View Full Version : I'm worried...

05-15-2006, 10:43 PM
As some of you know, we have two cats that hang around our building. They're well fed, have a garage with beds and food and water in it.

This is Fluffy, who is 14 years old and has saddlebag mats that are coming off. Her skin has little red blisters on it and I'm sure it's painful. I offered to take her to the vet and have her shaved so it wouldn't be so painful, then I could brush her on a regular basis. The dentist who technically owns the cats (he got them as mousers) said no, that it was a skin condition that would take approximately 6 weeks before it clears up. Personally, I think he's blowing smoke out his butt and doesn't know what he's talking about.

Poor Mamacita looks so lonely without her precious kid by her side. :(


I'm getting ahead of myself.

This is Midnight (also known as Mamacita) who is Fluffy's mama and is 15 years old.


A week ago they started renovating the dental office next door, making alot of noise and storing alot of their stuff like ladders and buckets, etc. on the side of the garage that the cats don't go.

Well, I haven't seen Fluffy since the renovations started. I'm worried. Mamacita is still around. But there has been absolutely NO sign of Fluffy. I still feed them every night when I get home from work (the dental hygenist feeds and waters them in the morning).

I'm worried that she may be stuck somewhere that she can't get out of. The older couple that comes on the weekends to feed them have tried looking for her, I've tried checking around the neighborhood and calling her at night when I feed them, but nothing. :(

I hope she's okay, as she and I have a sort of bond. I've tried to cut off some of the really big clumps of mats to help.

I need some PT prayers that she'll return, and that she's okay.

05-15-2006, 10:48 PM
oh no....I pray that Mamacita is just stuck somewhere...Can the hygienist let you into the construction area to check?

Poor baby!

PT prayers on their way.

Bless you for trimming some mats off Fluffy. That dentist doesn't deserve those beautiful girls!


Laura's Babies
05-15-2006, 11:26 PM
If they are walling in rooms, please have someone go call for her there!! My neighbors son (A EMT) recently rescured one from a wall...

05-16-2006, 08:35 AM
Ah, poor blackie - and you. I hope everything is okay - or at least, if she is no longer with us, she is safely at peace where all will end up one day. Take care. Of course we will be praying for you.

05-16-2006, 04:50 PM
*SIGH* of relief. I was putting food out for Midnight and Fluffy came running over. She's VERY skittish but she's okay. Her skin under the mats looks SO sore!! :(. I went back out and sat there with a pair of sharp scissors to see if she'd come when I called her and she didn't. At least I know she's okay.

flying felines
05-16-2006, 05:30 PM
Be Careful With Scissors..i Cut One Of My Cats That Way(very Mildly Luckily)... Maybe Use A Eletric Razor To Shave The Mats.

05-16-2006, 07:06 PM
Oh thank GOD she is okay!

Hopefully she will settle a bit and you can trim her.

I wish those cats could be "poofed" on that dentist!

Hugs to Midnight and Fluffy!


05-16-2006, 07:13 PM
Its a shame that that Dentist is not more considerate about his Cats.
All Cats need to have chck ups, as well as being fed.
I Pray that the Black Cat shows up nad is not in a place where she will starve.
I wonder how he treats his patients.

05-16-2006, 07:19 PM
Glad she's okay - she was probably just spooked by all the construction clamor.

No chance of catching, sedating and shaving her? Poor kitty, I remember how annoying having a snarl in my hair was (when I was a kid and didn't bother brushing several times a day), and I can only imagine it's 4 times as intense on delicate kittyskin.

05-17-2006, 03:45 AM
Poor things.I wish they had better parents.And indoor ones at that.I love older adult cats.All they want is a place to rest with someone to look into their eyes with love.Of course vet care,quality food ,fresh water are a given.Poor babies.I'm glad you saw Fluffy.I wish I lived near by.I make them vanish :eek: into my home.Well....with all these kittens,I really don't think I need more. ;)

05-17-2006, 07:20 AM
I've tried to let them come into my place (putting my cats in the bathroom) by holding the door open just to see what they'd do. They SOOOO look like they'd like to come in and stay a while, but never do. They get as far as the door and then step back. I guess that's what happens when you've been living your whole life outside. I have absolutely NO respect for that dentist. I wouldn't go to him if all my teeth were rotted and falling out!!! :mad:

05-17-2006, 07:37 AM
Real Jerks that own those poor things.I'd take them in a second if they weren't ferrall to my other cats.(hurting them).Sounds like they really don't want to be outside anymore.Getting to old for that cr.. :(
Maybe a letter to the dentist?Probably do no good though.People don't change.

05-17-2006, 12:37 PM
I am so sorry to hear about these little ones being outside. That is so sad, and I would agree that the dentist is not fit to be owned by kitties!
Please keep up posted. I hope you are able to get the hair situation taken care of.

05-17-2006, 12:40 PM

They're NOT feral, that's just the thing. Mamacita (the black one) rolls on the grounds asking for belly rubs, and Fluffy loves to have her butt scratched! They are craving attention!


I wish I was able to get her in a carrier and get her to the vet. But the butthole of an owner says no. Now that she's been scared off by the workers, I don't see much of her, so I can't clip any of the mats off.

05-17-2006, 12:57 PM
Oh, Sweetheart! BIG {{{{HUGS}}}} to you, Midnight and Fluffy! What an uncaring owner that dentist is. I'm just glad that Midnight and Fluffy can at least look to you for some care and love. I can't stand irresponsible owners like that BOOB!!

05-17-2006, 01:04 PM

They're NOT feral, that's just the thing. Mamacita (the black one) rolls on the grounds asking for belly rubs, and Fluffy loves to have her butt scratched! They are craving attention!


I wish I was able to get her in a carrier and get her to the vet. But the butthole of an owner says no. Now that she's been scared off by the workers, I don't see much of her, so I can't clip any of the mats off.
Oh God they sound so very Sweet.My heart is breaking :(

05-17-2006, 05:27 PM
Donna I know exactly how you feel, that neighbour of mine is just the same, but a dentist, geez he makes good money, there is absolutely no excuse for his neglect of his cats, why these people own them in the first place is beyond me, I say to heck with his wishes, bundle kitty into a carrier if you can and take it to the vet, trouble is why should you have to struggle paying for it, when he has plenty of money to do so, but i guess that does not help the kitty does it? good luck, and i am sorry you also have to witness a kitty suffering,life just is so unfair at times. HUGS.