View Full Version : Special needs cta in TN needs adopting

05-07-2006, 07:01 PM
I was looking at the special needs cats on Petfinder and saw this beautiful girl. The reason I am posting is that it says her time is limited. Hopefully someone will see her and adopt her .


05-07-2006, 07:29 PM
It seems to me that there are a LOT of Fantastic Cat People in Tennesee so that Little Cat has a Fighting Chance.
We are Praying for Her.
I wish I was closer as I think that Snowball would be a Wonderful Found Cat.

Laura's Babies
05-07-2006, 07:54 PM
Yep! I think we have some people in Tennessee that could help out, at least help foster her maybe?

05-08-2006, 05:14 PM
i am bumping this to the top in hopes someone from Tenn will see it and save her

Laura's Babies
05-08-2006, 05:26 PM
Glad to see you did that! I hope someone responds to this plea!

05-08-2006, 05:27 PM
AWW i sure hope Snowball gets a home, she look adorable, a good idea to post here, as you never know who might beable to take her, also was good because i decided to click on the pop up beside it, to help feed animals by clicking,so everyone get clicking, it all helps feed lil cuties like Snowball, fingers and paws crossed for an adoption for this sweet lil girl.

05-08-2006, 05:34 PM
This is so tough on me. That shelter is only about 35 miles away from me. In fact it's in the county where I grew up. I've donated several cat beds and mats I've made to them. Unfortanetly their adoption rate is pretty low and they really struggle at that shelter. At last I heard they don't even have a vet that will help them without charging high fees. :(

I wish I could help Snowball but I am at full capacity here with my 5 cats plus I'm suppose to keep Riplely stress free due to his kidney failure. I will try to contact a couple of no kill shelters I know to ask if they might have room for Snowball. I'll offer my services to help get her there if needed.

05-08-2006, 06:02 PM
Where is Rockwood? If it's 35 miles from Jazzcat, that makes it about 3 hours(?) from me. I wish I could help, but with our current 8 pets, we honestly don't have room.

05-08-2006, 06:10 PM
Where is Rockwood? If it's 35 miles from Jazzcat, that makes it about 3 hours(?) from me. I wish I could help, but with our current 8 pets, we honestly don't have room.
Yes, it would be about 3 hours from you. Rockwood is off I-40 about 30-40 miles west of Knoxville.

05-08-2006, 06:16 PM
Yes, it would be about 3 hours from you. Rockwood is off I-40 about 30-40 miles west of Knoxville.
Ahhh..My dad lives near there I think, but I sure wouldn't want him taking this cat...
I wish I knew someone who DID want a cat :(

05-09-2006, 04:42 AM
Does that mean that if nobody has snowball she will be put to sleep? :(
Is that what they mean by her time is limited or just that she will be put in another home somewhere?

05-09-2006, 03:57 PM
Please keep trying guys, Snowballs time will be running out, i so want to hear a happy ending.

05-09-2006, 03:58 PM
Poor Snowball :(
I wish my mom would let me foster her...

05-09-2006, 04:52 PM
;) Oh Snowball is so sweet looking & adorable.. I would take her in a min.. if we could get her closer to Texas.. Remember I already have 3 special needs babies & I let them be very normal..

05-09-2006, 05:21 PM
Luvpets, There are transport groups that volunteer to transport aniamls to their new homes. Go to groups @ yahoo.com. There is even a special needs one for cats . Lety me see if I can find the link. if you join that then you can post for transport help. here is the link.


05-09-2006, 05:27 PM
Ok, I am at work and can't email from here but I found an email addy from one of the people on the special needs cats rescue groups that rescue them in TN! Could someone plese email her and see if maybe she can help Snowball and then maybe a transport can be arranged or maybe she evens knows how to set one up/ her name is Rita the website is http://www.gotcats.org
[email protected]


05-09-2006, 06:05 PM
I'll email her! :)
I got a reply saying that it may take her awhile to reply, and they only take Senior kitties or something like that. Also due to the full limit capacity they can take in no cats at this time.
(something along those lines) :(

05-09-2006, 06:12 PM
maybe she could at least rescue her from the shelter and foster her until a transport could be set up for you to get her. I would ask her that. Also join that yahoo group I gave you a link for and see if anyone there can help

05-10-2006, 11:54 AM
:) Hey can you or I E-Mail the Shelter Direct on consideration of transporting..

05-10-2006, 01:53 PM
I don't see why not. be sure to call the shleter or let then knwo you are itnerested in adopting her so she doesn't get euthanized.

05-10-2006, 02:24 PM
omg I am crossing my fingers for this little kitty!!! Please keep us updated!!

05-10-2006, 03:07 PM
:) Ok guys lets cross our fingers == I have sent E-Mails to two of the personal at this shelter that has SnowBall.. I have requested Adoption & help with Transportation for this wittle baby girl.. Lets see what they say && I will keep us posted.. I will also try to call when I get off work & for sure tomorrow afternoon due to I will be off also then.. Oh I can just see her being a new PT member & will work in which way I can to get her to Tx..

