View Full Version : News from Dino, Peggy's "brother" (with pics, of course LOL)

05-07-2006, 07:11 AM
For those who don't remember: Dino is the 7 year old boy who lives with my mother and her fiancé, Reinhold. They run a little restaurant in the forest (http://www.tillyschanze.de/index2.html), and Dino used to live the life of an indoor/outdoor cat - until little Peggy moved in last year. From the day she arrived, Dino refused to enter the house, obviously he immediately accepted the indoors as Peggy's territory, even though she's also spending many hours outside (something I always argue about with my mother and Reinhold).

Anyway, Dino survived the long and cold winter outside by sleeping in a warm styrofoam box, but now he's happy about the spring and the warm weather. And the best thing is - a couple of weeks ago, he started making friends with Peggy! They are greeting eat other, and he's often sitting under the window, waiting for her and calling her. Considering how much he hated her in the past, this is really a huge progress (my theory is that this has something to do with Peggy's hormone level. Dino used to play with her in the beginning, when she was a kitten, but when she matured and got into heat, she tried to dominate him, and he couldn't handle that and stayed away from her. She was spayed in November, but I guess it took a while until her hormone levels went down. Now she's accepting him as the alpha, and they're getting along much better).

Dino loves me, and when I had a coffee in the coffee garden of the restaurant on Friday afternoon after work, he showed up, came into my lap, gave headbumpies and purred. He also seemed to like my backpack, as you can see in the photos: :)







05-07-2006, 07:42 AM
Awww Dino you're so handsome, and well done for making friends with Peggy.
No doubt you can have lots of adventures together and spend the evenings curled up side by side...maybe! :cool:

05-07-2006, 07:50 AM
:) Good morning! What a wonderful way to start my day! First, I was sidetracked for awhile visiting at your mom's restaurant. Then I returned to PT and sat with coffee in hand and what a delightful time in the coffee garden :) There is handsome Dino at my feet. Thank you Kirsten - for the wonderful pictures. I feel like I was actually there with you, sipping coffee, visiting and enjoying the company of the resident kitty :D

I also think that your theory of why Peggy and Dino have interacted makes sense - with her female hormones, etc. I am so glad to hear that they are making friends.

Laura's Babies
05-07-2006, 08:30 AM
He is such a handsome boy! Glad to hear he and cute Peggy are friends now. I think it is so neat that he came joined you while you drank your coffee and allowed you to photograph him.... bet he has seen how great a job you do so he was a willing model, knowing they would be good!

05-07-2006, 10:31 AM
Yep, he was sweet company while having a coffee! :)

Good morning! What a wonderful way to start my day! First, I was sidetracked for awhile visiting at your mom's restaurant. Then I returned to PT and sat with coffee in hand and what a delightful time in the coffee garden There is handsome Dino at my feet. Thank you Kirsten - for the wonderful pictures. I feel like I was actually there with you, sipping coffee, visiting and enjoying the company of the resident kitty

Debbie, I hope that - if you should return to Germany one day for a visit - we can sit in that coffee garden together, having a coffee and one of my mom's delicious cakes! :)


05-07-2006, 12:21 PM
Dino is gorgeous! :) It would be nice that he accepts spending more time inside when the next winter comes.

That place in the forest looks great :)

05-07-2006, 01:38 PM
The Found Cats knew that it was only a matter of time until Peggy and Dino were Pals.
WE cant wait until we see a Photo of them Together.
When are you buying yourself a New Knapsack,Kirsten.
That ones Dinos,Now.

05-07-2006, 03:40 PM
Dino is absolutely gorgeous and looks sooo squishable. He's most definitely a first class heart thief!!! I'm in love already!!! It's so nice to meet you, Dino and please come visit us again very soon?