View Full Version : Question about Aussies

05-16-2006, 01:24 PM
Do they do better with another same size dog? Or better as a single dog?

No I'm not trying to get another just yet. Just wondering. If maybe my dog needs a play date ;)

05-16-2006, 01:30 PM
IMO, it depends on the dog.

05-16-2006, 01:32 PM
A play date, as in someone else's dog might be good for your dog as far as getting some energy burned off but I personally do not think you should get another dog right now. If you add another dog to your hosuehold right now I am afraid you have a better chance of having 2 uncontrolable dogs instead of one. Bad habits are easier to pick up than good habits, and your dog may very well teach the new dog bad habits.

but in general, just like any other dog, as long as they are socialized properly they will get along with other dogs. Size doesn't really matter to them, just depends on how they were socialized.
Since you do not know any background on your dog I'd find someone with a laid back dog yet one who is of decent size so that (s)he won't get too hurt just in case your dog acts agressive. Make sure you tell the other dogs owners that this is the first time you have introduced a dog to your dog so you are not exactly sure how he will react.

05-16-2006, 02:17 PM
A play date, as in someone else's dog might be good for your dog as far as getting some energy burned off .
Yup this. I KNOW I can't handle another dog right now. That's why I was asking about play dates. How do I find them? Is there any site like a yahoo group or something?

05-16-2006, 02:23 PM
Yup this. I KNOW I can't handle another dog right now. That's why I was asking about play dates. How do I find them? Is there any site like a yahoo group or something?

Not that I am aware of, try searching the net or maybe someone else knows.

Are there any dog parks in your area? That would be a great place. Or even parks that commonly have dogs visiting, maybe you both can meet some friends there. Or friends & family that have friendly dogs.
A local shelter or training facility may offer something like a play date or they may know how you can join or start one.
Good luck.

05-16-2006, 02:25 PM
All my family is 9 hours away. I'm terribly homesick. I think that's also where some of my depression comes from. Charlie keeps me company. Also I get bad when pms comes. I hate being a female sometimes.. LOL.

05-16-2006, 02:32 PM
I hear ya! :p

05-16-2006, 02:49 PM
Are standard Aussies large or medium size dogs? Charlie is 50lbs.. In for chosing the size for crate.

05-16-2006, 02:55 PM
Are standard Aussies large or medium size dogs? Charlie is 50lbs.. In for chosing the size for crate.

They are technically listed as medium dogs.
The smallest crate you would want is a 36" x 24" x 27"
The largest you would want is 42" x 28" x 31"

Kaige weighs 55lbs and I have the 36" x 24" x 27" crate for him. It works great. IF I were to crate him for OFTEN and for LONG preiods of time I would probably get the next size up, but this is great for a few hours here & there & for traveling and the like.

05-16-2006, 03:05 PM
I think I'll get the bigger one. He likes to SPREAD out lol

05-16-2006, 03:11 PM
Yeah, if he is going to the bathroom in the house &/or if he is very destructive I would stick with the smaller crate.

05-16-2006, 03:13 PM
He LOVES his rope toy. I swear, I've gotten a good work out tuggin with him. I toss it across the hall and he runs after and brings it back. I play with him lots. And he runsin the backyard a lot too. It's soo funny. He goes sooo fast.

Ok, here's a stupid question. Since he's put on some weight from being skinny at the rescue. Now I need a feeding schedule. The bag says only a certain amount a day.. Do I feed a couple times a day out of the same bowl? Or just once a day? Or does it just depend on the dog. And if he wants more than the recommended on the bag, is he really hungry, or just bored?

05-16-2006, 03:15 PM
How small is the smaller one. Is it still big enough to comfortably stretch out?

05-16-2006, 03:15 PM
What type of food are you feeding?

05-16-2006, 03:16 PM
How small is the smaller one. Is it still big enough to comfortably stretch out?

Not comfortably stretch out ALL the way but it is comfortable. If it was any bigger it would be useless for a training tool.

