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View Full Version : Oh Miz 'n Mizzer PetTalk Peepholes, it's jist awshul!

05-04-2002, 03:51 PM
Whut a dayz 'n it aintz eben ober yetz! :mad:

Sometimez I don't knowz iffin' I likez my mommy--I jist gotzta tellz u whut she didz todayz. :mad:

Firztezt, she sleptz inz 'n I triedz to wakez her uppiez by kissin' her. Uzually, she likez dat but I don't know whut happenedz diz mornin'! She 'pletely ignoredz mez! So I jumpied on her tummie. Well, then she rolledz over but she still din'tz getz uppiez. So den I jumpied on her headz. She finally opened an eyeball 'n dere I wuz, lookin' atz her. I triedz to tell herz I liked her ol' eyeball by lickin' it but she shutz it reel quick and all I gotz wuz a mouf ful of eye fur. Den she started skritchin' my nose 'n I knew she wuz uppiez. But iffin' I knewd da day wuz gonna turn outz like diz, I woulda letz her sleepz!

It started outz ok, she got uppiez and gotz her cinnyman rolls. I luv da way those guys smellz but she won't let me have any no matter how cute I lookz. :( I tried lookin' cutez dis way and den I tried lookin' cutez inna different wayz...still no cinnyman rolls. So den I tried to jumpie in her platez but she moved it reel quick and I ended uppiez in her lapz. She picked me uppie and carried me to the kitchen and took out da paw clippers! She's only had those guyz for two weeks but I already knows I don't likez 'em so I started squirminz! It din't workz. I gotz my paws clippied. So den I akted mad hopin' to get parsley outta diz deal. And you know whut? The store was outta parsley so I hadda settlez for cilantro! I like dat but not as much as I likez my parsley. Den I pretended like I wuzn't gonna eatz it unless she fedz me. So she didz.

Oh but da storrie getz worser! She den decided dat da fish were dirty so she scoopied dem out. She foundz some babies and den scoopied dem out too. So far, so gud. BUT den she took out her plant and stuff started shootin' off into da floorz! Come to find out, it was more babies! So we satz inna floor lookin' for da babies but we couldn't findz em. :(

Once da fishiez were kleanz, she decided I wuz dirtie! I tried to tell her I wuzn't butz she jist wouldn't listenz! So I gotza baff too. :rolleyes: Uzually I don't mindz da baff but todayz I jist wuzn't in da moodz. So I madez a plan! :cool: When I wuz reel reel wetz, I jumpied on her headz! :D Unfortunatelyz, diz din't make her stopz--she scoopied me uppiez and finished rinsin' me.

It'z only a little after lunchie time...I sure hopez da rest of da day getz much better!

Sophie Bunnie

05-04-2002, 04:38 PM
dats an outrage!:eek: :o ;) :p :) :D :cool: :rolleyes: ;)

05-04-2002, 04:38 PM
Uhhh, dear Sophie Bunny, you need to tell your mummy, that you have had quite enough of this for one day and she need to be real good to you for the rest of the day. She will listen, I'm sure! You must remind yourself that this will most likely not happen to you again for quite some time - you just wait and see, tomorrow, when she has had some time to think, it will be completely different! :D :D :D

hugs and purrs from
Fister & his mum

Former User
05-04-2002, 04:40 PM
Miz Sophie, you sure have had intresting day so far, I wonder what the afternoon and evneing will bring for you? Isn't it nice to be clean though ;) I'm sure your mommy didn't wash you just to annoy you (then again...never know! Nah, just kidding! ;) )
Keep us updated on your rest of the day! I sure look forward hearing more!!

05-04-2002, 04:41 PM
Lands sake, Miz Sophie! I think I would take a long nap after the morning you had. I sure hope the rest of the day goes better for you. :eek: :)

05-04-2002, 04:55 PM
Sophie, next time she wants to give you a baff, you tell her you only wants one if you and she have a tubbie together. That way you can dig your little nails into bare skin for traction and hop your way right out of there. :p

05-04-2002, 06:01 PM
Poor, Miz Sophie!!! it soundslike your mom sure had been tough on you today!! But you musta got her good jumpin on her head when you were all wet!!! that should teach her to give you baths!!!

