View Full Version : Just a typo? Cat or dog?

05-14-2006, 01:37 AM
x posted to Cat General because I thought this would be funny/interesting for both sets of folks who generally only visit one side or the other. This happened today.

My husband and I went to Walgreens today in our search for Mothers Day cards. Well, while he was looking around I happened to be looking at some beanie babies on a rack next to the cards. I picked up a grey on grey tabby cat looking one and went to read the "profile" on the inside of the tag. It said "Angoras, Tabbies, *a couple more that I forgot*, Persians and MALTESE. Can you guess which one I am?"

Me, in the middle of store: WHAT!

05-14-2006, 05:39 AM
Well there is such a thing as a Maltese cat, so yeah. But it is just a color and not an actual breed.

Maltese cat n : a short-haired bluish-gray cat breed [syn: Maltese cat] ... a mouse-colored variety of the domestic cat.