View Full Version : Blisters

05-04-2006, 07:04 PM
I have a BIG blister on my thumb (on the pad) that I got from work today (making caramel apples) and it is a huuuuuugeeeeeeeeee annoyance. I've heard not to pop it, and I know I shouldn't, but its just ARGH!!! So annoying! And it doesn't hurt, yet, but I keep playing with it because eventhough its annoying when I'm driving or using the mouse, etc, it feels sooo cool. But the more I mess with it, the bigger it gets. :rolleyes:

Should I leave it alone and just suck it up? I actually have two blisters on teh same thumb, its just realllly tiny.

Laura's Babies
05-04-2006, 07:10 PM
Leave it alone, sooner or later, you will accidently bust it anyway... Then watch out for any signs of infection!

05-04-2006, 07:12 PM
Oh yeah I know to watch for infection.. its just... ahhh sooo annoying! It couldn't have been in a more inconvenient place!

05-04-2006, 07:18 PM
I forgot about you working at the Fudge place. SO I was thinking to myself, I thought she worked at petco and then I remembered lol. So your actually making food too???

05-04-2006, 07:21 PM
LOL yeah I wish I still worked at PetCo, I miss it. :( Well I mostly miss the people I worked with, but I am definitely getting faster raises here AND lots more hours so I'm making more money at the Fudgery.

But we make caramel apples, too, but that's it. Our particular store only makes regular fudge, plain caramel apples, and caramel apples with pecans. Other stores sell lemonaid, ice-cream, make sugar-free fudge (we sell it but don't make it, our machine broke), and other cool stuff.

05-04-2006, 07:50 PM
Well, normally I'd say not to pop it. Because like Laura says, it's going to pop on its own. But, I'm figuring that it will make up its mind to pop while you're at work and the "juice" will get into the food. Eeeewwwww!

05-04-2006, 07:59 PM
Well, normally I'd say not to pop it. Because like Laura says, it's going to pop on its own. But, I'm figuring that it will make up its mind to pop while you're at work and the "juice" will get into the food. Eeeewwwww!
Yeah I'd thought of that, too. Especially since I'm constantly either stirring, turning, or loafing the fudge hehe

Lori Jordan
05-04-2006, 08:01 PM
You more patient than me id have popped it already,if you decide too just get some cream polysporin is good put that on and a bandade.

05-04-2006, 08:31 PM
Time to wear gloves at work!

Do yall have "finger condoms" in your First Aid kit? :p

They're like little gloves for your fingertips when you get cuts. Works nicely when you have to work with food!

05-04-2006, 08:37 PM
Bandage it up, wrap it in gauze or something if you don't have actual bandages. Do NOT pop it - it will hurt more when it's "open" - if you bandage it, it'll at least keep you from playing with it! Yup, time for gloves, or to pad and wrap that spot before the next time.

05-04-2006, 08:43 PM
Well I do have tomorrow off, how long do they usually take to go away??

Its hard keeping a bandaid on, especially when my hands are in and out of water al day :(

05-04-2006, 10:44 PM
I burnt my thumb once when I was taking something out of the oven..I got a big blister, and I had to pop it. It drove me crazy...then I had this big hole in my thumb....it was reaaaally gross looking. I kinda which I just left it haha. So I guess it depends which you'd rather...a hole, or a blister

Do yall have "finger condoms" in your First Aid kit?

Hahaha, you call them that too? We always joke about them at work. It's funny.