View Full Version : Swollen gland in neck?

05-08-2006, 05:36 PM
Ok well I discovered last night that my boyfriend has been suffering with what feels like a swollen gland like on the underneath of his chin, he wont go to the doctors with it at all and I'm worried incase its something serious, I got the impression that a swollen gland is something to worry about or am I wrong?

I think he might be a bit scared to go get it checked out but I've offered to take time off and go with him but he just laughed it off.. any suggestions? :( It's been bugging me all day, could it be serious or am I just making a fuss over nothing?

05-08-2006, 05:40 PM
Is he having any other problems? Swollen lymph nodes could mean a number of things. Sometimes people get them with a common colds, URI's, strep throat, tonsillitis, etc.

It would be the smart thing to do to get it checked out and make sure there's nothing underlying.

*edit* Just googled it for you, and here's a website explaining a bit about it.


Laura's Babies
05-08-2006, 05:47 PM
The MUMPS are back too... He needs to get it checked in case it is... He could make a lot of people sick and do some damage to himself too..

05-08-2006, 05:47 PM
Thanks for the link, He has been complaining about chest pains but its the same story he wont go to the doctors.. Hes very fit and healthy hes recently lost alot of weight but on a steady diet and goes to the gym 3 times a week so I dont think that has anything to do with the chest pains, also the gland is only swollen in one place its under his jaw as far as I know but I dont think he would tell me if it was swollen elsewhere because I worry too much apparently! :rolleyes: I dont know maybe I do I just dont want him getting ill if it can be avoided :(


OK i just got told hes had it for a few weeks now.. Hes definatly got to get checked out hasnt he? Someone let me know if im over reacting because I dnt want to sound pushy and overreacting if I am but surely after a few weeks something must be up? I can see this causing some arguements :mad: :(

Laura's Babies
05-08-2006, 10:47 PM
A FEW WEEKS? This has been swollen for a few WEEKS? He BETTER get to see a doctor.. It could be anything...He may be afraid to go see a doctor but the fear of what could happen if he don't should scare him even more!

05-08-2006, 11:16 PM
Tell him to go now and get it over with. It could be something simple or something very serious, and the only way to know is to have a medical professional check it out.

05-08-2006, 11:38 PM
That's probably his lymph node... mine swell up whenever I get sick; sinus infections, colds, etc. But those are usually "illnesses" that go away within a few days to a week's time with proper medication.

If it has been swollen and bothering him for TWO WEEKS, he needs to go see a doctor, because it can be an infection or something serious.

05-09-2006, 10:57 AM
Thanks everyone, I've persuaded him to go to the doctors, on his terms of that if it hasn't gone down by sunday then he will book an appointment, I swear I will mention it to his very :rolleyes:! over protective mum so that should make him just from being bothered so much by her.. :) Anyway thanks everyone I'll let you know how he gets on :)

05-09-2006, 01:55 PM
I had something like that a few years ago. It was just a swollen lymph node. It hurt me a little bit, but not much. Within a few days, and some antibotics, it went away. It could be something else but I don't know.

EDIT: I went to the doctor withing a few days of noticing it. They said that if it is worse enough, then I would have to have surgery to remove it. Hopefully that's not his case. since its been swollen for a couple of weeks. :(

05-10-2006, 10:14 AM
It could be nothing, it could be something. I don't get someone not taking responsibility for his own health, however.

I had a similar problem, and mine turned out to be toxoplasmosis (of course, with fifty million cats, he he he). I had the node removed and biopsied. My primary care doctor thought it was lymphoma, and came back into the exam room with tears in her eyes. Talk about freaking someone out!!! :eek:

My work place, to this day, refers to it as "Johanna's cat bumps". :D