painting of the Lord's Supper better in which he was the one that conspired the Da Vinci Code of the 1500//1600 era.. Now if your Faith & Beliefs are strong then this movie will have no affect.. It was a good drama & will state that 2 1/2 hours could have been done in 1 1/2 hour.. This is Only Just My Understandings..
Ok here is the kicker that = Over The Hedge was showing right behind Da Vinci Code so I just had to go see it too & :eek: WOW the whole movie was hullarious funny funny.. For sure go see Over The Hedge = You will laugh thru the whole movie :D ..

05-21-2006, 05:30 PM
I just came back from seeing the movie. I read the book and enjoyed it. The movie was okay...I was disappointed. I thought the book was much better. They changed quite a few things which I know some has to be done because of time, but the changes just irritated me. Just my opinion.

05-21-2006, 07:48 PM
I saw it today and loved it!! I thought Ron Howard did a great job of portraying the book. Some of the history parts (not the flash backs) i found a little boring. I would reconmend going to see it with an open mind. I though the man who played Silas did a superb job. I was not dissapointed at all. Obviously some things had to be changed (one cryptex vs two) for time restraints. It was a tough movie to make and IMO Ron Howard did the best job he could do.

Lady's Human
05-21-2006, 07:56 PM
Not to turn this into a religious discussion, but the book of Revelations was not written by John the Apostle. It was written by John the Divine, approximately 300 years after the crucifixion. Different John.

05-21-2006, 08:29 PM
Not to turn this into a religious discussion, but the book of Revelations was not written by John the Apostle. It was written by John the Divine, approximately 300 years after the crucifixion. Different John.

Normally I am in agreement with you on most things Lady's Human but I believe you are incorrect here. This is from a Bible commentary and is what I have been taught since childhood.

The apostle and evangelist, John, seems to have been the youngest of the twelve. He was especially favoured with our Lord's regard and confidence, so as to be spoken of as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was very sincerely attached to his Master. He exercised his ministry at Jerusalem with much success, and outlived the destruction of that city, agreeably to Christ's prediction, ch. 21:22. History relates that after the death of Christ's mother, John resided chiefly at Ephesus. Towards the close of Domitian's reign he was banished to the isle of Patmos, where he wrote his Revelation.

I believe the Book of Revelation was finished in 70 A.D.

Lady's Human
05-21-2006, 09:57 PM
Mea Culpa. There are three Johns that have been given credit as the author of Revelation, written about 95 AD. No one is REALLY sure who wrote it, but if it was John the Apostle, and 95 AD is accurate, John is one long lived person. Assuming dating in the era is correct, he would be in his '90s when it was written.

The reason the authorship is debated is that the earliest copy known to exist is in Greek, and John the Apostle wrote in Aramaic.

05-21-2006, 10:17 PM
I'm halfway through the book and I really like it. It's fast paced and it keeps my attention. I love it.

On the bashing religion part, I just have to say to everyone, *it's JUST a book*... Personally, I don't believe in God, and I don't look at the book as being a religious-bashing book... It's a book, if you don't like what's being said, then don't read it. Just my opinion, not meant AT anyone or to anger anyone.

I'd like to see the movie, but the books are ALWAYS better than the movie!

05-22-2006, 12:37 AM
It's the fact that it is shown as "fact" not a work of fiction that has some of us riled up. Plus the "facts" that he talks about are totally wrong!!!! If I could sue him for slandering My Lord, I'd sure do it. You wouldn't see this type of thing written about Mohammad or Buda.

I don't see why people should feel free to play fast and loose with my religion. :(

Yours is not the only religion in the entirety of belief systems that have endured hardships and "bashing" (If you want to call it that). Trust me, I have seen a lot of "bashing" of Mohammed as of 9/11 (Not necessarily cause by but definitely since then.).

It's not *meant* to play fast and loose and whatnot with your religion. Besides, I highly doubt the bigwigs in H'wood are doing it to irritate a nice chunk of people. I am positive that there are christian people in Hollywood that had a say in the production and overall being of this motion picture... so... calm. Everything will be fine. Don't watch it if it offends you so. Remember, that doesn't mean other people can't watch it and enjoy it (even christian folks).