They are not going to LIVE in the crate so you don't really need a REALLy big one.

05-16-2006, 03:16 PM
Like I said in your other thread...

Also, his crate shoul only be big enough for him to lay down, stand, sit, turn around in, etc. comfortably. If it is larger than that he is more likely to pee/poop in it, since dogs don't want to lay in their waste.

05-16-2006, 03:17 PM
I bought a pop up fabric one for medium dogs.

1...Don't use this if the dog isn't crate trained. lol :rolleyes:
2...It was too small. When he stood up, he had to bend his head

It may say for medium dogs, but if that's for medium dogs, Charlie must be a large dog lol

05-16-2006, 03:18 PM
I'm feeding him that nature's choice nutro with the oatmeal

05-16-2006, 03:18 PM
Like I said in your other thread...
I know.. I was just asking how much room after he lays down.

05-16-2006, 03:24 PM
I bought a pop up fabric one for medium dogs.

1...Don't use this if the dog isn't crate trained. lol :rolleyes:
2...It was too small. When he stood up, he had to bend his head

It may say for medium dogs, but if that's for medium dogs, Charlie must be a large dog lol

If it was a "cheaper" crate, like under $40 it most likely is just sized smaller than the durrable ones. Besides the fabric ones are really only for travel, not something you want to use for training purposes thats for sure. A dog can destruct one of those in a heartbeat.

As far as food goes, it depends a lot on the individual dog. You will probably have to play with the amount a little bit, see what fits him the nest without him loosing or gaining a lot of weight.

Kaige eats a different kibble, but it is about the same quality wise. He eats a total of about 2 cups per day (1 cup in the am, 1 in the pm). I would guess that your dog should be eating anywhere from 1.5 to 3 cups per day. Feeding twice a day is a lot better for their metabolism.

05-16-2006, 03:24 PM
I would say to get him the smaller one. He will be fine.

05-16-2006, 03:28 PM
That doesn't seem very much. I just worry he'll be hungry or over eating.

You know how like human babies can breastfeed all day if they wanted. But formula feed is on a schedule and for only a certain amount.

I guess when I know he's eaten a bit. I'll just offer more water. I have to keep it put up, my daughter gets to it all the time lol.

05-16-2006, 03:30 PM
Nutro is a good brand. I would feed him a cup and a half earlier in the day (maybe around 11-12) and then 2 cups around 5:30-6 or whenever you eat dinner. NO more food or water after 7-8 pm.
I thought they eat AFTER us, to esablish who's boss?

05-16-2006, 03:35 PM
I might try to stick with him. He seems to be doing better these last few days. He hasn't peed inside in the past few days either.
And I'm using my daughter to help train him too. Like to not take food out of her hands. Instead I give her the treat and if he tries I say uh uh, and have him wait till she drops it too him.

I'm also finding out that maybe he was trained another way, that instead of saing come, to make a duck noise then he comes. I'm not pms'ing anymore, so it's been a bit easier since. lol

Its also easier taking in the advice. Getting help. Seeing a counselor Friday. So I hope we can make it thru this touch patch.

05-16-2006, 03:35 PM
I thought they eat AFTER us, to esablish who's boss?

You are correct. If you having any difficulties establishing who is boss I reccomened you feed him after you eat.

Some people can feed their dog anytime & that is fine, if it works for them.

05-16-2006, 03:37 PM
I feed mine when I eat dinner...I suppose it's just preference. I have read that you should feed them after you for the "alpha" role but that was never a factor for me. I feed them when I eat so that they are eating while I am eating; they know that's thier dinner and I have mine. I've never had a dog beg for food...and then once they have finished their dinner I am usually done with mine and then I play with them for about 10 minutes and then take them out. They usually go and then they are good for a while so that I can clean up dishes and such.
Charlie was a HUGE begger in the begining. He would jump and try to take it right off our plates. Now he just watches us in hopes something will fall off lol. So I guess I'm doing something right.. Right?