View Full Version : I am having trouble with Petfinder.

05-05-2006, 02:00 AM
Okay. Looking for a cat is not an easy task as I have previously led myself to believe. Just when I think I've found the one that I want I get a let down (They don't adopt outside their local area, etc. I do my searches on Expanded.). SO. I was wondering if there any PTers fostering any cats that are possibly up for adoption or will be (sooner or later is fine. :) )? My husband is willing to drive (no longer than a situation where we could drive a distance, sleep in a hotel, and drive back within 24 hours. We live in northwest Louisiana.) but his preference is probably going to be the shorter the better (He is the only one working at the moment so he can't take too many days off of work.). The only requirement is that he or she would have to be friendly (or at least be able to work towards) with my other two. Also, they would have to have no objections to being spoiled rotten. :o

Laura's Babies
05-05-2006, 06:23 AM
Hay Girl! My neighbor's son, who is a first responder, found a kitten the other day in a wall... We gave him the name "Wally"! He is that solid smokey gray and he is adoreable. Can't be anymore than 6 weeks old, bright eyed with NO signs of sickness and believe it our not, not even fleas. He is nothing but bones but even so malnourished, he seems to be really healthy. I think he is a recent drop off where he was found. He brought him over yesterday for us to see and hopefully take off of his hands and of coarse, I couldn't keep my hands off of him. You should hear him PURRRRRR! Everytime I would put him back in the box to come home, he would look at me so pitiful and MEOWWWWWWW so I had to pick him back up...

Bill is not home enough to keep him even if he was a cat person (which he is not) but he loves all animals so he spent days trying to catch this little guy.. Yup, a little boy. He is just so alert and sweet!

Our shelter is a kill shelter and I bet they would let you adopt one from there! The last time I talked to Sherrie, she asked if I knew anyone that wanted a cat, said they have a beautiful, long haired calico girl (that vivid calico) she said..) Already spayed and declawed, about 2 years old and a real love bug lap cat. If she is still there, I bet I could get her for you...

Here's two almost in your own backyard girl... cat or kitten?

05-05-2006, 03:02 PM
I find it hard to believe you can't find a love in your neighborhood. I work at a shelter and there are dozens here everyday. Have you looked in your local phonebook for a shelter...kill or no kill? I flew down to Houston last Sept to help out the misplaced animals from Katrina and there were so many!! :confused: I'm sure there are dozens of people here that have fosters for you but I can't believe there isn't a place around the corner that has kitties needing homes :rolleyes: Where in LA are you?

05-05-2006, 03:47 PM
I just look on the Porch,and they they are.
Doris,a New Tabby called Norma,and the Skinny Tabby Mackeral Orangie.
We hope and pray that you find just the Right New Companion.

05-05-2006, 05:21 PM
Keep looking, your kitty will find you, TRUST ME!!!

05-05-2006, 09:06 PM
Hay Girl! My neighbor's son, who is a first responder, found a kitten the other day in a wall... We gave him the name "Wally"! He is that solid smokey gray and he is adoreable. Can't be anymore than 6 weeks old, bright eyed with NO signs of sickness and believe it our not, not even fleas. He is nothing but bones but even so malnourished, he seems to be really healthy. I think he is a recent drop off where he was found. He brought him over yesterday for us to see and hopefully take off of his hands and of coarse, I couldn't keep my hands off of him. You should hear him PURRRRRR! Everytime I would put him back in the box to come home, he would look at me so pitiful and MEOWWWWWWW so I had to pick him back up...

Bill is not home enough to keep him even if he was a cat person (which he is not) but he loves all animals so he spent days trying to catch this little guy.. Yup, a little boy. He is just so alert and sweet!

Our shelter is a kill shelter and I bet they would let you adopt one from there! The last time I talked to Sherrie, she asked if I knew anyone that wanted a cat, said they have a beautiful, long haired calico girl (that vivid calico) she said..) Already spayed and declawed, about 2 years old and a real love bug lap cat. If she is still there, I bet I could get her for you...

Here's two almost in your own backyard girl... cat or kitten?

:eek: Aw, adorable times two! I have no preference as far as age. Hmm, but the girl *is* already spayed and whatnot. But the boy might be playful and that would give Isis some breathing room (because she doesn't really like to play a whole lot like Soni does.).

The only problem is we have to wait because we are in the process of moving and I don't want the kitty to get all settled and then off they go into another house and get all confused. :)

When we were moving here, Soni got bloody diarrhea on two occasions but it never happened again.

05-05-2006, 09:10 PM
I find it hard to believe you can't find a love in your neighborhood. I work at a shelter and there are dozens here everyday. Have you looked in your local phonebook for a shelter...kill or no kill? I flew down to Houston last Sept to help out the misplaced animals from Katrina and there were so many!! :confused: I'm sure there are dozens of people here that have fosters for you but I can't believe there isn't a place around the corner that has kitties needing homes :rolleyes: Where in LA are you?

Shreveport. BUT things are not the same down here as they are in Oregon. My vet doesn't keep a record (like our old one used to) of who was selling/giving/fostering/lost/found/etc cats/dogs/etc. Yes, I HAVE looked. There weren't any, the last time I looked. I looked into ones in Texas and a LOT of them won't adopt outside their local area. So. yeah. :p

05-05-2006, 09:11 PM
I just look on the Porch,and they they are.
Doris,a New Tabby called Norma,and the Skinny Tabby Mackeral Orangie.
We hope and pray that you find just the Right New Companion.

Aw! :D They say, "Little kitties, little kitties, let us in!"

05-05-2006, 09:12 PM
Keep looking, your kitty will find you, TRUST ME!!!

Heh. :D

Laura's Babies
05-05-2006, 10:37 PM
Hay, if when you get moved and haven't found one and can't get one in your area.. ... someone on PT is ALWAYS looking for a home for babies here..

05-05-2006, 11:19 PM
Hay, if when you get moved and haven't found one and can't get one in your area.. ... someone on PT is ALWAYS looking for a home for babies here..

Oh, we're just moving to another place in town, not out of city or out of state. Heh. :) I am *hoping* to move down to BR in the next couple of years but who knows. Just a note: We are willing to drive. So if you are or know of anyone who is going to foster them..... I am reeeeeally interested. (My heart is leaning towards the girl. :) )

Laura's Babies
05-06-2006, 11:52 AM
You mean Sassy? I got more pictures of her if you want me to post them...