05-22-2006, 12:51 AM
Oh, wow, I agree with you 100%. I mean everyone will question their own religion at one point or another, but when people try to disprove Christianity to me USING references from a FICTIONAL book, it just... ahhhhh it really aggravates me! I mean, sure that may be their belief as I have mine, but its just.. the fact of things. You're right; if a book were made in the same context as the Da Vinci Code about Muhammed or Buddah, h*ll would break loose and people would NOT be happy. But, oh, its just Christanity, so its ok :rolleyes:

Sorry guys don't take offense to that, it just irks me and I'd rather rant in a mature environment than to some who will bash me for my beliefs/opinions :)

I really hope you don't take offense to what I have to say. Just please hear me out and open an ear.

I agree with the part about trying to disprove a religion with references from a fictional book (not the specific book, though). That's kind of silly. However, if you know and believe it's wrong then why bother or worry? I don't think the books was written from a standpoint of a believer in Islam or Buddhism. I believe there are other religions that come into play. However, not everyone has inferred what those religion(s) might be. Look, I don't mean to offend but religion is *faith* and, in turn, faith is not fact. That's what make it faith. You believe or you don't.

In any case, I don't think they're trying to provoke anybody with this movie. It's just a movie. It, itself, is not reality but the ideas it contains are as viable as any religion.

I don't think it will be a good movie. Tom Hanks sucks.

05-22-2006, 12:54 AM
OMG, you are definitely not dumb, but the people that treat you like that are! Everyone has different beliefs and you are entitled to your own. :)

Indeed, Jessika! Want me to beat somebody up for you? :D

I'm notoriously short and I have a little (wo)man complex (I have the urge to punch a lot of people in the face.) :D *insert jokes here*

05-22-2006, 12:57 AM
[QUOTE=RICHARD]Kinda like Photoshop in oil? :confused:

Unless there was a photographer from Life Magazine. a news crew from CNN, and Geraldo there to do the behind the scenes interviews-the bible is as much fact as the DVC.

Not to challenge Christians/RCs on the board.....

The DVC is fiction. it challenges belief.

Belief is something that cannot be proved with facts.

I can see where the RC church is up in arms about the whole deal...

I agree.

05-22-2006, 01:17 AM
I'm confused as to how it is portrayed as fact? It's a FICTION book, in the fiction section. The movie is fiction it's not shown as "based on a true story" or anything to my knowledge. :confused:

My opinion is if you don't like ideas portrayed the book or the movie, then don't read/see it. Getting all riled up about it just gives it more attention, which I would think would be the opposite effect those opposed to it would want...
The movie or book itself is not portrayed as fact, but followers of the book treat it as fact. Not hollywood or the book's publisher, etc.

And I know belief is not fact, either, but if belief can not be proven nor disproven, then don't claim something or act like something is fact, when its not. If something can't be proven or disproven either way, then... you're right, it doesn't MATTER to me. I know what I believe in and nothing anyone says or does will change that. Ahhhhhh its hard to word what I am thinking in my mind :( lol I can try but will probably just end up repeating myself and confusing everyone else.

And naw nobody needs to be beat up....... yet :D

05-22-2006, 04:43 AM
The movie or book itself is not portrayed as fact, but followers of the book treat it as fact. Not hollywood or the book's publisher, etc.

And I know belief is not fact, either, but if belief can not be proven nor disproven, then don't claim something or act like something is fact, when its not. If something can't be proven or disproven either way, then... you're right, it doesn't MATTER to me. I know what I believe in and nothing anyone says or does will change that. Ahhhhhh its hard to word what I am thinking in my mind :( lol I can try but will probably just end up repeating myself and confusing everyone else.

And naw nobody needs to be beat up....... yet :D

Aw. But I enjoy it so very much. :( *has watched too much Invader Zim*

So true. Besides, what we perceive as reality is way too weird for me to try and wrap my mind around(even though I do it anyways). I get into these deep periods of ultra-thought and creep myself out. WEIRD.

05-22-2006, 08:33 AM
Ok, I guess not many non-religious people are understanding where we are coming from. That's ok, I understand why. Let me put it to you this way, see if it helps at all.

Let's say you are extremely close to your parents, and your family is your world (you can change it to a small group of friends, your pets, or something/someone else that means everything to you). Suddenly, someone starts a 'rumor' about them around your town, something extremely negative about them (insert your own rumor here). Next thing you know, everyone in your whole state is talking badly about your family/friends/pets. This rumor continues to spread all over. Now, you know that this rumor is not true, and even some people who are talking about the rumor state that they know it's not true, but they continue to talk about it. They say hey, why are you so upset? It's not big deal! They also say it doesn't affect ME, so why should it affect YOU? But this rumor is about the most important people in your life, and it hurts a LOT to hear people saying negative things about them.