05-04-2002, 06:23 PM
But Miz Sophie, doncha no dat Saturday is the day most laydies get their mannys cured?

And the story goes dat fer yeers sum peepholes only gotz dem bathy thingys on Saturday nights. Sew youse gitted yurs early. And you dint havta share dat water wit no bodieselse.

An whatcha doin on the Mum's bean? She don't gotz parsley up there.

05-04-2002, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by RachelJ
Sophie, next time she wants to give you a baff, you tell her you only wants one if you and she have a tubbie together. That way you can dig your little nails into bare skin for traction and hop your way right out of there. :p

LOL Rachel!! Don't give her any ideas!! Beeeelieve me! She got me good! lol Not only was I soakin' wet, I have the 'traction' marks from the climb up to my head! :eek: LOL

I'm bein' ignored, but she certainly smells yummie now...I've got to run to the store and see if I can't find a peace offering (aka parsley). lol

05-04-2002, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by gini
But Miz Sophie, doncha no dat Saturday is the day most laydies get their mannys cured?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

05-05-2002, 02:58 AM
Awww, Miz Sophie sorry to hear you had such a day.:( Hopefully it got much better and you got some Parsley. Go easy on your Mommy. She's working hard. Final exams are like a day without Parsley. Give her extra special lovin's Miz Sophie....at least until school is over and stuff.;)

Former User
05-05-2002, 03:45 AM
Dearest Miz Sophie, may we be curious and ask how was you afternoon and evening yesterday? We hope you got lots of parsley? :D

05-05-2002, 04:54 AM
Oh Mz Sophie,

Prema here. Finally my mom has hooked up her PC so I can answer your cry for help! I hate having my nails clipped, I even hid that horrible instrument of torture under the sofa but that silly brother of mine went and fished it out. I get really naughty when they try to clip my nails and so they often end up bringing me to the vet. They said that it's because otherwise they get incarnated (I got some problems with my back paws so they say) BUT I DON'T BELIEVE THEM!!! They're just plain envious... some ladies pay to get extensions to their nails and they want to cut my NATURAL, LONG and perfectly pointed ones! :mad: :mad:

And on top of it NO parsley??? :eek: :eek: That's TERRIBLE!!!!

Your friend in misery

05-05-2002, 05:34 AM
MIS SOFFEE - this is orrible - ours Mummy waz laffing so loud we crept in an read wot yous rote!!! We all fink yous wos tortued enuf an if it appens agen we'se all gonna com ober der and rescu youz - an NO parzley neever. Disgustering! Ouz Mummy bin sayin for dayz that Dan needz a baf - so he went an sat in the rain - mummy laffed at dat!!
We keepin owr pawsies crozzed for youz - gud luk Miz Soffee

From Bagel and Ketchum and Dan xxxxxx

05-05-2002, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
Dearest Miz Sophie, may we be curious and ask how was you afternoon and evening yesterday? We hope you got lots of parsley? :D

:( We repliedz but had too many smiliez or frowniez. Went backz and lost eberthing. :(

We will tellz you laterz diz afternoon...;)

Former User
05-05-2002, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

:( We repliedz but had too many smiliez or frowniez. Went backz and lost eberthing. :(
We will tellz you laterz diz afternoon...;)

Awww, what a shame. I think 8 or 9/post smilies is the limit...

05-05-2002, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty

Awww, what a shame. I think 8 or 9/post smilies is the limit... Gosh! I didn't even know we HAD a limit! :eek: :D

05-05-2002, 02:43 PM
C & K somewhere I was trying to post and I laughed at myself.

It kept saying I had too many smilies and I kept deleting and deleting...........finally got it down to the acceptable amount and I was able to post.

There are days when you just get carried away and I wanted to smile on every line!

Former User
05-05-2002, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by SpencerTheLion
Eight is the limit...

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Funny, I swear there is 9 here!!!

Former User
05-05-2002, 03:02 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

And 10 here!

