View Full Version : Mother's Day Gifts... *3*

05-11-2006, 09:02 PM
I'm horrible and already gave it to her. I had it all set up in the garage for when she came home today (yeah and my back is thanking me for hulling the bird bath around the store and our house!)

A Mosaic bird bath for the garden, a new hanging flower pot, and a new pair of gardening gloves.


Don't mind the flowers here.. they're looking kind of raggidy right now!
I still plan on buying her a new book or something and writing her a note inside like usual. ;)

What did everyone else get their Mother's.... and for those of you without :( what were some of your mother's favorites?

05-11-2006, 09:05 PM
What a lovely birdbath - where did you get it?

05-11-2006, 09:07 PM
What a lovely birdbath - where did you get it?

K-Mart! I never go to K-Mart but she was telling me about it a week or so ago and I decided to pick it up on my way home. We took the last one. ;)

They also have a gorgeous bench with the same mosaic.

05-11-2006, 09:11 PM
Wow! The birdbath is gorgeous!

I haven't been shopping yet :o

05-11-2006, 09:14 PM
Ohhh, beautiful bird bath! I'm biased though, b/c I adore yellow! How thoughtful of you to have the idea in the first place, but then lug it around, straining your poor back in the process.
My mother will get her gift tomorrow at the office.
I sent her a plant collection in a big basket, so it won't die.
Also sent a single red rose b/c of a recent tragedy.
I'm so lucky my mom is alive and healthy.
For those of you who have lost yours, I'm very sorry.

05-11-2006, 09:15 PM
I love that bird bath Kay. I need to go check our kmart to see if they have it.

05-11-2006, 09:26 PM
Beautiful bird bath

05-11-2006, 09:44 PM
Got my mom a new angel pin and a pink shirt. Love the bird bath.

05-11-2006, 10:06 PM
That's pretty Kay! I bet your mom loves it! I usually get my mom cut flowers but I bought a plant today instead. Also picked up ingredients to make some yummy chocolate chip cookies to take to her. I share my moms love for chocolate. ;)

05-11-2006, 10:23 PM
My mother has severe arthritis in her legs and feet and just recently I heard about a pair of shoes that is supposed to give 95% releif for the pain. I hope to be able to take her up to pick them out in the next couple of weeks.

05-12-2006, 07:55 AM
I really love the gifts you picked out. The birdbath is beautiful - bet your mom will love everything :)

05-12-2006, 08:24 AM
What a beautiful gift!! I KNOW she's going to love it!

05-12-2006, 08:59 AM
What a beautiful & thoughtful gift Kay.

I bought my mom a new (new to her, slightly used) car and a new roof for her house last year. I don't need to get her any gifts for a few years. ;) But even though I sill get her a small gift for her b-day, mothers day, x-mas, like some flowers or a box of chocolates.

05-12-2006, 09:20 AM
What a pretty birdbath! I also gave my mom her gift. I have to work this weekend and every year here there is a plant sale at Carver arena (which was last weekend), and I bought her a bunch of flowers and plants for her yard and then planted them. I did the same thing last year for mother's day, and the year before...it's kind of a tradition I guess. :)

05-12-2006, 09:22 AM
The bird bath is awesome. I love it.

My sister and I went in together on a queen for a day spa package.
I haven't gotten my mother-in-law anything yet. I guess I better do that today.

05-12-2006, 09:34 AM
I donno what Im going to get my Mom yet so Im off shopping today!


My friend got her mother the nicest thing ever. Her mothers mother had passed before she was born and her mother was so close to her so it was really upsetting to her. The other day she hauled out the pictures of her mother to show her daughter (my friend). Well my friend took one and we brought it to a photographer guy and he is going to put the image of her grandmother (her mothers mother) into a picture of my friend and her mother so it is if she was there even though she passed 20 years before. Thats confusing sorry :o

05-12-2006, 09:38 AM
Kay can I adopt you? I love this bird bath :)

05-12-2006, 10:58 AM
I am going to Kmart tonight! That is fantastic, and JUST what this mommy needs for Mother's Day. He he he..

05-12-2006, 12:22 PM
Lovely Kay!!

our Mothers Day celebration was this past wednesday May 10th

Happy Mothers Day to all those who still have the day to come!!!

sorry to those who dont have a mother, but still remember the times you had

05-12-2006, 02:12 PM
those gifts are very nice and thoughtful! :) I'm sure your mom loves them.

