View Full Version : This is weird

05-16-2006, 11:19 AM
Whenever I make a duck sound. Charlie comes straight to me. But he doesn't come when I say "Charlie come"

Like if he's getting into some food my daughter just dropped from her chair. And I say Charlie come, he doesn't come. But if I make the duck sound he comes straight,and sits down no questions asked.

Why might this be?

I need to go find my belt. Last time I leashed him to my loop and the loop broke. lol

05-16-2006, 12:02 PM
Maybe it's something with his breed. I don't know much about it but still....

05-16-2006, 12:27 PM
Most likely he was trained to respond to that when he was younger. Many people use sounds for commands rather than words. From the sounds of it someone has trained the dog pretty well, but nobody else knows the commands he is used to so the dog is confused because he is getting mixed signals in his mind and doesn't really know what the words coming out of your mouth mean. Have you been consistent in treating and rewarding when he responds correctly? That is the only way he will put 2 and 2 together and understand. You have to remember he is just a dog..they aren't born knowing right from wrong and they certainly don't know the rules of the house when they get there and are quite confused.

05-16-2006, 12:30 PM
I'm trying!! I usually don't have treat in my hand. But I will praise and stuff.

QUESTION about nilf... will he be on leash inside ALL the time, or when can he be off? For how long.. All his life or how do I know the right time?

05-16-2006, 12:36 PM
if you take the time now, and are very consistent, he will learn and then not need to be leashed to you forever. They do learn, in all honsetly he sounds confused, probably because like you said yourself, it is hard to always be consistent because you are busy. Does he jump baby gates if you are in the room with him? If not you can gradute from the leash on you to a gated room you are in and just watch him closely. Try to make a schedule when you take him out to do his business and try not to vary it much, he will get the point but there is no quick fix, it does take time and patience, even though it's hard.

05-16-2006, 12:49 PM
Yeah I think it was how he was trained to.

05-16-2006, 12:58 PM
He does jump baby gates. Tho at night if both hubby and I are in the room he stays in and sleeps. BUT when hubby has to work in the morning, sometimes he works evenings, but when he works mornings Charlie gets a lil antsy and wants out. But when hubby sleeps in, charlie sleeps in too.

I still need a crate. Right now I have been tethering him to the pantry which works better than him in master bathroom while we're gone.

Which is best, one of those pop up wire ones or those plastic ones? If I covered it up and he can't see that hubby is leaving the room, do you think Charlie will stay asleep?

Charlie usually doesn't potty till 9 am. But will get up and want to play at 7 if hubby is up.

How long do your dogs take to get trained to the crate? Where do you have the crate? in your bedroom? Charie usually sleeps on floor. It's usually cooler there. So in the crate I will get one of those cool pads to put in there. He prefers cool than soft. lol

05-16-2006, 01:12 PM
Well actually if he wakes up at 7 to play he should be taken out to go potty. You didn't say if he took him out at that time. If not he should go out to potty for sure. A wire crate is best, imo. It's what I have used and works well for me. Crating will be the best thing you can do to prevent him peeing in the house while you are gone. When you are home just take him out on scheduled potty breaks. He may not know how to give you a clear signal he needs to go out or you might miss his signal if you are busy,and that will contribute to him peeing in the house. It will take him a few days probably, but he will settle into it. Never let him out if he's cyring or barking, only when he's quiet. Or you will train him to bark and wine while in there. Ignore him in the crate if he is making sounds, it will only teach him to make more. Probably best to keep it in your room if you can. It will make him feel better to be with you at night. He may whine and cry for a few days but always ignore him until he is quiet, except in the morning if he has to pee badly he may be trying to get your attention so that's different. But try to take him out of the crate to pee before he asks to get out to pee, to avoid confusing him.

Also, get a crate as soon as possible, tethering him to a door could turn out badly.

05-16-2006, 01:22 PM
I've tried taking him at 7, he won't go. But he will at 9. He wants to play at 7. When he wakes up. lol

He scratches at the door to be let out. But sometimes he doesn't go. He just eats grass or something. But I'm watching him. Sometimes he scratches harder if he has to potty.

So how do you do potty schedule if you know he has to go? Just take him anyways?

With a wire crate, should I put a blanket over the top?

05-16-2006, 02:18 PM
I personally prefer plastic crates. The plastic crates are more den-like, more private. I use my dogs crates twice a day- when they eat and at bedtime. My dogs love their crates and often want to be in them even when they don't have to be.

05-16-2006, 02:26 PM
Will plastic ones fit in my trunk of a pont grand am? What if I got the pop up wire and just put a blanket over it?

05-16-2006, 02:27 PM
I prefer the metal crates over plastic, although they are more expensive. I have known dogs who chewed thru the plastic crate. It's rare, but can happen if your dog is destructive and strong enough.

One thing, if you do purchase a metal crate, make sure to tie all of the sides together. I use the plastic straps used to bundle wires together. Dogs have been known to try and slip thru crates and choked to death.

I don't crate my dogs anymore (there is no need for them to be crated), but when I did I always left them with a kong and soft music on. It soothed them quite a bit.

Make sure to NEVER use his crate as a bad place. Make it a happy place and he is more likely to be fine when left alone in there. I fed, gave treats/bones, special toys to my three quite often. They ended up liking them so much that they could be found just laying in their crate, door completely open, happy as can be.

I always kept my three with a bowl of water but you may not want to do that since he is having trouble peeing inside.

Also, his crate shoul only be big enough for him to lay down, stand, sit, turn around in, etc. comfortably. If it is larger than that he is more likely to pee/poop in it, since dogs don't want to lay in their waste.

05-16-2006, 02:28 PM
Kong.. I need one!

05-16-2006, 02:32 PM
Kong.. I need one!

They really can be lifesavers (or atleast save you from pulling your hair out!)

My three's favorite recipe:

Soak his food in water until it get a bit soggy.
Drain any excess water out. Put in food processort/blender until it becomes a liquidy mess. :p Pour into bowl and mix in chunks of treats, kibble, etc.

Fill Kong and freeze it overnight. My three love it and it lasts for a good while.

05-16-2006, 02:47 PM
They really can be lifesavers (or atleast save you from pulling your hair out!)

My three's favorite recipe:

Soak his food in water until it get a bit soggy.
Drain any excess water out. Put in food processort/blender until it becomes a liquidy mess. :p Pour into bowl and mix in chunks of treats, kibble, etc.

Fill Kong and freeze it overnight. My three love it and it lasts for a good while.

this is what i do with Gracie's kong! she also likes it when i freeze peanut butter in it.