Jesus IS the most important being in the life of Christians. To hear people saying that he was a fake, that the Bible, in which we stake our lives, is not true, hurts a lot. Look, it may not be a big deal to you, but it hurts our hearts to hear people saying negative things about someone that we have staked our lives on.

I don't know if my analogy helped at all, but I just want people to understand WHY it hurts so much to hear all of the negativity about our Lord and Savior. And just to clear things up, I am not angry at anyone here at all, just wish that people could at least try to see our side ;)

05-22-2006, 09:53 AM
Quite frankly, I think this is getting *way* out of hand. It's a book, people. You read it or you don't. Personally, I think there COULD be a book about buddha, or whatever other religion you want, and it'd still be the same. Christianity is an enormous religion and it's bound to be brought up somewhere. It's a FICTIONAL book, it's a book of opinion. If you don't like it, don't read it! I don't see why people are having such a hard time with this.

Jen, I think your analogy is okay, but comparing it to a rumor doesn't really work for me... Like I said before, this is a BOOK-- it's up to you whether or not you want to read it, it's up to YOU whether or not you want to listen to people talk about it and agree with it, whatever... Be a STRONG person and ignore the commentary if it bugs you. It's just a book.

I agree with Amy. If you don't like it, don't read it! Everyone that's getting riled up about it is just fueling the fire.

05-22-2006, 10:01 AM
Jen, I think your analogy is okay, but comparing it to a rumor doesn't really work for me... Like I said before, this is a BOOK-- it's up to you whether or not you want to read it, it's up to YOU whether or not you want to listen to people talk about it and agree with it, whatever... Be a STRONG person and ignore the commentary if it bugs you. It's just a book.

I'm very sorry if my analogy didn't work, I just hoped that people would TRY, that's all.

Yes, it is a book, and it is supposed to be fictional. However, it IS being presented as FACT and Dan Brown stated that the book is FACT. I'm so sorry if I upset anyone by being upset and actually caring about something.

Edit: I wrote this out of frustration. I just hoped that people would TRY to see my side of things, and maybe say ok, I understand that this is important to you even if it makes no sense to me, but apparently that won't work, so I will just stop trying.

Miss Z
05-22-2006, 11:04 AM
I respect your religious beliefs Jen and would hate to think of slandering those beliefs. One thing about the example you made though. Whilst it was quite a good comparison, I have to say that it's what people say. Yes, it can hurt, but you have to have your head up high and stick with what you believe is right. Personally, I believe my views will never be change, and I'm sure that yours won't be either. So I don't see a reason for Christians and non-Christians to have a head-to-head, as it's not getting anyone anywhere. Live and let live, I think. It is perfectly within your rights to dislike the book, just as it is for someone to like it. Everyone is granted with freewill, so we can choose to ignore things. In our heads, we can think about something being a load of rubbish, but we can let the people who think it's good enjoy it. ;)

05-22-2006, 11:11 AM
I respect your religious beliefs Jen and would hate to think of slandering those beliefs. One thing about the example you made though. Whilst it was quite a good comparison, I have to say that it's what people say. Yes, it can hurt, but you have to have your head up high and stick with what you believe is right. Personally, I believe my views will never be change, and I'm sure that yours won't be either. So I don't see a reason for Christians and non-Christians to have a head-to-head, as it's not getting anyone anywhere. Live and let live, I think. It is perfectly within your rights to dislike the book, just as it is for someone to like it. Everyone is granted with freewill, so we can choose to ignore things. In our heads, we can think about something being a load of rubbish, but we can let the people who think it's good enjoy it. ;)

You are right, and I'm sorry if I got hotheaded there for a bit. I have something else on my mind right now, and all that anxiety just kind of came out over this. I guess I felt I was being put down for having the beliefs that I do (and I don't mean just here, in my personal life too) and I get sick of having to defend why I feel the way I do. I hope that makes sense.....

Miss Z
05-22-2006, 11:20 AM
You are right, and I'm sorry if I got hotheaded there for a bit. I have something else on my mind right now, and all that anxiety just kind of came out over this. I guess I felt I was being put down for having the beliefs that I do (and I don't mean just here, in my personal life too) and I get sick of having to defend why I feel the way I do. I hope that makes sense.....