05-12-2006, 02:24 PM
What a pretty bird bath! I haven't gone shopping yet. :o

Daisy and Delilah
05-12-2006, 03:02 PM
That birdbath is so cool Kay! I love it. I'm gonna check K-Mart to see if we have it here. The yellow is beautiful and the hanging basket of Purslane is perfect with it's colrs. Great choice! I quilted some things for my Mom, got her some garden stuff, and two gift cards. One gift card is to get her started on scrapbooking :)

05-13-2006, 07:50 AM
Pretty bird bath!
I got my mom's presents in D.C. :D, and I got her...
-3 things of Body Mist from Victoria's Secret
-A Marble Perfume bottle
She LOVES the perfume bottle, and 2 of the scents :p.
(Yes I gave her mine early, too :o)

05-14-2006, 10:25 AM
:D Most of you know Christina, Truman, & Meegan by now, my friend's three kids who are infatuated with my three?

Well, they got my something "from my dogs" for Mother's Day. Christina used her last $10 from allowance to pay to make this at school:

It says To: Mommy with dog bones all over it.

They also go me a new purse and wrote in the card "Mommy, we got you a new purse because it looks like we chewed on the other one" (and it's so true because my other one looks like a rag now!)

Gosh I love these kids and their parents too!


Christina comes to work with her mom in the morning because we go into work at 5am and Christina has school at 8am. So Laurie leaves at 8 drops her off and comes back.

Christina has a bit of trouble in school, acting out. I think it's because she gets bored. All last week before she left for school I promised her a few things that if she came home with a good report, she recieve these things.

Most of them were hanging out with Kiara and I, spending the night (which she did Friday night), coming over to swim, etc.

She came home everyday with a good report from her teacher and has been acting wonderfully at home.

Laurie is now calling me her godmother. ;)

Toby's my baby
05-14-2006, 12:03 PM
Well, they got my something "from my dogs" for Mother's Day. Christina used her last $10 from allowance to pay to make this at school:

It says To: Mommy with dog bones all over it.

They also go me a new purse and wrote in the card "Mommy, we got you a new purse because it looks like we chewed on the other one" (and it's so true because my other one looks like a rag now!)

Christina comes to work with her mom in the morning because we go into work at 5am and Christina has school at 8am. So Laurie leaves at 8 drops her off and comes back.

Christina has a bit of trouble in school, acting out. I think it's because she gets bored. All last week before she left for school I promised her a few things that if she came home with a good report, she recieve these things.

Most of them were hanging out with Kiara and I, spending the night (which she did Friday night), coming over to swim, etc.

She came home everyday with a good report from her teacher and has been acting wonderfully at home.

Laurie is now calling me her godmother. ;)

Gosh Kay, not only are you a good mommy to your dogs, but sounds like your going to be a good mommy to human kids too! ;) :p I LOVE the bird bath! I wish I would have came across that at Kmart last night! Me and my dad went into town, and we were going to get one of those fire pits, but then decided not to because we weren't sure how much we would use it. So we ended up getting her a hanging plant :o I wish we could have found something better...:p O well, when I got home with the plant, and brought it to my room before my mom saw it, my sister told me that a hanging plant is what she asked for, so SHE really liked it this morning! :D

05-14-2006, 12:16 PM
My son & Jenny (his wife) gave me several plants for the yard that I'm sure have "scientific" names but I always have called them "Lamb Ears" because the leaves are so soft and velvety to the touch. I said "oh, Lamb Ears, I love them" and they said "well, usually they are but now they are Badger Ears". And yes, they feel like my RB Badger's ears ~ soft and velvety.. I love my family :) Happy Mother's Day all :cool:

05-14-2006, 02:58 PM
I got my Mom some Esquire's Mocca Java coffee and a bottle of Hazelnut syrup to put in it. :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-15-2006, 03:54 AM
My kids and hubby spoiled me yesterday!! This is what I got from Bernard & Jo:
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/berlut/mom1.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/berlut/mom2.jpg

and this is what my daughter Indra got for me!! Wow, how did she know I collect cats?? :D
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/berlut/mom3.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/berlut/mom4.jpg

Of course I got some flowers too :)

Laura's Babies
05-15-2006, 06:29 AM
I LOVE that bird bath! That would brighten up any yard and I know without a doubt that your Mother loved it!

My Mom died in 1999 of colon cancer but for a long time we use to get her stuffed Garfields. She had quite a collection of them when she died that she just loved. A Elvis Garfield... A Garfield with rabbit ears and a carrot, a Santa Garfield, and one time when Mama's cat had been hurt, my sister found a Garfield on crutchers with bandages all over him Mamma (died laughing over that one) but she was so upset over her kitty being hurt at the time that Sis HAD to do it.

This year Rie got me a Black & Decker cordless drill as seen here http://www.acehardware.com/sm-black-and-decker-and-reg-cordless-drill-xd1200k--pi-1287969.html

It may sound like a odd gift for Mothers Day but I have been wanting one for a long time and am constantly borrowing Mikes since it is perfect for a woman and is a powerful little thing.

I got a beautiful card from Eddie and Regina with some pictures in it and then that phone call from the road on their way back from South Carolina and all the wonderful news I posted about last night and THAT made my Mothers Day beyond belief! There is NO material gift that could top that news for a Mother!