View Full Version : Andy saved my life...

05-08-2006, 12:50 PM
Quite literally.

Saturday evening my boss, Clare, was throwing a party for her daughter's First Communion. A small gathering of friends and family were invited over for dinner. Dan was outside grilling London Broil and asparagus, some were downstairs watching the Kentucky Derby, while myself, Andy, and a few others were chatting in the living room.

Sometime during the evening, Dan came upstairs with a meager three pieces of steak on a platter claiming that was all that was left for dinner since GJ had gobbled the rest up. We laughed and I quipped that I thought that was the sample platter. Dan extended the platter saying we could have it if we wanted. Andy, Natalie, and I each grabbed a piece and began nibbling. Andy and Natalie had napkins and I, not seeing anymore in sight and failing at catching the juices in my hand, popped the chunk of steak in my mouth and began chewing resolutely. Dumb move #1.

I got up to wash my hands in the kitchen and decided to swallow the chunk of steak. Dumb move #2.

It didn't go down willingly and I slightly panicked, but could still breath. I thought about trying to cough it up, but decided I didn't want to gross anyone out, so I kept swallowing in vain.

Walking back to the living room, others seemed to notice I was having a problem and gave perplexed looks. Andy asked if I was okay. I nodded, eyes watering, still trying to swallow the chunk lodged in my throat. I went to take a breath, found I couldn't, and quickly shook my head. Everyone in surround sound cried, "Are you choking!?"

I nodded, patting frantically at my throat. :eek:

Andy deftly did the Heimlich maneuver, the piece in my throat moved, I gulped and it went down my esophagus begrudgingly. I inhaled sharply and it felt so good.

Denise got a glass of water for me while everyone else asked repeatedly if I was okay.

"Now that I can breathe I am!" I replied with an embarrassed smile. :o

Not being able to breathe = not fun.

Oh...but the night is not over.

Seeing as the crisis was averted, the teasing began. I was told my food should be cut up into baby sized pieces, that Andy must really love me since that could of been his ticket to freedom, and so on. I took it all in stride.

Dinner was finally ready and we all filled our plates.

Only a few bites into my food, I heard Denise make a strange yet painfully familiar sound. I looked up sharply and she locked eyes with me, gave me an "I'm okay." wave of the hand and went into the kitchen.

She, unlike me, tried to cough up her food into the sink. When it wouldn't, she made a frantic gesture, and Andy, once again, did the Heimlich and the offending piece of steak ended up on the kitchen floor.

By now, Dan is horrified that his meal is killing his guests and the kids are running around squealing that the dinner is deadly.

Granted it wasn't the food's fault, in fact it was quite delicious. Denise and I were simply abashed at not being more careful.

So Andy was a hero twice over that day. Dan claimed it was his innate Spider-Man abilities. ;)

05-08-2006, 12:58 PM
WOW. That is insane!!! Twice in one night? Thank God for Andy!!! (and, as I like to tell Jonah, "take small bites"...! :eek: )

05-08-2006, 12:59 PM
That happened to me once, it was really scary.

I am glad you are okay!

05-08-2006, 01:10 PM
The Heimlich maneuver is one everyone should learn. Thanks goodness for Andy! Woo hoo!

We all learned the Heimlich maneuver in gym class in high school. Funny enough, two days later, I came down with a painful sore throat. I didn't feel really sick, just a really sore throat, so I went to school. Well, I was sitting in homeroom, and had my hands around my throat, when a friend walked by, then double back and rushed in and said excitedly "Are you choking????" I quickly moved my hands and said "No, just a sore throat." She was kinda disappointed not to be able to use her newly learned skill!

05-08-2006, 01:21 PM
Thank goodness Andy was there!

05-08-2006, 01:29 PM
Thanks. :) I do know how to do the Heimlich to others as well as to myself.

Clare knows it too but just happened to not be in the room at the time of both incidents.

It was definitely an interesting night.

It all happened in a matter of seconds, but felt like an eternity. It's so scary not being able to breath.

05-08-2006, 01:33 PM
WOW! That must have been scary! Glad your ok.

05-08-2006, 01:34 PM
:eek: OMG!
I'm so glad both of you are okay!!

05-08-2006, 01:37 PM
Not being able to breath is a VERY scary feeling. I'm SO glad that "Mr. Super Hero" Andy was there to save the day.

CUDOS dude!!!

