View Full Version : Fetch

05-16-2006, 11:41 AM
Maybe fetch is only for those dogs you see in the movies. I don't know but how can you teach a dog to play fetch? snuggles is a small breed

05-29-2006, 11:51 PM
hmm... I don't know how to teach fetch (rather, my dog refuses to learn) but he sort of came up with his own idea of fetch. If he initiates a ball game, he'll bring the ball to me, drop it in between us and then wait for me to take the ball. When he sees that I'm reaching out to take the ball, he'll quickly snatch it with his mouth. If I manage to snatch the ball from him, I'll throw the ball away and he'll run after it, bringing it back and the cycle starts again. LOL... Last time he would only hang on to his ball with his teeth and would rather die than give it up.

Maybe you could do a search on the Net?

05-30-2006, 12:38 AM
start by throwing his favorite toy down the hallway with doors closed. This way he can only run to you and not away from you.
Once you and your dog has that down get a check cord..its a long leash basically. OR use a light wieght rope.
Use his favorite toy and throw it and reel him in like a fish.

05-30-2006, 11:00 AM
Okay thanks!!! :D

06-05-2006, 10:44 AM
my dog LOVES to play fetch, even if i accidently drop something on the floor, she will chase after it ( even if it has only landed a centimetre away!) and bring it back to me, she is such an energetic dog :rolleyes: she wears me out everytime i take her out for her walkies!

06-08-2006, 04:37 PM
start by throwing his favorite toy down the hallway with doors closed. This way he can only run to you and not away from you.
Once you and your dog has that down get a check cord..its a long leash basically. OR use a light wieght rope.
Use his favorite toy and throw it and reel him in like a fish.

06-11-2006, 09:36 PM
Some breeds have a better instinct for fetch than others. Belle (the setter mix) will play fetch, but Maggie (the coonhound) will just let toys hit her in the head :rolleyes: or will go after them and then bay at them as they are laying on the ground :rolleyes: . It's still entertaining for me either way though :)

06-23-2006, 11:05 AM
How I taught Sam was I had two tennis balls. I would show him both of them, throw one ball, then he's look at me seeing I had another one. He'd run back and it was like a trade... I threw the other ball and we'd keep switching off.

06-23-2006, 06:08 PM
Ripley-we used a clicker, however we only needed it for flyball, as far as he is concerned the entire purpose of a ball is as barganing chips lol

Blair-cant be tought, he gets halfway to the toy and fogets what he was doing lol

Perky-not much of a player, but when the mood strikes her she plays fetch, we never tought her how though.

Happy and Misty...their border collies, teaching was not nessisary, it was more a matter of teaching them NOT to keep bringing us our stuff lol