View Full Version : Where is your Cats Favorite Place to

05-12-2006, 03:06 PM
:) Where is your Cats Favorite Place to Sleep at Night..

Calitt gets as close to my right side neck next to my face for the night..
Autumn gets to my left side (with some space) but wants my hand to be touching her..
Yardleigh gets to my right side (with some space) but wants my hand on her tummy..
Buttons gets next to my knees curled up..
Half Pint will be at my feet..
KiKi my new baby will be at my feet..

Just think I have a king size bed too = Thank Goodness :D

Boy just think if I have to get up to go to the Bathroom :o

05-12-2006, 03:08 PM
Chuck falls asleep with me and lets me cuddle him like a teddycat, then he either moves up on my pillow by my head or goes under the bed.

05-12-2006, 03:21 PM
Aw, I call Mishi my teddycat, although he hates being held for too long - heck, both of mine are that way.

Mishi always sleeps right next to me - either my shoulder or my side or if I roll over a bit, I will always find him taking up half the pillow. Lately, if Mishi isn't at my side, Mitzi has taken up sleeping there too. Otherwise, she will sleep next to the other pillow on the opposite side of the bed from mine. I have a king-size bed too, and sometimes it doesn't feel big enough when both cats are insisting on being close to meowmie.

05-12-2006, 03:50 PM
Fister will be in front of me while I'm reading, after a while he turns around in a position for tummy rubs - no doubt that's what he wants. :D Then, when I turn the light off he settles down next to my head, trying to steal half my pillow. ;) When he thinks I'm asleep, he retires to under the bed. During the night, he walks a bit around and sit in the windowsill, checking if any other animals will pass by. Occasionally, he will see a cat, or a fox, and he will most certainly come in to tell me!

Laura's Babies
05-12-2006, 05:00 PM
Ha! I should have changed Luar's Babies name to MY BRATS after I went and bought a bigger bed so we wouldn't be so crowded and now they all don't sleep with me anymore... Try 4 cats and 1 adult human in a twin bed.. Don't work or so I thought... now I know they liked being crowded.

So now, Samantha is always in the bed with me when I go to sleep and wake up, sometimes Amy is there when I wake up but mostly it is only Samanth and the rest are on the floor by my bed galking at me when I wake up.

05-12-2006, 05:22 PM
They generally are on the end of my Bed,or on the spare beds or on the sleeping stations on the Kitchen Table.
Whever they sleep is fine with me.

05-12-2006, 05:49 PM
Pete sleeps on my head. :rolleyes: PiddyBob normally sleeps next to my feet, but now that he's has babies she stays with them most of the night.

05-12-2006, 10:10 PM
MooShoo sleeps right next to me under the covers with his head on the pillow. Mollie Rose sleeps at the foot of the bed. Maya Linn sleeps on my right side and Shortie sleeps between my legs. Getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom is VERY difficult. I've learned to become a contortionist sleeper.

05-12-2006, 10:43 PM
Tiger loves to sleep on the heater and Miagi loves to sleep in my parents room on the little couch.

05-12-2006, 11:10 PM
Ash used to sleep on the end of our bed, but when Lexie arrived she took over his spot and now he sleeps either on the dining chairs under the table or on the couch all night, Lexie is usually on the end of the bed or she has now a perference for sleeping on the computer chair which has a nice woollen blanket on it at the moment. Neither of my cats like sleeping in the beds or close to our faces, they are only foot warmers.

05-13-2006, 12:03 AM
Isis likes to sleep on my stomach. Soni likes to sleep at the foot of the bed on my side. He likes to sleep there because I am not that tall and do not reach the end of the bed so he has a lot of room to stretch out. Tiger Lily (our foster) likes to sleep in the crook of a body part (knee, elbow) or on back/stomach.

05-13-2006, 03:18 AM
Jack and Sunny like to go out at night, though my dad built them a little house big enough for the both of them and they sleep in there when they're outside, when they've finished pottering around the garden and the like.
It has a felt roof, and a raised floor (so it doesn't get wet) and has carpet inside with lots of blankets. So they are dry and comfortable. I don't work so they're both in with me in the day most of the time, sunny usually sleeps upstairs on the bed, or occasionally in her igloo. Jack is usually with me, as he's my shadow he never leaves me and is next to me no matter what I'm doing during the day. When I have to go out, they both usually stay in, though now the nice weather is coming, they're starting to go outside and lie in the sun.
Sunny in particular loves their little house and actually asks to go out sometimes and goes in there to sleep! I think she likes being outside but likes the fact that she's sheltered and can hide whilst still getting some fresh air.

This is the house below: :)

05-13-2006, 03:23 AM
Makes me think of the famous poem: :D


Cats sleep
Any table
Any chair
Top of piano
Window ledge
In the middle
On the edge
Open drawer
Empty shoe
Any body's
Lap will do
Fitted in a
Cardboard box
In the cupboard
With your frocks
THEY don't care
Cats sleep

Eleanor Farjeon

05-13-2006, 01:10 PM
When Sash was younger he would always knead my hair and then he would lay his head on top of mine and fall asleep. :) Now, since he's older and maybe too big he likes to fall asleep right in my arms with my arm around him. He's such a big teddybear! :D

05-13-2006, 05:16 PM
At night, Groucho loves to curl up and sleep with his chin on my knees.