View Full Version : *Sigh* Indecisive-ness...

05-10-2006, 08:52 PM
I completely had my mind made up on the Canon Powershot S2 IS. I saw it in Circuit City the other day, and I *loved* it! I check the price every week to see if it drops, and this week, well they finally have the S3 IS out. I took one look at it and now it makes me want it. It's ONLY $100 more. Plus, you get another scene mode, another megapixel, and a bigger LCD..
*sigh* I'm so indecisive...
Although I think I'll be happy with either.

05-10-2006, 09:06 PM
The S2 is great, you wouldn't be dissapointed with it. I was thinking about getting the S3 but my mom got a new camera and I got her 10D. So now I have two really nice cameras.

I don't have any advice because I've never played around with the S3, but trust me, the S2 is a great camera and you'd be really satisfied with it.

05-10-2006, 09:07 PM
Go with the 3 IS - it's faster at picture-taking, and a newer, improved model. Both are good cameras, but if the $100 isn't a big deal for you, I'd go with the newer one.

05-10-2006, 09:09 PM
Go with the 3 IS - it's faster at picture-taking, and a newer, improved model. Both are good cameras, but if the $100 isn't a big deal for you, I'd go with the newer one.
My Mom's paying for it..so it's up to her, but I'm sure if the S3 doesn't sky rocket in price, that I *may* end up with it.