View Full Version : I am losing my mind...

05-11-2006, 08:04 PM
Lately I have been SOOOOO forgetful! When I went for my OB-GYN appt. the other day, he asked me a bunch of questions and rattled off a whole bunch of symptoms of menopause, one of them including memory loss. He has suggested that I take a very MINUTE dose of estrogen to combat the symptoms for a short period of time. I'm considering it.

I've misplaced my cellphone so many times that I've decided to get a chain (you know the kind the biker's attach their wallets to??) and wear it all the time. I ran out of gas last week because, like an idiot, I didn't look at the gas gauge. I've left for work forgetting to feed my cats (they didn't hold it against me and had enough food in their dishes to last till I got home).
I forgot to set my alarm the other day and was late for work.

What's next??? Walking out of the house butt naked cuz I forgot to dress myself??? *sigh*

critter crazy
05-11-2006, 08:09 PM
well geez if that is a sighn of menopause than I am in trouble!! I am only 28 and have been doing all of those things my whole life!!! geesh.............cant wait till I am older!!!!!:eek:

Laura's Babies
05-11-2006, 08:28 PM
Ugggggh! I am there too so you are not in that boat by yourself. I write notes and make a lot of lists so I don't forget, then forget the notes and lists or where I put them... I find I am leaving doors open that use to annoy the day lights out of me when other people would leave them open. Can't tell you how many time I have lost things where I am sitting and never even gotten up... or did I? Welcome to MY WORLD!

05-11-2006, 08:45 PM
Are you very preoccupied lately? Have you been sleeping poorly (another menopause symptom)?

I find that for most people, keeping track of ordinary things becomes difficult when preoccupied or under a lot of stress. (Lack of sleep is also a type of stress.) It's like their brains can't handle the ordinary because it's dealing with the complex! Perfectly ordinary!

Writing notes to one's self is the only answer. You can write them on the back of your hand with a magic marker. ;) Assuming of course, you remember where you put it.


05-12-2006, 01:52 AM
yikes.. i just forgot what i was gonna tell you... :eek: :rolleyes: :p

05-12-2006, 04:02 AM
Things do improve after awhile! :)

Pawsitive Thinking
05-12-2006, 06:35 AM
well geez if that is a sighn of menopause than I am in trouble!! I am only 28 and have been doing all of those things my whole life!!! geesh.............cant wait till I am older!!!!!:eek:


05-12-2006, 07:29 AM
yikes.. i just forgot what i was gonna tell you.

K9Karen - you just made me spit my coffee out onto my computer screen!!!!! THAT'S one of the things I'm talking about!!

Daisy and Delilah
05-12-2006, 07:48 AM
Yes, Donna, it sounds like you're there. I'm going into my fifth year of memory loss etc. Welcome to My World too ;) My kids think I'm mentally ill and need to seek help. If you ever have a chance to see, "Menopause the Musical", go see it. It's hilarious and it will make you feel so much better. :)

Laura's Babies
05-12-2006, 10:32 AM
I really started to notice mine back in November after I had that colonscopy done and they started the IV, then the doctor was delayed about a hour. I don't know what was in the IV but I ended up with a horriable headache, like a MIGRANE while waiting for the doctor. I had to cover up my head to block out the light and was working into throwing up when the doctor showed up. When they woke me up after the test, the headache was gone but the throwing up was THERE! BARF!!! Barf! BARF! It was right after that that I started noticing things that I was forgetting to open, close, finish, and loosing things left and right. I had hoped it would wear off with the drugs but it didn't. I wonder now, if I am noticing this much stuff I am forgetting, how much have I forgotten that I just don't realize I forget? :eek:

Before that it was like minor forgetfulness, now it alarms me.

05-12-2006, 10:50 AM
Yeah, it's starting to alarm me too. Dr. Hanson said that the HRT would help all those symptoms. I told him I was concerned about the risks with HRT. He told me that I should be, because I'll only be on them for a short period of time and it would be a VERY low dose. If it helps, I'll give it a try.

05-12-2006, 11:16 AM
When I first read your post, I thought, "wow, I bet she is really stressed out right now". Someone above asked about your sleep, preoccupation, etc., and I wonder if it isn't that?

Not that I don't think "M" can do those things, but, my usual beef with doctors and women is that they tie so many symptoms to our cycles! I could go into my dentist and complain about sensitivity, and he would probably ask, "well, are you menstruating"? (No, he hasn't ever really asked that)

05-12-2006, 12:48 PM
Donna ~ I'm getting to "that age" myself. The last thing I do before I leave my quarters is to look down and make sure I remembered to get dressed. :rolleyes:

I have a reacurring nightmare that I walk all the way through camp, past a couple of hundred guys and when I get to my office, I realize I'm nekkid! When I realize that I now have to walk all the way back to my room, I wake up! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_12_9.gif

05-12-2006, 12:53 PM
:) Dont feel alone Donna I am going thru the same thing.. I have better & worse days.. However it would be hard for me to forget to feed the cats due to in the mornings they locate in the kichen & I have to go thru there to go to work :D .. Cheer up things will get better..

05-12-2006, 12:54 PM
Donna ~ I'm getting to "that age" myself. The last thing I do before I leave my quarters is to look down and make sure I remembered to get dressed

I know what you mean. I'm 53 and lately, for the first time since high school, I occasionally forget to zip up my pants. HA HA HA


05-12-2006, 01:01 PM
I honestly thought I was in perimenopause based on that and a few other symptoms, but my dr. assures me I['m not (though does admit my hormone levels are a bit out of whack) Glad to know I'm not alone here!

05-13-2006, 12:19 AM
hey Donna...please don't start any hormone stuff. our 1st family doctor from the 50's..so wise..told my suffering mother that the big "M" is a part of life that all women go through. i know some are far worse than others but i persevered. i just think nature should take it's course. i just personally think those hormone drugs are too dangerous and doctors prescribe them too easily. i'd rather be forgetful than riddled with cancer.

05-13-2006, 11:00 PM

I've been going through the "M" for over 7 years now since my hysterectomy and all the symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats) are not as bad as they were in the beginning. I told him I wasn't crazy about going on Estrogen but he assured me that it would be a very low dose and only for a short period of time. I've been going through this for 7 years without the stuff, so why bother??

I think I'll say no to that one.

Laura's Babies
05-14-2006, 12:49 AM
I had a doctor tell me it wasn't menopause when I knew it was... He said I was to "young" and who was I to argue with HIM? WHO was the doctor? I told him I live here in this body and I know what it is doing................
That told me he didn't know what he was talking about OR doing so I never saw that doctor again.

An informed doctor told me that we are born with ALL our eggs, some have only a few, some have thousands but once all your eggs are gone, you go into menopause, no matter what age you are.. I am still having the symptoms almost 15 years later, only milder and asked the doctor I have now to check my horomnes to see what they are doing.. He did and said they are fine.. but I know they are still wacky!

05-14-2006, 10:55 AM
I am still having the symptoms almost 15 years later

Oh goody, I've got another 8 years left of this crap. I guess I should expect to find myself in a rubber room rocking back and forth in a corner, huh??? :p

I actually prefer going to female OB-GYN's because they go through EVERYTHING we do. But I happen to like Dr. Hanson very much so I won't change.