View Full Version : Diego

05-11-2006, 09:31 AM
Diego what a cutie you are and enjoy being POTD. My what pampered hedgehog you are running on your wheel all night long. Myabe she should get you a playmate like a ferret. :rolleyes: :cool: :) ;)
Sandy Frost

blue girl
05-11-2006, 09:40 AM
Diego, What a cutie you are! And so mischevious; I bet your family just loves having you around! Congratulations on being Pet of the Day!

05-11-2006, 10:45 AM
You are so adorable Diego! Congrats!! :)

05-11-2006, 11:32 AM
Congratulations on being our POTD Deigo!

Call me naive but i've never heard of a hedgehog as being a pet. They are soooo cute! Not sure what all my animals would make of one though! :D

05-11-2006, 12:35 PM
Diego how adorable you are!!!

You could give cute lessons!!!

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day!!! :D

05-11-2006, 05:21 PM
Awww!!! What a precious baby hedgie!:) You sure know how to scope out those comfy spots:D I'm so happy to read how very loved, spoiled and pampered you are, dear Diego! What a joy you are to your guardian!:) I hope you're enjoying a very happy, fun and love filled Pet of the Day bash! Have your person give you bunches of gentle cuddles and kisses for me! Congrats to our most precious, most deserving Pet of the Day, DIEGO!!! Spin away!:D

05-11-2006, 06:39 PM
Diego, this is your big day. :eek: Why are you hiding in that stinky shoe? :confused: But I think the shoe is warm and cozy for a little rascal like you. :cool: