View Full Version : Harry.......and 2 new boys on the block!

Mad Mags Moo
05-11-2006, 04:38 PM
Got a wee posse of puss cats coming round to our place! My girls Bubble and Squeak are not amused!!!!

Harry........Whazzzzzz up man??!!!!!! :D :cool:


Little cutey pie who lives across the canal from us likes to come and visit our side of the canal!



Ginger semi-feral lovely until you try and pick him up then he bites you! :eek: :D



Sorry pics are quite big! :rolleyes:

Killearn Kitties
05-11-2006, 04:41 PM
Oh Mags, what ADORABLE visitors you have! I'm sure we would all like to come and cuddle those sweeties! What a shame that Bubbs and Squeak are not amused!

Mad Mags Moo
05-11-2006, 04:46 PM
What a shame that Bubbs and Squeak are not amused!

My girls are very anti-social :eek: Squeak growls then runs or in the case of Bubs....she flies at them all bushy!!!!! It is such a funny thing to see...will try and get that on camera!! Bubs is also known to box poor Harry! :rolleyes: either round the face or across the bum!!!

05-11-2006, 04:52 PM
Dont apologize as there are some of us who are sight challenged and love to see Big Photos.
On my Porch we have Scratchy Jr,Freddy, Scooter the Porch Pooch, Catzilla , Tubby 3, Norma and Doris that I know of.
I think that there are a Few Shadow Cats that I dont see as the Foods always gone.
You have some truly nice Visitors.

Laura's Babies
05-11-2006, 08:05 PM
They are all beauties... but that one of the tuxie with his face upside down is adoreable.... that white forms a perfect heart on his face! That is TOOoooo sweeeeeeet!

05-12-2006, 03:45 AM
Maybe the ginger and white cat is just antisocial, my Finnigan tends to bite strangers who try to pick him up, even regular visitors to our house he is wary of.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-12-2006, 09:37 AM
that white forms a perfect heart on his face! That is TOOoooo sweeeeeeet!
You're right! I hadn't noticed that, but now that point it out, it is just too durn adorable! :D

Suck lovely visitors. :D

Maybe the ginger (I call them orangies) just doesn't like to be picked up. CJ doesn't particularly liked to be picked up. He won't bite, but he will squirm and dig his claws in to get away. Even pretty princess Peanut doesn't really liked to be picked up. Tubby, on the other hand, preferred to be carried around the house hanging over my shoulder. ;) So, some cats like being picked up, some don't. Enjoy him with his feet firmly planted on the ground. :D

Mad Mags Moo
05-12-2006, 01:52 PM
The only reason Rob (hubby) had picked the ginger/orangie boy up was he was bleeding from his paw so we thought he lived in the house just across the wall from us, Rob took him round, quite funny....all I heard was Rob shout and swear as the wee chap got his teeth firmly embedded into Rob's arm! :eek: and to add insult to injury it turned out not to be our neighbours :rolleyes: It seems he just wanders about and feeds where he can....am thinking of putting a paper collar or something round his neck with my contact number and see if anyone claims him! How do i go about doing this....he has no collar so not sure if he would tolerate something round his neck. Would take him to vets to scan him for chip but Rob is not keen....wonder why??????? ;)

05-13-2006, 08:07 AM
They are adorable. :D