It makes perfect sense. I'm sorry you feel like you're being put down for what you believe (((hugs)))

05-22-2006, 11:40 AM
I want to clarify one thing that JenBCR said and that is the Dan Brown never said this was a Factual writing. He said that much of what you will read is based on fact (the historical information), but he has also been quoted as saying that this a work of fiction. My husband and I certainly treated it as enjoyable fiction reading and we are strongly seeded in our Christian faith. Even our minister agreed with us (he is an avid reader and read this book as well).

When I can put my hands on the book, I will share the quote from Dan Brown about his intentions with this book.


05-22-2006, 12:31 PM
I want to clarify one thing that JenBCR said and that is the Dan Brown never said this was a Factual writing. He said that much of what you will read is based on fact (the historical information), but he has also been quoted as saying that this a work of fiction. My husband and I certainly treated it as enjoyable fiction reading and we are strongly seeded in our Christian faith. Even our minister agreed with us (he is an avid reader and read this book as well).

When I can put my hands on the book, I will share the quote from Dan Brown about his intentions with this book.


I could be wrong....but I believe he was asked in an interview how much of the book was real, and he answered all of it. Of course, I could have gotten that mixed up, but that's what I remember

05-22-2006, 12:33 PM
oh my gosh, for the millionth time, it is not the book or movie ITSELF, it is people who TREAT the book as fact. And yes, there are people out there who believe the book, word for word! I have no problem with the book OR movie itself, but the people who try to shove it in my face as being fact to try to disprove something that can't even be proven OR disproven to begin with!

EDIT: Jen, I heard that from an interview too, but maybe I just misunderstood his answer? :confused:

05-22-2006, 12:36 PM
oh my gosh, for the millionth time, it is not the book or movie ITSELF, it is people who TREAT the book as fact. And yes, there are people out there who believe the book, word for word! I have no problem with the book OR movie itself, but the people who try to shove it in my face as being fact to try to disprove something that can't even be proven OR disproven to begin with!

EDIT: Jen, I heard that from an interview too, but maybe I just misunderstood his answer? :confused:

I totally agree with this - I don't mean to sound as if I am against the movie or book themselves, because I understand that they are meant to be entertainment. You worded that perfectly.

Maybe we both misunderstood what he said, but i really thought that he claimed it was all true. Hmmmm.....

05-22-2006, 07:15 PM
Meanwhile, I am ignoring all the DVC book-and-movie hype and enjoying a reread of The Life And Death of Peter Sellers.

Most of it seems to be fact, so far....

You know that the movie critics "crucified" him in some of their reviews.... :confused: :eek:


Belief is a wonderful thing.
You sometimes can hold your life together with belief.
Sometimes the loss of belief can make you give it all up.

The absolute worst part of belief is when you let someone challenge your belief and get angry about it.

Opinions and THAT anatomical part of your body. Everyone has one.
But I tend to believe more in the anatomy....I can see it! :confused:

05-22-2006, 07:20 PM
Ok, I guess not many non-religious people are understanding where we are coming from. That's ok, I understand why. Let me put it to you this way, see if it helps at all.

Let's say you are extremely close to your parents, and your family is your world (you can change it to a small group of friends, your pets, or something/someone else that means everything to you). Suddenly, someone starts a 'rumor' about them around your town, something extremely negative about them (insert your own rumor here). Next thing you know, everyone in your whole state is talking badly about your family/friends/pets. This rumor continues to spread all over. Now, you know that this rumor is not true, and even some people who are talking about the rumor state that they know it's not true, but they continue to talk about it. They say hey, why are you so upset? It's not big deal! They also say it doesn't affect ME, so why should it affect YOU? But this rumor is about the most important people in your life, and it hurts a LOT to hear people saying negative things about them.

Jesus IS the most important being in the life of Christians. To hear people saying that he was a fake, that the Bible, in which we stake our lives, is not true, hurts a lot. Look, it may not be a big deal to you, but it hurts our hearts to hear people saying negative things about someone that we have staked our lives on.

I don't know if my analogy helped at all, but I just want people to understand WHY it hurts so much to hear all of the negativity about our Lord and Savior. And just to clear things up, I am not angry at anyone here at all, just wish that people could at least try to see our side ;)

Jen I think you have worded this beautifully. It speaks for me too. I did not read the book and will not see the movie.

