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View Full Version : New Sibe pup!

*future vet*
05-13-2006, 10:26 AM
We will be getting this male Sibe pup in early June. He has dark blue eyes, and was born on March 6, 2006. I was wondering if anyone has any good names for him? I'm so excited to get him, and when I do I'll of course post more pics! :)

05-13-2006, 10:49 AM
Wow, he is adorable! :D I love the little white tip on his tail.
On names...hmm... I'm not good with names. But to me he looks like a dog thats name should start with a D. Like.. Damian, Dakota, Diego, Dominic, and I can't think of anymore D names! :o
Good luck with him! :)

05-13-2006, 11:14 AM
He is adorable! I'll post some name suggestions as I come up with them :)

05-13-2006, 11:20 AM
Vladimir! And when he nails you with hose sharp puppy teeth, he'd be Vlad the impaler! heee hee! (means prince)

Kiryl (means Noble)


A good Siberian names - as in from Siberia!

*future vet*
05-13-2006, 11:32 AM
Thanks! I meant to say he was born in April, he will be a sled dog, pulling with Fuji, can't wait to train him!

Lori Jordan
05-13-2006, 12:46 PM
What a Cutie!!

05-13-2006, 12:55 PM
No ideas with names, but what a cutie!!!

05-13-2006, 01:02 PM
A musher friend of mine just named her puppy Rush. Just an idea!

05-13-2006, 01:09 PM
he is ADORABLE!!!! i just love sibe pups! :D i think he looks like a Gavin, Cole, or maybe Angus. i like names different from the normal northern breed names.

*future vet*
05-13-2006, 03:30 PM
Thanks again! Does anyone have any names that are like Native American or Eskimo? I like the names you guys thought of so far though!

05-13-2006, 03:33 PM
hey i found a few names that i thought would be cute! ::: Bera, Falcon, Grizzly, Hugo, Hulk, Indy (Indie), Kujo, Kobi, Koda, Kodiak, Klinger, & Keaton! if i see some more that i think are good i'll mention 'em to ya!

05-13-2006, 04:07 PM
He looks like a baby 'Steele' to me [from Balto] or 'Max' [from Eight Below]
umm but I also like Damian.... hmm let me think more and get back to ya lol

05-13-2006, 07:26 PM
He is adorable!!!! You must be so excited! The website "Everything Husky" posted a names list one time, lots & lots & lots of great husky names. I'll see if I can find it later-

05-13-2006, 10:19 PM
Dakota, Lakota, Weyekin, Amani, Noble, Balto, Nanook

05-13-2006, 10:20 PM
Nakota. that was Kodie's origonal name before i rescued him.

*future vet*
05-14-2006, 10:48 AM
Oh thoses names are cute too! :D Yes I'm very excited!!

05-14-2006, 10:53 AM
Here's a site with 1800 husky names!

*future vet*
05-16-2006, 04:47 PM
Oh, that's good! I was just going to put a new pic of him on here, but it changed by itself, that's weird...well, now you can see him at 5 weeks old!

05-16-2006, 08:05 PM
He is an adorable baby! Hmmm... names..... Dakota, Duncan, Bubba, Joey, Tobey, Frisk, Dillan, Doman, Checkers, Athlon, Veisha, Radeon, Parmon, Safari, Freddi, Jimmy, Fred, Nick, Paul, Paulo, Gary, Shane, Shawn, Coco, Montana, Washington, Kent, Gopher, Ino, Iwa, Iowa, Indiana, David, Bride, Tom, Tim, Timmy, George, Lakota, Folk, Tale, Balto, Nanook, Minty... weird names, eh, but creative, uh? :p