View Full Version : CAT NAMES - the most weird and wonderful

05-06-2006, 07:24 PM
What names stick in your mind?

My sister knew of two cats called "Hey You" and "Who Me" (I am NOT making that up).

As a young teen, I had a cat named Beazle...because he was black and slim and wedge-headed like a weasle.

There are some great names about, I am sure!


05-06-2006, 08:37 PM
My sister named her cat Seymour. As a stray, he jumped into her window on day. She fed him and told him that she hoped to "see more" of him. :p

05-06-2006, 09:00 PM
I have had people tell me that they like the fact that I call my Meezer Shemp,after one of Films finest Comic Actors.

05-06-2006, 09:13 PM
well, i have a cat named PiddyBob. a friend of mine had a cat named No Name.

05-06-2006, 09:19 PM
Foster cats someone else in the rescue had: Eenie, Meenie, Miny, and Moe. They also had Yes, No, and Maybe.

I had a friend whos cat was named Cat Cat.

05-06-2006, 09:57 PM
My brother had a cat named Zucchini and the cat he has now is named Turkey.

My RB cat was named C-Fer...You know, C fer Cat and another RB cat I had was named Squirty-Bums because she was such a little squirt of a thing.

05-06-2006, 10:31 PM
Long before my time, when my parents were dating, my mom had a cat named Crankcase. His alternative name was Friend Kitty.

When he was a wee kitten, he was exploring around the barn and fell in a bin of recently drained crankcase oil. He was so filthy not even his own mother would go near him, never mind clean him. It fell to the humans to wash him off as best they could.

They think that brain damage was a side effect - because he grew up not terribly bright. He'd walk up to a barking, growling dog or hostile human (visitors) and rub around their legs, he loved EVERYBODY - whether on not they despised him. Hence the "Friend Kitty" nickname.

Sadly, but not surprising given his lack of intellect, he died young. They were clearing large rocks from a field (a never-ending battle on any New England farm) and tossing them in a pile, and Friend Kitty decided to race the rocks to the pile. He tragically won, and got crushed.

But his memory, obviously, outlived him.

05-06-2006, 10:37 PM
My ex boyfriend had a cat named Boyance lol! I don't know why and they don't know why they named him that either!

We use to have a cat named pal, and one named fella!

05-07-2006, 12:11 AM
My ex boyfriend had a cat named Boyance lol! I don't know why and they don't know why they named him that either!

We use to have a cat named pal, and one named fella!

My husband had a torti female when we were dating. Her name was Muddy Waters. :rolleyes: Our first cat together was named Tier (tear).

05-07-2006, 12:15 AM
My brother has 2 cats named Taco and Bell. So when he goes to call them he is yelling "Taco Bell, here Taco Bell, Come here Taco Bell" It's pretty funny!!

Don Juan's mom
05-07-2006, 01:20 AM
For many years, my aunt Bunny was cat-mom to a pair of brown tabby brothers, Popcorn and Watermelon. Watermelon was a marble tabby with long horizontal stripes on his sides. Not sure what got Popcorn his name.

They had a younger orange "sibling" named Woodstock.


05-07-2006, 01:40 AM
When I was younger, my parents had a pair of cats named Tiggus and Crybaby. Tiggus was supposed to be Tigger until my parents found out she was a girl kitty. Crybaby lived up to her name all 19 of her years. She was (and still is) the loudest cat I have ever come across. Spook and Pandora have nothing on this cat lol. She would be sneaky too. She would sit behind you for at least an hour...to wait until you were engrossed in whatever it is your doing (Usually we'd be watching TV) and then she would yowl to wake the dead! Eventually I got used to it, I guess thats why my cats cant manipulate me by being loud lol.

Now I've got my boy Remus. Most people find it unusual, until they meet him and then they say "Yeah, that cats name IS Remus lol"

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-07-2006, 02:31 AM
Our previous neighbours had two cat: Speedy and Gonzales ! :)
My furst cat as a kid got named Twist, because he could shake his butt like a dog!

smokey the elder
05-07-2006, 07:19 AM
There was a cat in my rescue group that someone named Swaybar. A friend of mine had two cats named Mouse and Rat. I've never heard of another cat named TicTac or Mobius! :p

critter crazy
05-07-2006, 07:27 AM
well when i was about 9 yrs old i got my first kitten from a friend of the fanmily who found them abandoned in a plastic bag at a pond. I took the kitten home and called it Fred! abot a year later my mom decides it is time to tell me it is a girl! oops, so i had a girl cat named Fred. I guess the trait continues, because my son got a kitten and he decided to call it Gary( after snail on spongebob) and it was also a girl! so we have a infatuation in our house to name girls, boy names!!:D

05-07-2006, 07:58 AM
Some 20 + years ago, I found 2 tiny 5 week old kittens wandering the streets late one night on Nantucket Island. Needless to say, we took them with us, and one was named Tucker, and the other was "Y"...named for the perfectly shaped Y on his chest. :D In those days the cats would go out if they wanted, and I got some very odd looks when I called "Y" in for the day lol!

05-08-2006, 07:12 AM
My mom named one of her kitties Cucumber...because she always hung out in the cucumber area of the garden.

I gave my latest kitty the name Vegas.....all I could think of was that he was so down on his luck and there are lots of people who go to Las Vegas to try to change their luck.....lucky for Vegas because he hit the jackpot and found himself his forever home.

Laura's Babies
05-08-2006, 08:22 AM
I had a cute little orange boy one time that I just couldn't think of a name for, NOTHING fit him. My sister and her husband came to visit from out of town and he is great at naming animals so I asked him what he thought his name should be. He picked that little ball of orange fulff up and looked him eye to eye and said "I dub thee RASTUS!" It fit him perfect too!

smokey the elder
05-08-2006, 10:51 AM
I'd love to name two males Penn and Teller, but that might give them (escape!) ideas!

05-08-2006, 12:14 PM
A friend in high school had a dog named Bear and a black cat named * Gasp! Cover your ears kitties - * DOG

My dad had a cat named Sedgwick Huxtable

My mother had Zasu Pitts - named for the actress from the 20s through the 50s

and we of course have The Beans.

... almost forgot about the neighbor who had a cat named Ratzbreath - The Great Hunter!