View Full Version : PT Matriarch Update

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-08-2006, 04:23 PM
Back in November I had posted this thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=93933&highlight=matriarch) about our resident Matriarchs and Patriarchs.

Since then, our reining Matriarch, our dear Ms Speckles, has made a peaceful trip to the RB. :( I just posted an uppydate on Peanut, so I was wondering how our other Matriarchs are doing.

In the other thread we heard about:
Samantha (Vermontcat) who is about to turn 18
Tabitha (Donnaj4962) who is about to turn 18
Peanut who is 17
Kasha who is 16
Felicia who is 16

I know we're missing Mimi (Logan) who I believe is 17 also?

So, I just wondering how the old girls are doing these days. :)

05-09-2006, 07:33 AM
Well Tucker who will turn 23 in October of this year has settled into her new home very well. Since the weather has become warmer she is spending most of her time outside sunbathing on the back deck, sleeping in the new flower beds, rolling around in the catnip garden and of course keeping all of her younger siblings in line.

I'm sad to say that her health has been on a slow but steady decline. She sleeps more often and it's a deeper sleep than I have ever withnessed with her, her hearing is going and she does not see as well as she used to, but I think the worst of her health problems is her chronic sneezing and unfortunately she does not respond well to any of the antibiotics that the vet has tried for her so we have come to the decision to let her live out the rest of her life the way she is most happy....without having to give her medication that she does not like...and I value the skin on my hands and arms ;)

Here are a few photos of her.

Here she is in our camper...she loves to go in when I'm in there cleaning or getting ready to take it out for a weekend. I think she would make a great camper.

I edited for Tucker's age....she will actually turn 23 in October....I missed a year...bad meowmie :o

05-09-2006, 08:40 AM
Miss Bear is the resident "Queen Mom" in my household and she is a young one compared to the other matriarchs, being only 15 years young. Although she isn't as active as everyone else she keeps them all in line and is in great health (sorry I don't have any pictures here...)

05-09-2006, 09:10 AM
The Princess has turned 16,and despite being sight challenged is doing well.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/th_Picture1914.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/?action=view&current=Picture1914.flv)
Shes my Very Own Little Princess!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-09-2006, 09:47 AM
Thanks for the uppydates!

Meg, how in the world could I have forgotten Tucker!? :o

I'm so sorry to hear her health is in decline, but by the pics, it looks like she's still getting around and enjoying life. Tubby also started sleeping very very deeply in his last year or two, and Peanut has started it too....and I know Slick experienced the same thing with Speckles. When Peanut is in one of her deep sleeps, I can actually pick her head up and bob it up and down at will without her waking up! :eek: The first time I noticed it, I thought she was dead! :eek: Fortunately I panicked enough and moved her around enough that she woke up - whew! Scared the daylights out of me!

Thanks again everyone for the uppydates on your seniors. Appears everyone is getting older, but is still in relative good health - yippeee!!! :D

05-09-2006, 09:49 AM
Meg - there was someone on here whose cat had a URI - and they also tried a bit of an antihistamine, which worked really well to dry up sniffles and sneezes.

Just wondering your vet might try one to make dear Tucker a little more comfy.

Hugs to you - what a lovely girl she is, with a thick coat!


05-09-2006, 10:23 AM
Yes folks, I can attest that sending a furbaby to the Bridge is not fun but definitely much, much better to do at home. For me, it was very expensive, but well worth it as I held Speckles close to me and we sat on her favourite side of the couch. I will do it again with Max although he is only 13 and I hope to have him for at least 3 or 4 more years.

Deep Sleep Syndrome? Ha! There were times that I would poke Speckles really hard several times and she still didn't wake up. When she finally did lift her head and open one eye, it was like "Whhaaattt????" :rolleyes: :D

What a beautiful girl Tucker is and I pray that you have a few more wonderful years with her.

05-09-2006, 10:40 AM
Aren't our Matriarchs wonderful?? I need to post a new picture of Mimi and I have some on my other computer, but this is the one I had on Imagestation from the Super Bowl.........


Mimi is doing fine. She is slowing down, but overall, I am very pleased with the 5 pound girl. She is still feisty, lets Butter know who is boss, and loves us completely.

Mimi will turn 17 next month. :)


05-09-2006, 11:49 AM
Kasha is still doing very well. She was 16 in January. No health problems at all(knock on wood). She still hates the dogs, but is learning to tolerate the other cats. She even sleeps near them sometimes now, especially if there is a sunbeam in the area!
She's my snugglebug girl and happiest when she is being held.

05-09-2006, 11:52 AM
They are all lovely :) .