Granted, the food was delicious, but come on girls!!! CHEW DAMMIT, CHEW!!!! ;)

05-08-2006, 01:53 PM
Yeah for Andy! That does sound scarey. I'm prone to choking on riduculous things, like a gulp of water, a bite of apple...I can relate! But I do have to admit I laughed reading your post, I guess it must be my sick sense of humor. :rolleyes: sorry. I really am glad you're ok!

05-08-2006, 02:09 PM
I am still wondeirng whether the steak was really as tender as it should have been?

Glad you survived! Definitely glad you survived!

05-08-2006, 02:18 PM
Pat, it's okay. I wrote it to be kind of humerous in the sense that I should of known better.

Barbara, the steak I choked on was medium well done. Denise's was rare.

05-08-2006, 02:37 PM
Dang you ladies are lucky :)

I've never choaked like that, but my old dog was choaking baddly & that was scary, but luckly I was able to pull it out when my hands, other wise dad was gonna pick him upside down & squeeze (he learned that long ago, with his old dog).. everyone should know how to do that on a person & on a dog!!

finn's mom
05-08-2006, 03:55 PM
Oh, my gosh, he's Pet Talk's hero, for saving one of the coolest Talkers around! That's a story that will most certainly be told for years to come in your family! You had me cracking up in a few parts, I'm so glad that you're able to tell us about it, that would be so scary! Baby bites, baby bites. ;)

05-08-2006, 04:33 PM
Kim, what a terrible thing to happen.I do know how scary that can be.
I think the more you sense you can't breath, the worse your throat closes
up. :eek: I'm so glad Andy came to the rescue. Congrats Andy. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-08-2006, 04:46 PM
Wow, how scarey! So glad Andy was there to save the day! Way to go Superman! ;) :D

Laura's Babies
05-08-2006, 05:59 PM
Sounds like you have a Guardian Angel and his name is ANDY!

This happened to my niece at a steak house one time and nobody would help her even though her daughter was screaming for help.. Finally, a gentleman jumped up and tried and tried to get it out and it wouldn't bulge, finally he gave her a real heave ho with everything he had and the meat from her throat flew across the room. The next day she was hurting so bad she had to go to the ER.. The guy had broke a couple of ribs but it was not his fault... she was into body buliding and very "muscluar" so that is what it too to get it out. (so much for that 6 pack abs!)

05-08-2006, 06:02 PM
Oh my, Kimmy, what a scare!!! I'm so glad that the evening turned out well in the end...what an experience!!

My Peanuts
05-08-2006, 06:44 PM
Scary. I'm glad everyone is ok. It makes an interesting story though.

05-08-2006, 07:03 PM
That happened to me once too, also with London Broil (which I'm having for dinner tonight as well). I was alone; fortunately the piece did dislodge and didn't have to self-Heimlich. Now, whenever I have London Broil I'm extra special careful to cut it into small pieces, chew and swallow very carefully.

I'm glad you're all right.

Ginger's Mom
05-08-2006, 07:07 PM
Glad everything worked out alright. I have a feeling Andy is going to be getting a lot of dinner party invitations from now on. He is a good man to have around. :)

05-08-2006, 07:15 PM
ya gotta keep this guy...he's really really useful ;)

05-08-2006, 07:59 PM
Way to go Spiderman!!!

05-08-2006, 08:17 PM
I'd say you caught yourself a keeper, Kimmy. ;) Although, it's obvious you already know that!!

What a great guy - thanks for saving our Kimmy! :D

05-08-2006, 09:16 PM
By now, Dan is horrified that his meal is killing his guests and the kids are running around squealing that the dinner is deadly.


Glad Andy was there to save the night.
What would we have done without you if he wanst there!!??:eek:

05-08-2006, 09:17 PM
I think if I were the cook I'd have a complex, I wouldn't want to cook for anyone again:p

Sounds like Andy's a pretty good guy to have around when your eating!

And again, I'm glad your ok (remember to take little bites from now on;))

05-09-2006, 12:25 PM
All in a day's work for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!


05-09-2006, 12:42 PM
"... In the chill of night,
At the scene of the crime
Like a streak of light
He arrives just in time

Spider-man, Spider-man
Friendly neighborhood Spider-man
Wealth and fame, he's ignored
Action is his reward

To him, life is a great big bang-up
Wherever there's a hang-up
You'll find the Spider-man! ... "

Andy you're our Heeero!

Glad everyone is ok!
Kim, didn't your Mama ever teach you to chew your food at least 20 times before swallowing? ;)