05-23-2006, 05:48 PM
Here's a description of my "god".

It's that purple sunset I saw when I was a counselor.
It's looking at the ocean and wondering what's on the other side of it.
Stars on a clear night.
The Full moon.
A small child.
A flower.
my family
my cat.


Because we do not understand the 'god' behind the world we live in, we have to humanize it.

It's Ra, Shiva, Buddha, Mohammed, JC, Osiris, Zeus, Odin.....

Notice that they are all "human based"..

I'll direct your attention again to the photos taken by the Hubble space telescope and challenge you to comprehend who god is! :eek:

Miss Z
05-25-2006, 12:05 PM
Here's a description of my "god".

It's that purple sunset I saw when I was a counselor.
It's looking at the ocean and wondering what's on the other side of it.
Stars on a clear night.
The Full moon.
A small child.
A flower.
my family
my cat.

That's my god(ess) too;)

finn's mom
05-25-2006, 03:01 PM
I thought the movie was great. :)

05-27-2006, 09:54 AM
Boy, if you folks think there's allot of discussion on this website regarding the book and relegion, you should go to one of Dan Brown's speaking events! He lives just a couple of towns over and my work hosted a speaking engagement where he talked about the book (he would not talk about the movie nor talk about his next piece of work).

I'm going to see the movie today. I thought the book was great. I hope the movie does it justice (though from the reviews, I may be disappointed).


05-27-2006, 02:54 PM
Went and saw it the first day it came out... 2 thumbs up. I liked it. My fiance and I are both very religious, but we saw the movie for what it is - a story. Tom Hanks did a wonderful job and I highly recommend it. At least to rent if you don't go see it in the theatre.

05-27-2006, 10:50 PM
We saw it tonight. I thought it was very entertaining and so did Scott. I was glad I had read the book because it was easier to follow. I think I would have gotten lost, otherwise.


05-28-2006, 11:18 AM
Cheesy humor http://www.thenormalrockwellcode.com

05-28-2006, 04:19 PM
I watched it last night and I loved it! I didn't read the book, but I still enjoyed it and didn't get lost in the middle of the movie. Also, it was weird because at the end when he was trying to figure out the 'password' for that little thingy(can't remember what its called :o ), I had said the right word. I had been thinking of it and when I got it right, I was kinda freaked out. lol

05-30-2006, 07:34 AM
I thought the movie was okay. I enjoyed the book much better. I'm hearing Angels & Demons is going to be made into a movie now.

05-30-2006, 05:11 PM
I saw it yesterday.. I thought it was great, very true to the book. :) Just my opinion, of course, I see that many people think differently.

05-30-2006, 09:21 PM
Im just woundering they said in that " bends peace fingers'' Danvinchi thing code can't spell it now that god did not walk on water it was actualy Ice wtfudge there is snow in that part of the WARM country? :rolleyes:

05-31-2006, 11:04 AM
I, personally, enjoyed the book WAY better than i did the movie. Things were much more explained in the book, and to me, it was easier to understand. In the beginning of the book he states exactly what is fact, and at the bottom he says, "All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents and secret rituals in this novel are accurate." I treated the book as it was mostly fact, but many people have told me otherwise. I kept an open mind though, i think thats really what you have to do when you're reading a book as controversial as the Da Vinci Code.

05-31-2006, 11:33 AM
What exactly is the da Vinci Code? Can someone sum it up for me? :o
Basically it talks about Jesus and Mary Magdalene (correct me if I am wrong) how people think they got married had a kid and how Jesus had a line of children going through the earth and how the answere lies in louvre and Leonardo da Vinci's paintings. Or something like that.

05-31-2006, 11:34 AM
Im just woundering they said in that " bends peace fingers'' Danvinchi thing code can't spell it now that god did not walk on water it was actualy Ice wtfudge there is snow in that part of the WARM country? :rolleyes:
I know!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

05-31-2006, 02:32 PM
Basically it talks about Jesus and Mary Magdalene (correct me if I am wrong) how people think they got married had a kid and how Jesus had a line of children going through the earth and how the answere lies in louvre and Leonardo da Vinci's paintings. Or something like that.

Actually that is not what the book is about.
here is a good summary of it