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View Full Version : Swollen ankles?

05-05-2006, 01:14 PM
My mom's ankles have been REALLY swollen for a few weeks now. Like, you should be able to clearly make out where her ankles are, but she literally has none. They're that swollen. She's tried new sneakers. She's tried going off pain medication she's on...nothing works. She's been to atleast 3 different doctors and they don't seem to be doing anything. Any ideas?? It sounds really serious to me. I think her hands swell up too, but not as bad.

05-05-2006, 01:18 PM
My mom had arthritis and had that problem. She should have her heart checked out that can be a sign of congestive heart failure, not to worry you it could be just water retention.

Laura's Babies
05-05-2006, 01:47 PM
Is she watching her salt intake? Keeping her feet proped up as much as possiable? Elevated the foot of her bed about 6 inches? Tried compression stockings? Fluid pills? If she has tried all that and they are still swollen, GET ANOTHER DOCTOR!

05-05-2006, 02:10 PM
When she elevates her feet, make sure they are elevated above her heart. That should help with the swelling. Good luck.

05-05-2006, 02:45 PM
Ask her to have her kidneys checked. The same thing happened to my Mom when I was a kid and it ended up being something that medication took care of. I'm not saying that this is it, it's just one more thing to check.

05-05-2006, 02:48 PM
It could be a heart condition as well. I hope the doctors find something.

05-05-2006, 07:42 PM
Thank you. I think I will send her the link to this thread and she can answer for herself if she wants to. I don't know the answer to the questions :o

05-05-2006, 08:07 PM
I think she said it's something other than just fluids. She's on her feet a lot at work, but she said she puts them up whenever she can.

(she's been to atleast 3 doctors already, and none have done anything to make them better!)

Laura's Babies
05-05-2006, 09:07 PM
Grrrr! I find doctors sluff things off to easy. I have this funny swelling going on in different spots on my feet, BOTH feet, same spots, it spreads in hot weather and as it is spreading, it is painful. First doctor I showed it took brushed me off saying it was a old injury... IN BOTH FEET? SAME PLACES? Next doctor said it could be fluid, muscle growing (excuse me? On the top of my foot?) OR fatty deposits... (ON my FEET?) A foot doctor says " OH! That is your such and such muscle".... I did the whole gammit of stuff that I asked if your mother did and NOTHING helped so it is still there. I just gave up and am living with these odd soft bulges on my feet that hurt when the weather is HOT.... Shucks, I should have asked my dentist, maybe he would have had a better answer than the rest of them did. I will keep asking until somebody can tell me what it is and what to do for it.

Laura's Babies
05-05-2006, 09:10 PM
Grrrr! I find doctors sluff things off to easy. I have this funny swelling going on in different spots on my feet, BOTH feet, same spots, it spreads in hot weather and as it is spreading, it is painful. First doctor I showed it to brushed me off saying it was a old injury... IN BOTH FEET? SAME PLACES? Next doctor said it could be fluid, muscle growing (excuse me? On the top of my foot?) OR fatty deposits... (ON my FEET?) A foot doctor says " OH! That is your such and such muscle".... I did the whole gammit of stuff that I asked if your mother did and NOTHING helped so it is still there. I just gave up and am living with these odd soft bulges on my feet that hurt when the weather is HOT.... Shucks, I should have asked my dentist, maybe he would have had a better answer than the rest of them did. I will keep asking until somebody can tell me what it is and what to do for it.

05-05-2006, 10:21 PM
Back in 2000, I found myself with swollen ankles. It was the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. The swelling had to do with the sed rate, which is an indicator of inflammation.

Have her sed rate tested. Then rule out things like gout, RA, Lyme, blood clots, parvo.

If it were fluids, I would think that water pills would eliminate it.

Hope she gets some results.

05-05-2006, 10:24 PM
My mom had the same problem and went to the doctor and found that some of her veins had blockages and weren't circulating blood properly. She had to have laser surgery and wears compression stockings.

Hope your mom gets better!