View Full Version : Iowa City Fines People Who Feed Stray Cats

05-09-2006, 02:01 AM
CLERMONT, Iowa - The city isn't going to pussyfoot around when it comes to stray cats. The City Council has decided that anyone who feeds the cuddly creatures are aiding a nuisance.

Mayor Rodney Wagner says police could photograph people who feed stray cats and violators could be sent letters warning them of the consequences and be fined.

Police Chief Arthur Sullivan said people don't understand the problem.

"People find those cats sweet, cuddly and lovable," he said. "It's one of those situations that you're not going to win no matter what you do."

Nonetheless, Sullivan said something needs to be done. The trick will be finding a solution.

"We have people who feed the wild cats and the cats leave something behind," he said. "One guy won't be able to use his hot tub."

Yahoo! News

I'm sorry but don't they think there is a better way of approaching the problem than hurting the people trying to help and the cats? What about TNR (trap-neuter-return)?

Saying it's a situation where you won't win really makes me angry. Just because *you* are cold-hearted doesn't mean you have to hurt the good people trying to help.

And maybe I'm just dumb but I don't even know what the last sentence means. "One guy won't be able to use his hot tub." Why not? Did a cat use the restroom in it? I don't have a hot tub but I'm pretty sure you can clean one if you put a little elbow grease into it. If he doesn't mean a cat peed in it or something, I haven't a CLUE what he's talking about.

I'm sorry but this article just made me mad.

05-09-2006, 02:07 AM
People will still feed the cats, they just won't be so open about it.

05-09-2006, 05:08 AM
That's just stupid, and cruel. Instead of giving people a fine, why don't they get the people who feed the cats involved in some kind of trapping and neutering scheme, I'm sure they'd want to help if they're cat lovers.
It's the same with any council, never put the publics money to good uses just line their own pockets and fine people for stupid reasons. No doubt the mayor and police chief have very cosy offices with everything they need. They should try taking in a few cats and give them home.
You're right that is thoroughly annoying :mad:

Laura's Babies
05-09-2006, 09:54 AM
TNR is the answer here.... EDUCATION and TNR! Educate the people of the town to spay and neuter and FINE the ones who don't! EDUCATE the people of the town NOT to dump the unwanted on the streets, fine the ones that do. Require micro chips...

05-09-2006, 11:28 AM
UGH!!!! :mad: Why not fine the people who dumped the cats to begin with? That is SO not fair!! :mad:

05-09-2006, 11:32 AM
Fine the people who don't spay and neuter by 6 months of age. Unless you're cat is a grand champion breed example, they should all by spayed/neutered by 6months and it should be a federal law!

05-09-2006, 11:36 AM
Fine the people who don't spay and neuter by 6 months of age. Unless you're cat is a grand champion breed example, they should all by spayed/neutered by 6months and it should be a federal law!

AMEN TO THAT!!!!! I've said that all along!

05-09-2006, 03:49 PM
I wonder if that means on your own property as well as the Police would be setting up surveillance 24/7 here.
I am afriad that unless something is done about the number of feral Cats there is going to be a lot more laws like this one passed.
Like the ones in Isreal where they kill and dump all Stray Cats and Dogs.

05-09-2006, 03:59 PM
There was a stray colony at the VA hospital whrn I worked there. A memo came out of the Director's office that if anyone was found feeding the cats they would lose their job!!! What was great, was people continued to feed the cats!!! That is where Molly Meu is from. I have to agree with the above posts. Get the people who dump their cats and who do not spay and neuter!!!!