View Full Version : I need help!!

05-17-2006, 08:11 AM
I need advice on how to housebreak Kong, he just doesn't get it. We take him out every half hour except if were not home or at night and he still goes to the washroom everywhere even if he just went outside. Take lastnight for example. I took him out before bed and he went. Then brian got home 3 hrs after I went to bed, from work and he had peed in his cage it was all over him so brian took him outside he went again then brought him in to give him a bath. On the way up the stairs he pooped. Brian took him back out to finish praised him then brought him back in gave him a bath then put him in the kitchen and he went to have a shower. When he came out of the shower the dog had pooped 3 times on the floor. Took him out praised him when he went then put him in his cage and went to bed. Woke up to let him out thismorning @ 7:30 and he was covered in pee and poop from inside his cage....... This is an example of how our days go, he just doesn't get that he can't go to the bathroom in the house. He knows he should go outside cuz as soon as he hits the grass he pees. How should I train him what are we doing wrong?

Edited to add: We took him to the vet and the vet said it was normal I just want a second opinion and some advice

05-17-2006, 08:19 AM
It really does not sound "normal" to have a dog poop that much!! :o

Seriously though, the only way is to constantly monitor the dog. (Which for a normal pooper isn't that critical but one that goes every 20 minutes, that's a whole different thing :p ) If he goes in the house and it's already done, it's too late -- the opportunity for an effective correction is lost. You have to catch him in the act most of the time. It's a lot of work to be constantly on guard, to constantly catch him. But that is what is effective, and that is how he will learn that it is unacceptable to poo in the house.

Hope that helps, and good luck!!! :)

05-17-2006, 08:20 AM
How big is his crate?
Is is just big enough for him to turn around in and stand up in, or is it a cage big enough for him when he's full grown?

05-17-2006, 08:26 AM
Its a medium crate one made for a cocker spaniel type breed it says on the box we are blocking part of it off today when my husband gets up... So I took him outside again he pooped he didn't pee I waited about 20 min then came in knowing he'd have to go soon I kept an eye on him then the baby woke up I went and got her did he diaper real quick came back to a puddle on the ground... WAHHHHHHHHHH :( I have never had this much trouble housebreaking a dog before.

05-17-2006, 08:31 AM
..... did the diaper real quick came back to a puddle on the ground... WAHHHHHHHHHH :( I have never had this much trouble housebreaking a dog before.

Maybe you should put a diaper on the Pup too!!!

Yes, blocking off part of the crate may be a start!!
But to tell you the truth... if he's already rolling in his messes, it may not make a differance. Most pups stay as far away from their messes as possible, (as I'm sure you already know) but some pups just don't care. Maybe he likes the smell? :o
Maybe he's noticed that the baby smells kind of like that sometimes too, and he thinks he should smell the same way? :p
I hope blocking off some of the crate helps!!!
Maybe try puppy pads, get him to go on them in the house and slowley move them outside.

05-17-2006, 09:56 AM
I know you have a lot to handle with the baby but what was suggested to me was to keep him on a leash and keep it tied around your waste. That way he is NEVER out of your sight.
Good Luck!

05-17-2006, 10:38 AM
whoa what are you feeding him? :confused: that nilf thing?

critter crazy
05-17-2006, 10:46 AM
I am having the same problem with my little guy!! I have never had this much problem house breaking a puppy either! I am home all day, and take him out every half hour! he goes outside everytime, but then he also goes as soon as we come inside! Arghh............!!