05-10-2006, 03:15 PM
That would be wonderful, if it all works out and do so hope that it does. I've been worrying about this lovely girl and trying to get myself psyched up to hear that they couldn't save her. Please keep us updated and good luck!

05-10-2006, 03:22 PM
lvpets, I pray that she can get to you! If TX wasn't so far away and she was closer to me, I would help get her there myself. Good Luck to you and Snowball!

05-10-2006, 03:22 PM
lvpets2002 - I just sent you a PM about Snowball.

05-10-2006, 04:54 PM
:) Thank you so much for going to check on SnowBall tomorrow & seeing what you can find out..

05-10-2006, 10:18 PM
All fingers, toes and paws crossed here down under for the safe arrival of little Snowball,sure hope you can save this precious furbaby.

05-10-2006, 10:27 PM
omg I love all of the pt members more and more after reading thease kinds of threads!!! Still crossing my fingers!!!!!!

05-11-2006, 02:30 AM
*crosses her own paws*

I am hoping so much for Snowball to become your little Texan kitty. :D

Laura's Babies
05-11-2006, 09:05 AM
PT works miracles! You newer people here haven't seen the miracles done here in the past. I'd be willing to say that the internet has saved many animals lives that would have perished were it not for the www being here.

PT is a wonderful place with people everywhere. This little kitty will become a member of our PT family and have more love than it ever expected! Come on Home kitty girl, we are waiting for you!!!

05-11-2006, 09:48 AM
:) ****UPDATE**** oK I got a return E-Mail from one of the TN shelter people [Fred] & they are stating now they really dont want someone outside of that town to adopt her & want her adopted locally.. However they did state that SnowBall would be saved one way or the other && if last resort they would consider & look into transportation for option of Me getting SnowBall to Tx into my arms..
:( Sad to state that at this time I am disappointed in their reply & dont know what to do!! Lori is to be going to the shelter today to talk to them & so I will see what she found out.. So I am to wait & lets all not give up & still cross our paws.. ;)

05-11-2006, 09:50 AM
The Found Cats and I are crossing Our Paws that theres a Happy Ending and that Snowball does get a Happy Furr Ever Home.

05-11-2006, 03:54 PM
Good Grief i cannot understand their reasoning not wanting her adopted out of state, what on earth difference does it make to the cat, as long as she is saved from death and gets a good home, honestly this sounds the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard, still hoping Snowball will become a PT member, but i am so relieved to hear she will be saved one way or another,that is great, I am sure all your efforts are the reason for this, keep up the good work folks, Snowball is going to be one of the lucky ones, thank goodness. :)

05-11-2006, 04:45 PM
Okay, I went to visit Snowball - even have pictures I'll post later - and I got a different story. I know one of the ladies who works there and she said she had no problem with someone from TX adopting him. She said that they even have someone who helps work out transport. She was totally surprised that I was there on lvpets behalf and she told some of the other workers. They seemed excited.

Snowball is a doll! I thought he was a she until I got there but was told he's a he and alread neutered. Anyway, he is gorgeous, friendly and a lovebug. He doesn't let his foot slow him down and in the cage he is kind of a little monkey doing flips (I got pics of that too).

One note, the local paper came this morning to take pictures for there Pet of the Week segment and they chose Snowball so interest in him may pick up. If it doesn't work out for a PT member to adopt him I feel that the shelter will work hard to find him a good home. In fact, if I wasn't at my limit and hubby wasn't so stern about no more cats I would take him in heartbeat.

As soon as hubby gets off my computer, he's working, I will get my pictures uploaded and posted.

Lvpets - I'll send you a PM with some info.

05-11-2006, 05:00 PM
:) I feel so much better now knowing that the story was different when you were there Lori.. Now I want to know who FREDBUD77 is that sent me the E-Mail .. I was so let down & disappointed all day.. I had hope that you would have good news.. Oh cant wait for the info & more news about getting closer to SnowBall.. I already have a PT member that has offered to help with Tx transporting..

05-11-2006, 07:57 PM
Ok, first of all I saw the pics of Snowball first and I fell in love with them and him/her whatever he is. LOL Second i am so confused since I saw the pics post first before i read this one and it says he is adopted already. Then I read this one and I got more confused. Did Snowball get adopted locally or did Luvpets get to adopt him? Luvspets I am sorry that you recieved the response from whoever emailed you. i too think it is riduculous that the shelters put pets on petfinder and you find one you fall in love iwth and want to adopt then they tell you they only adopt locally, that happened to me jsut recently after Sophie died i wanted another Persian and found a couple of them that i wanted to adopt but one was in texas and they said they only adopt locally and the other two in Arizona and you have to come yourself to adopt them. The two in AR got adopted but i think the one in texas is still on petfinder. Just doesn't make sense to me. That is why I prefer actually talking on the phone with shelters as opposed to emails and even that doens't always help.