View Full Version : New Boone photos

05-15-2006, 12:49 AM
Today, Sunday, my baby Boone turned 11 weeks old :) His right ear is completely up, as of almost 2 weeks ago, but his left ear still hangs sort of up and sort of sideways. He's really turning out to be a great dog. We're so very pleased with him. He has a fabulous little personality and he's a lot of fun. He's really mellow for a GSD, which we were hoping for. Both parents had low-drive temperments so we are so glad he's on the mellow side.

Boone and Kersey have bonded very strong. Graham still isn't fond of him, but he has tolerated him very well from day 1. I'll post pictures of Boones mom and dad when the breeder emails them to me.

He's getting so big. We can't hold him under one arm like we could for the first week. He's a 2 arm holder now, and even that is getting hard :) He's really getting so big!

He sits at the back door to 'ask' to go out, but if we're not watching him, he'll find someplace to pee, so I just hooked up some jingle bells from the back door so we're teaching all the dogs to ring the bells with his nose when they needs to go outside now. Hopefully he'll pick it up soon so he has a way to allert us now.

He starts his obedience in a couple weeks. The trainer is a very cool German guy who has a degree in animal behavior. He not only trains obedience, but he also trains Shutzhund, personal protection, agility, tracking and flyball. We're thinking about personal protection training for Boone once we get obedience down if he has the right temperment for it.

So here are the latest pictures of my bundle of fluff. Enjoy :)

Test...I really don't know how to change image size. I'm really hoping these aren't too big. I suppose I'll find out in a moment. If they are too big, please tell me how to resize them. Do I do it from photobucket or my original photos?

Graham, Kersey and Boone:

Kersey & Boone playing what I call "raa raa", which is what it sounds like when they play...raahhh raaahhh. When I say, 'go play raa raa' they start playing.

A picture of those ears that so badly want to stand up :) The right one gets the idea, but the left one is a little slower to catch on:

05-15-2006, 12:50 AM
Ahhh they're big again! Grrr I don't know why they are so huge! Can I resize them from my post or do I have to do it from photobucket or my original images? sorry folks. I'm not trying to make them huge :(

05-15-2006, 12:59 AM
Ahhh they're big again! Grrr I don't know why they are so huge! Can I resize them from my post or do I have to do it from photobucket or my original images? sorry folks. I'm not trying to make them huge :(

You can do it from your originals, in paint or some other program, or photobucket can. I am not entirely sure on how photobucket works because sometimes they do it for me, sometimes they don't, sometimes it stay that way when I post, etc etc.

05-15-2006, 12:59 AM
He's so freaking adorable! :D

05-15-2006, 05:05 AM
Boone is so adorable! :D

05-15-2006, 06:11 AM
Boone is just too cute. You feel like jumping through the screen for a cuddle. :D

Ginger's Mom
05-15-2006, 09:34 AM
He is adorable. Glad to see he is getting along with your other furkids.
(I prefer to resize my pictures before I upload, because I have dial-up and it will load faster that way. Do you have Microsoft Picture Manager on your computer? That is what I use.)

05-15-2006, 09:43 AM
What a little cutie pie! I kind of like the wild ear.

4 Dog Mother
05-15-2006, 11:22 AM
Wow, what a cutie Boone is. Glad Kersey is willing to play with him. And I am not surprised to here that Graham boy is not very fond of him. You have done such a great job with training Kersey and Graham that I am sure that Boone will become a very well behaved dog very quickly!

05-15-2006, 12:30 PM
Boone is such a cutie. :) I'd love to hug that little fuzzy guy.
My Buddy was 11 weeks when I got him too & was the easiest dog
to train I've ever seen.Ah, they grow so fast. I'm glad you're getting
a lot of puppy pictures. :)

05-15-2006, 12:42 PM
what a cutie patootie!

Anita Cholaine
05-15-2006, 12:56 PM
What a cutie he is!! :D Tons of huggies for that little furry ball of yours!

05-15-2006, 01:37 PM
Gosh that face. I love the Rarr one lol. :p

05-15-2006, 03:55 PM
I'm so glad that you've posted more pictures of Boone, so I wouldn't have to 'hound' you for them. I know exactly what you mean about the raa raa conversations. Kersey seems to have taken *raising Boone* to heart.

Please give *our* Graham lots of kisses.

05-15-2006, 04:05 PM
what a cutie! :)

Miss Meow
05-15-2006, 06:30 PM
He's just the cutest thing I've ever seen :D.

05-15-2006, 10:46 PM
*Talks baby talk to the computer screen* :D :p
He is just ADORABLE, Leslie! I want him badly! What a handsome boy!

05-16-2006, 07:56 AM
Thanks, everyone :) I can just see the beautiful dog in him, as much as I love his puppy look, I am so excited to see what a magnificant dog he's going to be as an adult.

05-16-2006, 09:44 AM
Boone and Kersey have bonded very strong. Graham still isn't fond of him, but he has tolerated him very well from day 1. I'll post pictures of Boones mom and dad when the breeder emails them to me.

Funny how some take to new guys right away and some take a while, while others never really do - they just "tolerate" them!!! :D

Boone is adorable!!!

P.S. I have a problem with what size to make them too!!! AND I AM SUPPOSED TO BE A PROF GRAPHIC ARTIST. I am used to a 4x5" @ 300 dpi being a "Small" file. Most of my work is in print production and Web posting is still rather new to me. Anyone have any suggestions for an average "good size to post". Like in pixels H & W and res. Also, I like to place them as thumbnails - cause they are small. Then if someone "wants" to look at them, they can. BUT I don't want them to be blasted with a Gi-normous image when they do. Any suggestions welcome??? Sorry to "Steal" a little of your space Adore!!! :D

05-16-2006, 10:18 AM
Look at them! They are gorgeous! Boone's ears are so cute :)