This thread is a good idea! I don't know exacty why, but these kitties have something special. ;)

05-09-2006, 12:27 PM
Ginger turns 20 this month and I need to stop working in the garden long enough to take photos and post a happy birthday thread on her this week. She's been deaf for a few years but her sight is good. She sometimes shows slight head tremors, had intermittent small nose bleeds this winter due to dry air, tends to make sloppy poops, pees over the side of the box, and has mild renal failure. But all in all, she's in good health and she's certainly capable of smacking around the other cats. It's amazing to see cats twice her size walk a wide circle around her. She's coped with the addition of 6 new cats within the past three weeks extremely well, and I even saw her ease her way into the middle of two of them yesterday (when the weather turned a little cool). Apart from putting Metamucil in her wet food, I've also decided to not treat her to any medication or fluids. She's had a very good life and is still enjoying it.

Last year I lost her 19 year old sister (Little One), her 18 year old sister (Simka), and my Artful Dodger who was 17. I've just adopted a 15 year old and a 13 year old from the shelter, and my Macduff is 14 or 15 or could be more.

It's good to hear about the other older cats, their problems and lack of them, and how their caregivers are deciding to care for them.

05-09-2006, 03:57 PM
I have no old ladies here (except me HA!!!) but it is sure nice to hear about all of the older lady cats of PT.

05-09-2006, 04:27 PM
My sweet little Tabitha is doing well, although slowing down some. She has good and bad days... but is always willing to "fight back" when her little sister, Sasha stops by to give her a swat or two! Tabby swats right back! :eek:

I do wish they would get along better, but they tolerate one another and I guess i could not ask for more than that. They will actually sleep on the same bed with me, and once in a while, if I am on the couch, Tabby can be resting in my arms and will allow Sasha to lay right beside me! ;)

I love my dear Tabby. She has been through so much with me! We were single, then married, then divorced! And the other day I counted that she has moved with me 6 times! Bless her heart! She is my cuddlebunny, and her purrs are so loud that sometimes she wakes me from a solid sleep!

05-09-2006, 04:46 PM
My Eldest Cat was Smokey who passed on at 23.
I got a call from My Dear Friend Joan that they had a Cat that was 18 that was a Long Time Stray and needed a home.
They firgure he had at the most 6 Months.
Well Smokey fooled them and was a Great Cat for nearly 6 Years.
He was so grateful to have a Full Dish and was he ever happy just stretching out on a soft bed.
Just ilke Tubby 2.
I will be so Happy to see All My Angels.
One Fine Day.

05-09-2006, 04:50 PM
I sure know what you guys mean by deep sleep syndrom lol! Coco does this all the time and it frightens me to pieces and it take a lot of shaking to get her to wake! She is 15 years old now and she still goes crazy in the middle of the night and runs outdoors when she gets the chance. I find her sight is going and she is getting more discharge from her eyes but all in all my old girl is healthy! Daddy calls her his old friend and they share a special relationship!

Actually Mom just mentioned the other day that they have had Coco for half of their 30 year marriage and I have had her since I was 6! Wow I'll be sad to see her go but we hope to hit at least 20 :)


05-10-2006, 09:05 AM
Oh, Tucker looks so sweet - and only half her age, if that. I am sorry she has health problems. I hope her life continues to be as peaceful as possible. You have a wonderful kitty. Thanks for the report.

05-10-2006, 09:39 AM
Sweet little Princess - she seems very sweet, Gary.

05-10-2006, 03:35 PM
What a wonderful thread. I can't believe Tucker is 22! I am so full of admiration for all these lovely ladies :)

05-10-2006, 05:15 PM
The Pet Angel Army visits all Companions over 20,and they bring hugs,kisses and Kitty Bags and help them have as full a life with thier Guardians as they can.
You have done a Wonderful Job with Tucker and May You have as long a time with her as you want.

05-16-2006, 09:36 PM
I'm so sorry that I am so late with an update on my sweet Samantha.
She will be turning 18 next month.
She doesn't hear as good as she used to but she makes up for it by turning up the volume on her meowing when she wants something. ;)
Other than that she has been doing just fine.
I have been so busy the last few weeks that I haven't had the time to post any new photos of her but I have taken some new ones that I hope to post this weekend.

05-16-2006, 09:47 PM
Zoe, please give Samantha a gentle hug from us. What a grand lady she is!!!! :) My queen bee, Mimi, is lying in my lap right now, purring her heart out and making biscuits on my bare legs. :eek:

She (Mimi) is happy and healthy, just slowing down dramatically. It makes me sad, but I know she is ok and happy. Helen, Scott and I adore her, as do Andrew and Elizabeth.

We are lucky folks to have such wonderful girls and boys with us, for so long.

Logan (and Mimi, of course)