View Full Version : Traveling with dog??

05-16-2006, 10:40 PM
Do any of you have those seat harneses? I am thinkin of getting one. Especially after today. I would like to put Charlie in the back where it's safer. BUT he would jump on Brookie. So I have been putting him in the front. I have a leash wrapped around the chair so It would help keep him from getting in my face.

Well today he managed to turn my ignition off while I was driving and I had to pull over so I could start my car again. It scared the crap out of me. Good thing I was on a non busy highway and already in the right lane so I could pull over.

I need a harness thingy to hold him close to his seat so he can't do that again. Any ideas? I took him to petsmart with me for the first time. I won't do that ever again. He marked atleast 4 times while in there. And he was pulling a lot. Untill he is fully trained he stays at home while I'm shopping. lol

05-16-2006, 10:44 PM
pull over :confused: he did turn your ignition off right.

05-16-2006, 10:49 PM
how scary! i've personally never used a seat harness, but i've seen them be used before. they are definatly worth it if he is going to put you in danger like he did today.

EDIT: btw, i think it is very responsible of you to try and work on Charlie and spend this money so you can have him stay with you.

05-16-2006, 11:04 PM
EDIT: btw, i think it is very responsible of you to try and work on Charlie and spend this money so you can have him stay with you.

Thank you! I think it'll work out. Just taking time. He impressed me more today while I was training him outside. He was staying with me, stayed when I said stayed and sat when I told him to sit. But I have to make that darn duck sound to get him to pay attention lol.

pull over :confused: he did turn your ignition off right.
Yup, but my car kept going, just lost power. My wheel wasn't locked soo bad I could steer off.

eta... I think he sensed something was wrong lately. He all the sudden started getting his act together HA HA.

05-16-2006, 11:10 PM
But I have to make that darn duck sound to get him to pay attention lol.


05-17-2006, 09:28 AM
hehehehehe I would say Petsmart probably has them. Not sure. But we have to go there to get snuggles one of those harnesses that you use when walking a dog. :D

Lori Jordan
05-17-2006, 09:58 AM
I have a cage in the back of my SUV,i never travel with all well 4 dogs now i always take Lacy and Maggy Molly is so big and she dont like the car so she goes back to the Breeder where we had gotten her from she shakes when in a car she is soo scared hopefully it will change,But yes id get something harness just for both of yours safety!

05-17-2006, 10:08 AM
My dogs ride in the back, there is a steel guard so they cannot get up front. If we take it down, we will put them in crates. I don't think seat belts are that comfortable and what if they want to lie down?

05-17-2006, 10:50 AM
The thing is... I have a toddler in the middle of the back seat. I have a pont grand am. Small car. I want a minivan tho. But I have one year left to pay on my car. I going to call and see what my payoff is, and research again. Last I tried was almost a year ago. Hopefully... Hopefully I can trade finally. Wish me luck!

05-17-2006, 10:52 AM
Since we're getting ready to travel in minutes...

I just have a regular dog harness. You can slip the seatbelt between the dog and the back strap and buckle them in. That's what I do. :) They can easily lie down if they want to.

They also have small leads that strap into your seat belt and hook onto the collar. So it will keep your dog in the back seat, but they can still move around back there if they want.

05-17-2006, 11:02 AM
I just got a seat belt for Jake. I love it.

I don't think seat belts are that comfortable and what if they want to lie down? They wear them like a harness, I don't think they look uncomfortable. Jake can lay down just fine. I put him in the back seat and he seems very comfortable.

05-18-2006, 02:32 PM
Last night went to petsmart.com and looked for walking harnesses for snuggles. I think I saw a seat harness but not sure you should check for yourself. :D

05-18-2006, 02:43 PM
I saw the harneses too. But how much room will that give them to move around? He needs something to keep him close to the seat.

I sooo need a minivan. I owe another 4,000 on my car.

05-18-2006, 03:43 PM
I am really not sure we went today but I didn't have time to look. I was able to look at one on the internet and it looked like he would have room. There are probably some that will not let them move to much.

05-18-2006, 04:47 PM
I put Jake in the back seat, but he can't really move around. He can sit and lay down, but he doesn't move around much. I don't know how it'd be in the front, but I don't think he's be able to move around too much.

I'd get one and try it out. Keep the receipt and if you don't like it you can take it back. I know PetSmart will take things back even if they're open and slightly used as long as you have the receipt.