View Full Version : This is Strange....

05-06-2006, 04:25 PM
I know that I very seldom post on the dog side, but I just have to ask if anyone else has experienced this with their older dogs.

Buddy, my Lhasa Apso was diagnosed with a cataract on his left eye, last year. Not surprising, since he is 15 years old now. The strange part of this is that last month, it was gone, but then a few days later it was back again and this has been happening since. He can go 2-3 days without it there and then 2-3 days with it again. He rubs his eye sometimes on his blanket, couch or bed and that's when we will notice that it disappears. But when I look into his eye under a light, I can see the film of white down in his eye. Then when he rubs his eye again, it appears again, covering the pupil of his eye.

Here is a picture taken a few days ago and as you can see, his eye looks fine.
These pictures were taken without the flash.

This was taken today and you can clearly see the film of white is back over his eye.

Has anyone heard of such a thing happening like this or experienced it with their own dogs. Not having any experience with cataracts before, do they usually move like that? He will be going to the vets on Monday to get this checked out, but I would love to hear you opinions on this.

Thank you for any comments you might have.

finn's mom
05-06-2006, 04:31 PM
I know nothing of cataracts, but, I had to say that your little boy completely melts my heart. What a precious creature. Aw, dang, I'm actually tearing up, he's making me miss my Bruno. I hope you can find out something about his eye, though.

05-06-2006, 04:41 PM
Aww thanks Finn's Mom, that is so sweet of you to say. :)
Buddy is quite the sweetheart.

05-06-2006, 04:52 PM
I have never heard of cataracts "disappearing" and then "re-appearing". Surgery is an option for dogs with cataracts but it's very costly. My Aunt has a Cocker with cataracts, she opted for no surgery and her vet told her that it would be harder on her than on the dog. The dog will use his other senses to get around and be just fine. :)

05-06-2006, 05:48 PM
Aw he's adorable. What a precious guy Buddy is. Im sorry he has to live with horrible cateracts but sadly they are common.:( I hope you can find out whats wrong soon. Good luck!

05-06-2006, 09:05 PM
I had a cocker whose cataracts seemed to fade and come back, no idea why it happened though. :) Your little one looks like a fluffy teddy bear!!

Toby's my baby
05-06-2006, 09:10 PM
I have no idea, but I wanted to second what Kari said " had to say that your little boy completely melts my heart" he sure does!! I can't recall that I have ever seen you post pictures of him before!

05-06-2006, 09:49 PM
Thanks everyone for your nice comments on my Buddy. :)
Personally I am not crazy about the above pictures of him as my hubby did kind of a bad grooming job on him. :rolleyes: I prefer when his hair is a bit longer as in this picture that was taken in March. I like him more fluffy. :)

In regards to his cataracts, he has it mostly in his left eye and just a bit in his right. The only difference we see, is when he is going down the stairs.
He hesitates at the top as if he can't see the top step clearly. But once he makes that first step, then it's a go.

I will be curious though to hear what his vet says on Monday.

Thanks anyway to all who have replied. :D

05-06-2006, 10:27 PM
What a cutie! Pepper's seemed to fade in and out too, maybe not so often though.

Daisy and Delilah
05-07-2006, 07:04 PM
We're thrilled to meet little Buddy!! What a doll baby! Thanks for posting pictures of him and we hope you get some good news from the vet tomorrow :)