View Full Version : I think it's over.

05-07-2006, 10:09 AM
I think Mike and I are done.

I don't really know what went wrong. Okay, I think I have an idea of why he might break up with me, but... yeah.

In his profile on AIM he has one of those "put this in your profile if someone makes you smile everytime you think of them" things. I just have this gut feeling it's not about me. His parents don't know about me, I'm sure his friends don't.

I left him a comment last night on his myspace around 5pm. I looked again last night and it was gone. I think he deleted it.

I saw him at the grocery store, just as he was leaving work. He came over to me, and our conversationg went like this:

Me; "Doing anything tonight?"
Mike; "No."
Me; "We got invited to a movie, wanna go with me?"
Mike; "Sure, call me." (walks away, doesn't even say goodbye)

I talk to him online after that. He seems to take offense that I went out with my cousin Friday night and met some of her friends, which are also Mike's friends. He didn't tell me why he was upset, but I knew he was. It's either because I didn't invite him, or he was jealous I was out with all of these guys. The thing is, I DID call him, he didn't answer. I left him a freaking MESSAGE, and he didn't even care to call back.

I call him about 4 times total last night, trying to get a hold of him for this stupid movie. He never answered. We called his cell phone and his home phone. He also hasn't told me he loves me in days.

I don't know. I don't really want to deal with him anymore. He complains that he wants to take things farther, but we NEVER hang out. I call him ALL the time to invite him places, but he either "can't go", or doesn't answer.

What else can I DO? What am I doing wrong?

05-07-2006, 12:16 PM
you know what just happend to me? i left a comment on devons myspace and then i posted 2 more and then my first one got deleted, we dont know why, she didnt delete it. So maybe he didnt delete his comment?

05-07-2006, 12:20 PM
Sounds like it is time, sadly, to move on. It doesn't seem like you did anything "wrong," per se, just that he's not interested in maintaining any relationship right now. This may have nothing to do with you, just to do with himself.

05-07-2006, 12:37 PM
Sounds like it is time, sadly, to move on. It doesn't seem like you did anything "wrong," per se, just that he's not interested in maintaining any relationship right now. This may have nothing to do with you, just to do with himself.

I agree.. I'm sorry Meg. :( I really hope things work out. ((((HUGS))))

Laura's Babies
05-07-2006, 12:48 PM
Ever heard of that book "He's Really Not That Into You?".. Sounds like he is just keeping you on that back burner.

05-07-2006, 08:28 PM

He left me a message on AIM while I had my away message up that said, "hey, i think we should see other people, nothing personal".

I'm torn, my head is saying, "Thank GOD, I don't have to worry about that loser anymore!" and my heart is saying, "What'd I do wrong? What'd I do to deserve this? Why did he call me beautiful and tell me he loves me and then DITCH me for "other people"?"

Whatever. I'm sad but I'm sure I'll get over it. I'm angry more than anything. But I know that once I post this and I see his picture in my signature I'll get LES. It's not fair. I love him as a person. He's funny, he makes me smile... we enjoyed our time with each other... I TOLD you the thing in his profile wasn't about me.

I give up.

05-07-2006, 08:47 PM
I'm sorry that you feel badly now, but seriously you deserve someone who will treat you better than that! Breaking up via instant messenger is just tacky and heartless. You deserve more than that, even at the end of things! Someday (probably not too far off) you meet someone new and wonder what you ever saw in this guy!

05-07-2006, 08:48 PM
Megan, you're way better off without him. I mean, think about it - he left you a message on AIM saying he wanted to break up. What the? What a cop-out way. Online, for one. And leaving you a MESSAGE? Two wrongs, plus never even talking to you about it after. You're better off without this loser.

Take him off of your signature and forget about him. If he wasn't a nice guy during the relationship, forget about ever being friends, seriously. You don't need to associate yourself with him.

I know you're hurting right now, but you'll see.. you deserve so much better. You're young, you've got plenty of time to find another guy you love and who loves you back, with all of who he is.

05-07-2006, 10:00 PM
Megan YOU did not do anything wrong, now just remember that, I know it hurts honey, but you are only young and believe mike will be history in your mind in no time, plenty more fish in the sea , especially for a beautiful young lady like yourself, still i know it is hard for you, as you seemed so happy and enjoyed his company, just be glad things did not go further and then you found out he was a jerk, I know you cannot see it now, but maybe it is for the best, you deserve only the best Megan, hang on in there sweetie, your knight in shining armour is awaiting believe me, HUGS. :)

05-07-2006, 10:03 PM
What else can I DO? What am I doing wrong?

There's nothing you can do. You did nothing wrong. Everything is normal. This is the unfortunate truth of courtship. You have just discovered that you were attracted to someone who, well, just didn't treat you very well IMO. Now you know what to look for...someone who is more honest and considerate.

Probably some day, you too will want to break up with someone. It happens. And now you know how NOT to do it. Sometimes people do have to hurt each other, but they don't have to make it worse than necessary.

I know you're hurting now, but I promise that it will go away. Hopefully, it will go away because you've found someone who will treat you right. You deserve it.



05-08-2006, 11:01 AM
The way people act is a reflection on THEM, not on you. I remember breaking up with someone, and having all these people say, "you are young, you will find someone else, you deserve better...blah blah blah" and thinking, "you guys have no idea what you are talking about. I liked him so much, blah blah blah".

People say these things because they DO know better, or more, or have more experience. I know you hurt, who wouldn't? He really treated you poorly, and that hurts! It should hurt, as it shows YOU have feelings. He apparently was lacking in them, along with class, taste and compassion.

As hard as it is, move on fast, act like you don't care. Soon enough, the acting will seem real, and the next thing you know, you will be fine!!! And smarter for the experience. I don't imagine you would let your next boyfriend treat you so poorly, would you?

Good luck.

05-08-2006, 11:36 AM
You are getting such good advice here and compassion.

I want to add just one thing HOLD YOUR HEAD UP HIGH!

Thank goodness you found out what a jerk he is so soon.
Lead your life by YOUR standards - not his.

05-08-2006, 06:34 PM
I'm sorry- breaking up isn't easy, even if the relationship isn't going the best. Spend some extra time with your pets (that always cheers me up) and buy yourself a gift! You didn't do anything wrong at all, and I'm sure you'll find someone else when you least expect it!

05-09-2006, 03:11 AM
He's not worth it, there has to be someone much better out there for you. :)

05-10-2006, 07:52 PM
Something is wrong with him. He won't talk to me about it, but I know something is bothering him. *sigh* I wish he would tell me. :( I feel bad.

05-10-2006, 08:18 PM
Boys!!! Half the time I dont understand them! One minute they will make you the happiest person ever , you think god what would I do without you, they make you feel so special and your just so in lopve you cant explain it. The next minute you will be in tears because they are being dumb jerks and make you feel like you worthless. They are so confusing. And just when you think you understand one they dump you for another girl:rolleyes:

Sorry you have to go through this I kinda know how your feeling.

05-23-2006, 02:17 PM
He wants to hang out with me tonight. He is highly unreliable, so I'm assuming the plans will fall through, like they usually do. He just wants to "hang out" somewhere quiet... if you get the hint.

I want to hang out with him SO bad... he is really fun to be around and we have a great time when we're together. The thing is, I KNOW that if I hang out with him I'm going to fall for him even harder. I'm so scared. I want to hang out with him but I'm so sick of falling for him.

*sigh* Boys, eh?