View Full Version : Avatar is WORKING! Wahoo!

05-05-2002, 05:11 PM
Huggies and kisses and headbumpies to Niina and Patrick and Casper and Kitty!!

Wahoo! Particular thanks to Patrick who put it together for me and Niina who wouldn't let me chicken out when it felt overwhelming to pick out photos. Thank you both very, very, very much. Yippee. Yippee. Yippee!


05-05-2002, 05:24 PM

It looks great!!!

05-05-2002, 05:32 PM
Oliver is SO jealous!!;) Great work AmberLee!! I want one!!:(

05-05-2002, 05:41 PM
GOOD 4 U! :D :D :rolleyes: :cool: :p :o ;) :eek: :p

05-05-2002, 06:37 PM
It looks great, don't it make you feel good? It did me when I made mine!

05-06-2002, 12:37 AM
I just noticed it today. It looks great. http://bestsmileys.com/cats/catenthralled.gifI need help too.

Former User
05-06-2002, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Oliver is SO jealous!!;) Great work AmberLee!! I want one!!:(

Sandra, send us some pics, clear, preferably close-ups from your pets, and my husband will make it for you, no problem. It won't even take long! And it's NO PROBLEM!
PM me to ask our email addy ok?

Former User
05-06-2002, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Huggies and kisses and headbumpies to Niina and Patrick and Casper and Kitty!!

Wahoo! Particular thanks to Patrick who put it together for me and Niina who wouldn't let me chicken out when it felt overwhelming to pick out photos. Thank you both very, very, very much. Yippee. Yippee. Yippee!


You are very very very welcome AmberLee, glad you like it! :)

Former User
05-06-2002, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I just noticed it today. It looks great. http://bestsmileys.com/cats/catenthralled.gifI need help too.

See my reply to Sandra...We can do it for you too! :D

05-06-2002, 02:12 AM
WoW! That's GREAT!!!!

Great job Niina & Patrick!:D

05-06-2002, 02:47 AM
after trying for so long , I finally succeeded in adding one picture of Sydney !!! Not bad hey !!!
But our nice loving Niina promised me that she would make a moving avatar !!!! So , be ready for it !!!!

05-06-2002, 03:05 AM
Good going, Lut!! Sydney looks handsome as ever! We will keep our eyes peeled http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/mica/Misceyes.gif for the moving one.

Former User
05-06-2002, 03:50 AM
Oh wow! I MADE THE AVATAR!! Man, what an amazing job for a blond to do, with the little help of my husband emailing me how to do it LOL! Now let's see if we get it working for Lut...;)

05-06-2002, 04:01 AM
:D :D :D
waw , Niina , you did it !!!!!
THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) Sydney is sending you a million headbumpies !!!!!!

Former User
05-06-2002, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by lut
:D :D :D
waw , Niina , you did it !!!!!
THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) Sydney is sending you a million headbumpies !!!!!!

wow indeed, I did it! You're welcome! My first ever Avatar!
Million headbumpies, wow! :D

05-06-2002, 09:19 AM
Lut and Niina,

The avatar of Sydney is adorable. Looking GOOD!!! Way to go!!!

Heather Wallace
05-06-2002, 10:02 AM
Yes Nina done mine to, she is great. i am hoping you(Niina) might do another for me as I want to include the other rabbits.

Former User
05-06-2002, 10:04 AM
Heather, no problem, I just hope the pics are taken pretty close, otherwise we can't see anything because I have to make those pics really small... But do send me pics, as much as you want to, and I'll take the ones I can use ok? I presume you still have my email addy? :D

Former User
05-06-2002, 11:59 AM
Anyone else want an avatar? I just finished doing the one for Heather (hope she'll put it online soon!) with my husband giving helpful tips, now I know how to do them and faster than this morning :D I might even change ours now ;)