View Full Version : Urgent!!! Sick Kittens....need Advice

05-08-2006, 11:24 PM
I am caring for 6 abanded kittens approximately 2 weeks old now. they have been doing great up untill today. they are eating less than half of what they usually do and not nearly as active as past 2 weeks. Also, when I try to feed them, they "attack" the bottle like they are starving but only suckly a moment and then pull away. their bellies are sunken, I guess from not eating. they have really bad diarrhea and in the past 2 hours, it is starting to be tinged with blood. they used to perk up and get excited when I would just reach my hand in their box and now they barely lift their little heads up. I have called the vet twice and gotten the run a round and am calling a different one in the morning. at first I suspected Feline Distemper but am now considering coccidia. I have looked up info on both and found that coccidia shows up 13 days after exposure and today is day 13 that I have had them. I have 2 cats of my own, but they have made no contact with the kittens. the info also said they can get it from nursing on an infected mother........possibly got it from their mom the day before I got them??? I really don't want it to be distemper as that does not have a high survival rate. Anyone ever had a similar situation? any help, advice, or suggestions?
I am so afraid of getting up with them and finding that one (or more) have passed. I am feeding them frequently to combat being dehydrated.

05-08-2006, 11:30 PM
Please, please take them to the vet. They are much too young and dehydration is a serious problem, especially the blood in their diarrhea. PLEASE bring them to a vet, sign them over if you can't pay the bill!

05-08-2006, 11:33 PM
I have no problem at all paying the bill, they just kept giving me the run around and telling me that couldn't see them today, "they were too busy" so first thing in the morning, I am calling a different vet!!

05-08-2006, 11:36 PM
Oh wow, yes DEFINITELY call a different vet. This is a very urgent situation, especially considering their young age, they can dehydrate severely in no time!!

Good luck!

05-09-2006, 11:40 AM
Call another vet. The one you called sounds like a jerk. Coccidia is spread through bodily fluids (feces, urine). Baby kitties can go downhill SO fast at that age. If you can, get them to an emergency vet. Good luck and please, keep us posted.

05-09-2006, 12:53 PM
the kittens are doing a little better. they definitely are NOT worse!! slightly more active. still not eating much. I have an appointment with a different vet in about an hour. I hope everything goes ok. I will keep everyone posted.

05-09-2006, 12:58 PM
Oh yes please please let us know how it goes!!

05-09-2006, 01:00 PM
Sending lots of prayers for these little sweeties.

05-09-2006, 03:29 PM
We are praying that those Babies are All Right.
That Vet should know that there are some things that have to be looked at right away.
Little Kittens at that age are so delicate.
Please keep us updated.

05-09-2006, 04:01 PM
MANY PRAYERS FOR THE BABIES!!! Please seek the opinion of another vet!!! When I read your post DISTEMPER came to mind immediately!!! Please keep us posted!!!

05-09-2006, 04:06 PM
Distemper was my fist thought as well. I took them to the vet and he says its coccidia and the start of an URI. They were given medications and I am to take them back on Thursday if they don't improve. The smallest weighed just 3 1/2 oz and the largest was 5 1/2 oz. they are so tiny!! temps were ok though. they were also given an ointment for their bottoms, they are irritated and swollen from sucking on each other. (sorry if tmi) thanks for being concerned.

05-09-2006, 04:15 PM
I am just reading this thread... and I should say a big THANK YOU for taking care of these little ones who cannot help themselves! You are obviously a special person.

I hope and pray that the little ones are better soon.

05-09-2006, 04:28 PM
You are going to be working night and day to pull these kittens through their illnesses, and are to be commended for taking on the task. After your first post, I was very afraid we were going to hear that one or more of them had died since kittens fade so very quickly. I remember nursing 3-week-old kittens with URI and how very frightening it was, seeing them mouth breathing and having difficulty eating. The vet had me put nasal drops in one nostril for each cat twice a day, alternating nostrils. I also kept them in a warm, steam-filled bathroom for an hour at a time - I bought a humidifier but I thought the bathroom worked better. They pulled through and I hope your kittens will also.

05-09-2006, 09:04 PM
Hope you and the kitties are doing OK. Been praying for all of you and waiting for a positive update. Be sure to keep the babies warm all the time.

05-09-2006, 09:22 PM
I take my hat off to you for taking on such a huge task. Bless you for helping these precious widdle ones. Is anyone helping you to feed and care for the babies or are you doing this by yourself? I could only imagine what it must be for you to take care of 6 little ones at a time. :eek:

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way, that the babies have a full and speedy recovery.

05-10-2006, 09:03 AM
The kittens are doing woderfull!! they are eating much better allready, the diarrhea has slowed down alot. it's still there, but not nearly as much as before. They are much more active and they get excited to see me again too. I have 2 small boys, so when my husband is home, he occupies my boys while I feed and bath the kittens. He likes to cuddle with them, but being so small, he is afraid he will hurt them if he baths or feeds them. So at this point, I am doing it all pretty much on my own. The hardest part is when my husband is at work, when I have to take care of all the kittens and my 2 little boys alone. But somehow I am managing to do it. Everyone is happy and the kittens seem to be significantely improving. We have named one of them so far.........the very "round" one is Garfield.....he is the biggest weighing just over 5 oz. he is solid orange and my son thought that name fit him perfectly, I couldn't agree more!!

05-10-2006, 04:51 PM
Oh GOOD! I'm so glad to hear they're doing better!!

05-10-2006, 04:57 PM
A Contingent of Momma Cat Angels is coming to help you.
You cant see or hear them,but they will be there comforting those Babies,and giving them purrs and kisses.
Bless you for helping those Kittens and there will be such a bond of love between you.

05-10-2006, 06:30 PM
Hi Ms. Erica! It was very sad to hear that the tiny baby kittens were so sick. How wonderful that you found a whitecoat who was willing to check them to find out what was wrong. Boy, I sure wouldn't want my Meowmie to take me to that other one. Anyway, it's good to know the baby kittens are getting better now. It's the combination of a caring whitecoat giving them the right medicine and your love that's making them better. With you to care for them, I know each will grow up to be a strong, healthy PT kitty! I'm sending you lots of headbumpies, purrs, kitty hugs, and kitty kisses to thank you for caring enough to help and for all the work you do to help the babies get better!

Your friend,

05-11-2006, 11:56 PM
the kittens are all doing wonderfull!!! All of them are eating like normal and very active again. now they are attempting to stand.....which is just so cute!!! 3 of them have all ready been spoken for, now I just need to find good homes for the other 3. They won't be ready for several weeks yet, but it's nice to know that 3 of them all ready have a good home waiting for them. I am going to have such a hard time letting them go after all that I have been through with them.....all the feedings and cuddling and not to mention the sickness they are getting over. but when these liitle guys get new homes, I will have room to foster more babies. the 3 older kittens that I was fostering got new homes yesterday and today. thank you for all of your support!!