View Full Version : Hello again everyone!!!

Miss Z
05-13-2006, 04:18 AM
Hello PT! I've not been around too much lately as some of you may have noticed, and when I have, it's been very fleetingly and I've barely replied on anything:rolleyes: . Basically my mum was hogging the computer to search for a holiday this summer, so I've had a very limited amount of time on the computer. Also I have summer exams coming up soon (groan) and I've been revising for them. And lastly, the weather has actually been SUNNY in Lancashire, that's practically unheard of over here;) ! So I've been sat outside in the garden with Zsa-Zsa on my lap, eating ice lollies for the first time in ages, pretty much as soon as I get home from school:D . Today I'm back on as we've found a holiday, I've done enough revision to blow my head off and of course, it's now raining:rolleyes: .

Anyway, I've missed you all, and you'll have to fill me in on any news I may have missed!

Zara:D :D :D

05-13-2006, 08:54 AM
Hey Zara! :D Ive missed you. I hope those exams go well for you.

05-13-2006, 10:05 AM
welcome back!hope you exams go well.How is Tia?

05-13-2006, 10:14 AM
ZARA! Welcome back :D
*runs and gives you a hug*

05-13-2006, 11:01 AM
Welcome back! :D Good luck on the exams!
Also, thanks for the help on my rats. They're getting better and better each day, it seems. They will now come to the door when I open it, and will crawl into my hand, and they've gotten better with not nipping.
I just wanted to thank you again. :)

Miss Z
05-13-2006, 11:40 AM
It's good to be back!:D Hugs right back Bri!

Zippy, Tia is doing fine. Hopefully I can get some pics (and possibly a video if you're lucky!) of her soon, she's actually become quite a good little poser, although only if she's sleepy, LOL;) .

Chilli, I'm SO glad that everything's going well with your rats. If you ever want to know anything else then I'd be more than happy to help:) .

05-13-2006, 11:45 AM
Zara, you need some form of Instant messenger :D;)

Miss Z
05-13-2006, 11:47 AM
Zara, you need some form of Instant messenger :D;)

LOL, I do. ;) Trouble is my dad would get stressed with me as I'd never leave the computer screen:p :D

05-13-2006, 12:00 PM
LOL, I do. ;) Trouble is my dad would get stressed with me as I'd never leave the computer screen:p :D
Aww, well if you ever decide to use it let me know :D