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View Full Version : Frightening Morning

05-11-2006, 10:21 AM
I woke this morning and stretched, funny no Chuck in bed. That's wierd. I got up and still no Chuck. He usually comes out of somewhere meowing and wanting to be petted as soon as one foot hits the floor. Then lies on the floor or counter while I get ready.

So I start looking around all the usual spots. Nothing. Oh gosh! Did my daughter accidently let him out when she left for school?

Now I am panicking as it's pouring down rain and windy. One more time around the house with the flashlight. Check under all the beds, in all the closets, kitchen chairs, under LR furniture. No Chuck.

I headed outside in the wind and rain calling and walking around the house. No meows.

Back into the house. By now my tummy is SICK and I am bawling. :rolleyes:

Where is my baby boy?

Then I hear a snore come from the cat tee-pee. There he is! The inside of the tee-pee is black hence why I didn't see him in there. He lied there and watched meowmie go back and forth looking for him and didn't let out a peep.

So then I thought maybe he was sick or something because he didn't come see me when I got up. Nope, nothing wrong.

Just being a nawtie boy, scaring the crap out of meowmie. Oh and I was totally late for work because I couldn't leave till I found him. LOL

Laura's Babies
05-11-2006, 10:39 AM
We ALL have experience like that!! I had a neighbor who was convienced that her cat had gotten out, she said he ALWAYS come when he is called. We had a major search going on outside and couldn't find him and went inside for a break... Here he comes strutting up the hall, looking like he had just woke up and giving all of us that "WHAT?" look.... I knew he was inside her house somewhere sleeping all the time, she just had moved and she had boxes everywhere but she was frantic so I did the helping neighbor thing to make her feel better..

Chester did about the same thing to Rie one time and had her in tears!

05-11-2006, 12:30 PM
Oh, I am so glad you were able to find your baby .... in his house sleeping! :rolleyes: Silly nawtee boy!

I just got a teepee today in the mail that I had ordered so I will have to give Sasha and Tabotha instructions that, even if they are asleep in their new teepee, they MUST respond to Meowmie! ;)

Kind of an aside....

A few years ago, a neighbor of mine called me in the middle of the night to tell me that Tabitha was outside! (She was a bartender and just getting home from work.) I told her "no, Tabs is sleeping right beside me." She kept insisting that Tabitha was outside... she had seen her! And I kept saying that she was right beside me sleeping! This went on for what seemed like minutes... and then she was at my door, ringing the doorbell. I answered to find her holding a "Tabitha lookalike"... and when she saw Tabitha with me at the door, she smiled, set "Tabitha 2" down and told me to go back to bed. She has since moved away, but we are still good friends and we laugh about the whole thing!!!

05-11-2006, 01:09 PM
"Tabitha lookalike"...

OMG! LOL I bet you did laugh over that!

My neighbor used to have a long haired blackish grey cat that in the dark would kinda resemble Chuck and for a split second I would panic thinking it was him.

05-11-2006, 01:41 PM
Cole always chirps and comes to me...except this one day when he didn't!

I was all through my 2 bedroom apt....up and down three stories of the building I am in, checking under the main floor stairwells at both ends...

I came beck to my apt in a panic...and he strolled out from somewhere with a yawn and a stretch..."You talkin' to ME?"

I think they KNOW....lol


05-11-2006, 02:00 PM
:D I think we've ALL been through this. Just when I think I know all of their hidey-holes (I live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment) they find a new place I would never have thought of looking.

05-12-2006, 03:13 PM
I think he felt bad because he snuggled me all last night and was in plain site this morning! LOL I got headbumpies and kissies and everything! :D

05-12-2006, 04:45 PM
i'm glad you found him. i thought i lost Pete once. after a day of searching he showed upon my bed. i don't know where he'd been all day.

05-13-2006, 12:44 AM
Unfortunately, I have had a few of those. :(

One time, Soni was out all morning. By the time we found him it was about two pm and he, as it later turned out, had a rather large abcess in his foot.