View Full Version : I might get a bird...........

05-12-2006, 04:44 PM
just to inform you all that i might get a bird soon............
still unsure between Canary, Tiel or Parakeet.........still looking............so far i´ve seen some pretty canaries but i´m still on the look............

i´m pretty excited about it i´ll keep you posted!!!

i´ve had canaries and parakeets before but no tiels so if you have any recommendations or hints on what to look for would be great appreciated, while i worked at a pet store i handled tiels but i never bought one for myself so i dont really know the ones we had were very healthy so i think i should probably recall what they looked like huh? sorry silly me

05-12-2006, 04:50 PM
congrats! birds are fun. i've owned parakeets and tiels. i personally liked the tiels better.

when looking for a healthy bird of any kind always make sure they have all their feathers. a lot of ill tiels go missing the feathers on the back of their heads. make sure the bird doesn't have droopy wings. also make sure they aren't all bunched up under a heat sorce. that's a sign that they aren't feeling too good. if yu want a tame bird make sure they are tame when you buy them. it's a lot of hard work to tame a bird. although taming parakeets is pretty simple. i had my parakeets tame in 5mins.

05-12-2006, 05:38 PM
What kind of bird are you looking for?
Hands-on,hyper,talking,nosie,hands off?

05-15-2006, 11:12 AM
i´m looking for a tame bird, or maybe i´ll do the job but i want one i can get on my fingers, maybe a singing, whisling one

i´m going to see some today hopefully i find one over this week!!!

05-15-2006, 02:38 PM
Male Cockatiels are singers and whristlers.They were voted the number 1 singer and whiristling bird in bird talk magazine.I had a female tiel for a while she was a great pet kari now has her because new apt.rules

05-15-2006, 03:04 PM
Definitely a male cockatiel :)

If you want a tame bird, go with a smaller personal bird breeder, or a mom and pop type store where the babies are hand fed and raised from an early age. Those are usually MUCH tamer than any bird you will buy at a commercial pet store.

05-15-2006, 03:23 PM
i think i´m going towards the tiel...........

i was between a red canary, a blue or white parakeet, or a yellow or white tiel, now i´ve went to see some tiels and i´m in love now i just need to decide which one, i went to this "breeder" (since we dont have like professional breeders here) but is a lady that breeds responsibly i´ve seen her birds, and she hand feeds them adn handles them so i just need to pick up one.............well it also depends if hubby likes them, well, not that much LOL anyway

i cant wait!!!

this lady has all yellow ones, a couple white ones, some typical gray yellow, one i now know are called pearl, adn a couple more all dark gray, really nice birds, i´ll see if she can give me a discount and get 2 LOL

05-15-2006, 03:30 PM
Well do you want the bird to bond with YOU? Because if you get two birds, they tend to bond with each other more than you. So if you want a bird that bonds with you, I would just get one, for now anyway.

05-15-2006, 03:37 PM
now that you mentioned.............you´re right i totally forgot about that.......thanks!! this would be easier one on one training :D

well now its just which one to pick...........hard one.......... keeping you posted

05-15-2006, 03:40 PM
The only cockatiels I've really been around have been the grey/yellow ones. Though GORGEOUS they may be, I haven't really seen a lot of the others (I have seen the white ones, GORGEOUS!!!) so definitely let us know, take pics if possible!! :D :D Good luck!

05-15-2006, 05:02 PM
If you get a male peral tiel after his molt he will be a normal grey.Canery's i have never heard of one that would get on your hand.Budgies can learn to talk but in high pitched fasted voices

05-15-2006, 05:17 PM
when my bro was little i gave him a canary for his birthday (yeah sure just to have an excuse to get a bird LOL) and i got him to get on my fingers never out of the cage but still..........

05-22-2006, 10:02 AM
Congrats! 'Tiels are awesome little birds.

One thing to consider, as odd as it may sound, is that the albino 'tiels and Lutinos (yellows) are very prone to night-frights with their red eyes. All 'tiels can end up having them, but the red-eyed birds definitely seem to be more prone to them. My albino girl, Jaydi, had horrible night-frights every night, and was constantly breaking her bloodfeathers. I think I've needed to yank about 7 severely bleeding ones (they normally just need to clot up...clotting can be encouraged with corn startch or flour), which is really scary.

Cockatiels are super fun. I'm partial to the males, but the females are really charming.

05-23-2006, 12:03 PM
thanks for the info. as i posted on my thread "Tiel quick Q" i think i´m a bit inclined to a cinnamon pied, but still i ´m not sure........ :rolleyes:

and i´m also tending for a male but who knows.........