View Full Version : More information on the kitten.

05-07-2006, 10:56 PM
After finding out that the kitten was a female I decided to rename her. She is Tiger Lily. I think it is befitting for various reasons. :D

She has stopped running and hissing. I *was* giving her milk (I don't know why, now that I think of it. :/ ) but she got the runs so her milk has been replaced with cold water. She is *so* skinny. You can feel her ribs, her shoulders, and all the bones at her back end. I gave her some scrambled egg and a bit of cooked lunch meat this morning and she wolfed that down. She has now taken a liking to sitting in front of the computer monitor and staring at me. She is still scared of quick movement. I believe a *huge* amount of progress has been made. It's just unbelievable. Oh, she is starting to trust Troy. She is just so freakin' darling. :) I hope I don't get attached.

Tomorrow, I will be making calls to vets, shelters, etc, to see if anyone has reported a lost/missing kitten. If not, then I don't know what will happen. She is *not* going to a kill shelter. I plan on keeping her until we find her home or another one.

Any tips on cleaning kitten ears?

Laura's Babies
05-07-2006, 11:35 PM
Clean them with a Q-tip but only the upper part, not down into the canal or you could do more damage than good. Can you get her some kitten food? She needs kitten food with all the stuff in it that kittens need. A regular good diet and she will fatten up in no time.

It sounds like she is adjusting to the inside, spoiled life pretty good, already learning computers...Eggs and cooked lunchmeat... Sounds like she is going to be one pampered baby real quick!

05-08-2006, 12:14 AM
Clean her ears with a Q tip with mineral oil, it will kill ear mites too.
Any black 'coffee grounds' looking stuff is ear mites. Easily treatable.

KMR replacement milk is good for fattening kittens, and the vet can recommend a prescription food, such as A/D if it is appropriate.

Good luck.