View Full Version : Worried About Molly

05-05-2006, 11:20 PM
As some of you know, Molly had a reaction to the sutures used during her spaying which took place back in the end of February, and was just treated for 10 days a week ago with Clavamox pills.

Last Friday, Molly threw up all over the kitchen. Mostly just bile. She didn't eat her breakfast, wasn't as after her supper as she usually is.

She puked again on Tuesday, just bile again.. and from then on, she hasn't been eating as she used to (but I've been adding wet, so that she eats more) and I've noticed that since Tuesday, her poop has become very runny. Today it's extremely runny.

What makes me even more nervous is she hasn't received any of her yearly shots. (Ever in her life)

I'm not sure if we're financially in a position to go for a check up on this problem with Molly, PLUS her shots, PLUS both dogs heartworm treatments and Molly's heartworm test. (Off topic, but, something in our van is going so that's also going to take a hunk of money out of my parents wallet to get whatever it is fixed).

I'm not sure why I'm posting this.. I just need to get it off my chest.. I'm just worried about her.

05-06-2006, 07:28 AM
Will kep paws crossed and pray your pretty Molly will recover soon. probably wouldn't hurt to call the vet & let them know, it may be related to the medication.

05-06-2006, 07:41 AM
Aw, poor Molly! :( Will have my fingers crossed for her/

Lori Jordan
05-06-2006, 08:36 AM
Sorry to hear that Get better soon Molly!

05-06-2006, 08:48 AM
Poor Molly.
I copied this from a post from Phred a while ago... (Phred, hope you don't mind?)

Doses vary widely from pet to pet, however, so be sure to
ask your vet for advice.

1. Pepto-Bismol can be given.
Give one teaspoon per 20 pounds of weight
every four to six hours.

2. Kaopectate is helpful for digestive troubles.
Give one teaspoon of Kaopectate for each ten pounds of weight, every four hours.

3. Di Gel Liquid can be given up to 4 tbs. every 8 hours.

4. Maalox can be given up to 4 tbs. every 8 hours.

5. Antacid liquids for humans containing aluminum and/or
magnesium hydroxide may help soothe the irritated stomach lining;

However: the most important part of treatment is Fasting!

Dose aluminum hydroxide antacids to provide
10mg pe pound of body weight every 6 hours.

If vomiting is present with diarrhea,
drugs containing bismuth subsalicylate are best.

**Do NOT give preparations containing aspirin
when your pet has upset stomach!**

Doc Mike's "Rule of Thumb" is if someone
Tosses Their Cookies after a regular meal...

1) NO MORE "food" for about 12 hours!
(A biskit or two and WATER permitted - SMALL amounts of water,
offered often.)

2) If no vomiting after 12 hours - try 1/2 of a "regular meal"...

3) If THAT 1/2 meal comes up ...

4) Start the Pepto-Bismol for 12 hours (with water, NO food).

5) NEXT "meal" is a White Rice + SUPER-WELL cooked Lean Hamburger mix -
maybe a half cup every 12 hours.

6) Stays down? Continue Rice + Hamburger for 24 hours;
then return to regular krunchies.

7) Rice & Burger comes *UP*?? CALL da Vet!

We never got past Step 6.

He *ALWAYS* sez:
Bring in a "FRESH" sample of poop AND/or what comes out the "front end" -
He likes to *look* at the "evidence"!

He stresses: Everything in "moderation" -
easy on both food and water -
NO *gulping* - HAND feed if required.

Hope it helps.

05-06-2006, 12:07 PM
Poor Molly... :( Prayers and thoughts sent her way.

05-06-2006, 03:39 PM
I think I figured out what the problem is...

My siblings succeeded in feeding a full box of chewy's to the dogs in less than 4 days. That, and the antibiotics Molly was on probably didn't help her tummy at all!

Until she's better, it's yogurt, canned pumpkin, and rice & ground beef for Molly!

05-06-2006, 03:41 PM
:( Get better soon Molly!!