05-05-2002, 03:10 PM
Niina - didn't anyone tell you? We count differently in the States? Sometimes nine is eight and sometimes ten is four.

Especially if you are talking about AGE:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Former User
05-05-2002, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by gini
Niina - didn't anyone tell you? We count differently in the States?

I've noticed! ;)

05-05-2002, 03:27 PM
Miz Sophie arncha talkin to yur Mum yet? She said sumpin bout losin her smilies and thingys.........gosh, hope she finds dem. I wuz jist kuri us how yur Sunday waz goin.

05-05-2002, 04:35 PM
Miz Gini,

I don't have time right now to tell ya guyz eberthing that happened yesterdayz, but I wantz to tellz you aboutz sumpin'.

Last nightz, I had my firztezt 'sperience wif a paw-cicle! It wuz a flavur calledz razzbewwie and it wuz KOLDZ! (Are all paw-cicles koldz?) Firztezt, I triedz to bitez dat guy. Dat made my teefz koldz 'n I hadzta shake my earz. Den I satz der 'n looked at 'imz for a minutez. He wuz jist too yummiez to leave alonez tho so I triedz to bitz him aginz. He hadn't warmed uppie anyz so I shook my earz. Den I triedz lickin' dat guyz and you knowz whut? It werkz much betterz dat wayz! Onlee, mom wouldn't let me have but a coupla lickiez. She sedz that iffin' she 'memberz next time she'll getz sum sugar-freeze onez and I kin have my ownz lil' piece! I sure hopez she getz parsley flavured onez!!

Speakin' o' parsley, mom sedz da store wuz still outz of it! :mad: :mad:

Miz Prema, tellz yer momz dat we 'spect to hearz more from u guyz since da puter is hookied up nowz! :)

Bagel, Ketchum, 'n Dan--parsley ain't disgustering! *tHuMpZ* Have you triedz it? I 'preciate your offerz to res-coo me but puh-leze learnz to like parsleys first :)

I will tryz 'n typez more laterz, momz werkin' on sumpin' kalled a TAKE HOME FINAL. I peekiedz at it and it dudn't lookz like funz! Miz LoudLou, I thinkz mom needz tezt answerz more dan she needz luv right nowz! :eek: :p

Former User
05-06-2002, 01:45 AM
Oh poor Miz Sophie, still no parsley? What kind of a shop is that anyways? Casper and Kitty ask if they need to go and do shome serious parsley shopping and sift it to you?
(I'm getting a funny mental imagine of 2 cats going to do shopping, getting PARSLEY and then mailing it to their bunny friend in the USA ) :D :D :D

05-06-2002, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
(I'm getting a funny mental imagine of 2 cats going to do shopping, getting PARSLEY and then mailing it to their bunny friend in the USA ) :D :D :D

I can just see Casper..."WHAT?! NO PARSLEY?" karaaattteee chop! Poor Kitty would be hanging her head in embarrasment, "Big brothers *sigh*....can't take them anywhere..";)

05-07-2002, 04:29 AM
I read one time that you could make mouth rinse from parsley - so I tried it........bad stuff!!!!!! So you can make Miz Sophie some parsley pops. Just boil up some parsley in water and freeze for paw-cicles! (she must have really good breath) LOL:rolleyes:

Former User
05-07-2002, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

I can just see Casper..."WHAT?! NO PARSLEY?" karaaattteee chop! Poor Kitty would be hanging her head in embarrasment, "Big brothers *sigh*....can't take them anywhere..";)


05-07-2002, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
Bagel, Ketchum, 'n Dan--parsley ain't disgustering! *tHuMpZ* Have you triedz it? I 'preciate your offerz to res-coo me but puh-leze learnz to like parsleys first :)

Ooooohhhhh Mz Sofee yous made our mummy laff - she sed we shuld learn to rite properly. cos wez all meant dat havin no parsley was disgustering!! We hopes yous mummy bin to shoppies an got lots for youz. Wez all prefers grass - oh an mummys flowers - he he he he!!

Bagel, Ketchum an Dan xxxxxx