View Full Version : Someone at work noticed I had lost weight!!

05-05-2006, 07:46 AM
I was on the elevator with a lady I chat with every chance I get (once a week, if that) & today she looked at me up & down. She said, you know you have lost a lot of weight eh? I said you can tell? She said ya, it looks like a lot! & I got a happy/congrats kind of smile!!!

*jumping up & down in joy*

I didn't think it was noticable since not a single person had said anything...

However this morning I decided to wear a belt, as tripping on my pants was no longer fun. I removed the belt months ago as it was too tight. Now I'm on hole 3 & its still loose!! I'm also gonna have to get a smaller bra soon or try to shrink this one (anyone know how?).. I'm on the tightest setting for the strap that goes around my body & it feels loose. I also think I'm going down to a size C !!! My back will thank me so much :D

Almost forgot... I had to push the arms of my chair in as they were too far away!! hehe My AMD t-shirt is now HUGE on me & I feel stupid for wearing it hehe

Updated May 11th

I'm now on the 5th hole to my belt!!! I've been walking a lot this week with Shawn & thats helping too :D

As soon as I can steal the computer back from Shawn, I'll post new pictures of me for this week :)

05-05-2006, 08:04 AM

05-05-2006, 08:09 AM
Congratulations Jess!

It's nice to notice yourself loosing weight, but it's always nicer when someone else notices:D

And as far as shrinking a bra...don't think it can be done. Treat yourself to a new one, you deserve it!

05-05-2006, 08:10 AM
Congratulations Jess!

It's nice to notice yourself loosing weight, but it's always nicer when someone else notices:D

And as far as shrinking a bra...don't think it can be done. Treat yourself to a new one, you deserve it!
When I get my bonus next month I'll buy a new one :D

Thanks everyone :)

Pawsitive Thinking
05-05-2006, 08:11 AM
Isn't it great when others start to notice? :D :D

05-05-2006, 08:51 AM
Isn't it great when others start to notice? :D :D

Its the best :)

Now I think I'll go to the big private party on the 13th :D there will be 400 people & 2 lots. 1 is a carnival & the other is a bar + field.. this guy owns them & because I belong to a website I get to go!

Pawsitive Thinking
05-05-2006, 09:09 AM
Sounds like great fun! You go and enjoy all the attention the new svelte you will be getting!! :D

05-05-2006, 09:53 AM
Sometimes it is just the thing one needs to keep moving forward with the weight loss! Congrats.

(Go buy a really fancy schmany bra! You deserve it)

05-05-2006, 10:35 AM
Sometimes it is just the thing one needs to keep moving forward with the weight loss! Congrats.

(Go buy a really fancy schmany bra! You deserve it)

You mean the ones with red feathers or other frilly things on them or are see through :eek: hehe

I always buy the 60.00 bra as they feel the best & last so longest :D I only have the 1 bra & it'll last me a good 5yrs+ :D except for this one *poor bra*

critter crazy
05-05-2006, 11:23 AM
well congrats on your weight loss!! it is such a great feeling to have someone notice!! i have been loosing weight myself, 21 lbs so far! and the other day someone I used to work with noticed! and you are right boy did i feel so great!! now all i have to do is loose about 15-20 more and i will be so happy!! keep it up you are doing great!!!

05-05-2006, 11:29 AM
well congrats on your weight loss!! it is such a great feeling to have someone notice!! i have been loosing weight myself, 21 lbs so far! and the other day someone I used to work with noticed! and you are right boy did i feel so great!! now all i have to do is loose about 15-20 more and i will be so happy!! keep it up you are doing great!!!

Thanks & congrats to you aswell!!!

I just want to be a 33w again, so I can wear all my old pants & run about wild :D hehe

05-05-2006, 01:06 PM
I've been working on that too. However, I feel that I'm not going anywhere. But at work the other night, there was a guy in that I hadn't seen in a while. I was talking to him and he said "Hey, you lost some weight!" and I was like "really?!" so that feels really good too! Cause I was feeling hopeless!! Congrats, I know how hard it is!

05-05-2006, 01:18 PM
I've been working on that too. However, I feel that I'm not going anywhere. But at work the other night, there was a guy in that I hadn't seen in a while. I was talking to him and he said "Hey, you lost some weight!" and I was like "really?!" so that feels really good too! Cause I was feeling hopeless!! Congrats, I know how hard it is!

Its such a wonderful feeling & congrats on loosing some weight :) Just remember Muscle is heavier then fat, so if your weight isn't going down but your toning up, thats still a good thing!! When I get to 140p Then I'll work out again & I should be at 150p

You saw me when I was about 150-160 pounds.. since then I had gone up to 180p (if not more).. We'll have to make a date to hang out again when I'm down in Dec, & we can go boy watching lol!! (j/k)

05-06-2006, 05:49 PM
Congratulations!!! I am soo happy for you!
How did you fo it??? I've been trying to loose weight for a loong time now! Thanks!

05-06-2006, 06:26 PM
Congratulations!!! I am soo happy for you!
How did you fo it??? I've been trying to loose weight for a loong time now! Thanks!

I don't recommend doing what I'm doing as its not really by choice. I just cannot afford to eat 3 times a day. But this will get me back on track & then I can try getting into a better eatting habbit if $$ allows. But thank goodness for vitamins!!