View Full Version : What should I do?

05-05-2006, 11:29 PM
I am usually by myself all freakin' day Mon through Fri. It drives me completely bat s*** insane on top of the fact that there is NOTHING to do here. I can't bring myself to do the things I enjoy. I have the inspiration, the time, but my willingness just falls short. I can't clean, even though I need to, because for some reason I like to have somebody here when I am cleaning. I just don't like to do it while I'm alone. SO. What to do? The net is dial up so I can't entertain myself that way (not at least until it's too late in the day to make a difference.). Oh... my... freaking.... bologna! I am seriously about to rip my hair out. O_O

05-05-2006, 11:57 PM
why can't you get a job?
I wish I had that problem! :eek: ;)

05-06-2006, 12:19 AM
why can't you get a job?
I wish I had that problem! :eek: ;)

For one, I am looking for a job. I just haven't been accepted any where despite all the things that I have done. :(

Two, A job requires transportation and my husband and I only have one car. Also, I need to get a license.

05-06-2006, 05:40 AM
I feel the lonlyiest after my best friend logs off,, and i go completly insane. i tried keeping my mind off things by doing Yahoo/Google searches for people/things i like that i like.. but the only works for a little while before you start seeing the samethings over and over again.

then i found this page that has on line stories. and was surpised at how much that i missed reading.

but anywhere here ya be


theres the link to the best 'on line' story ive read.
may not work for you. some people dont like to read. but that story has really snared me. reading makes time fly for me.

05-06-2006, 08:56 AM
I think you are looking for volunteer work too, you said?

Helping others and animals can be so fulfilling! Stuffing envelopes, walking dogs(for a neighbour, so nice and close), reading for seniors, helping a wildlife foundation.

I hope you find something soon!


05-06-2006, 09:11 AM
One of the greatest gifts I was given by my parents is the ability to entertain myself. When I was bored, they told me to think of 50 things I could do. Even if no one is around. I am so thankful for that.

Turn up the music and rock out and clean the house. You'll feel better afterwards. Ask a neighbor if you can walk their dog. Yes, it's nice to have other people around, but if you practice being more self-sufficient, you'll have more confidence. Why can't you bring yourself to do the things you enjoy?

05-06-2006, 11:55 AM
You are bored? LOLOL.

I cannot recall the last time I was 'bored'. Ah...I seem to remember there being a slightly good feeling associated with it......

05-06-2006, 11:59 AM
Yup - the radio or TV can keep you company while you clean! Then make yourself a list of everything you need to get done - that'll take some time. Then decide which of these things you will do what days. Then get yourself a good book, and read for a while.