View Full Version : is something wrong with me??

05-04-2006, 06:40 PM
----To start this off...im NOT on this medicine because i am sudicide, i just worry about things too much, and im/was never happy. So the doc put me on Zoloft, she gave me about 10 weeks of free samples to see how itll go, two diffrenet doses and today i went to get my RX of Zolft, since my samples ran out, and my "RX assistant" card wouldnt cover Zolft, when they said they would. So it would cost me $95 a month for Zoloft, and theres NO WAY i can afford that, and i started to cry, i dont know why. I think I depend on them pills WAY too much to make me happy....or what is wrong with me? :confused: :(

Laura's Babies
05-04-2006, 06:49 PM
I'd see if the doctor would give me some more samples! Tell him your insurance won't pay for them and maybe he will change them to something they will cover....

05-04-2006, 10:18 PM
Talk to you doctor asap. Those pills are helping you correct a chemical imbalance and going off them suddenly can cause you to feel depressed.... Do not pick on yourself for using medicine when you need it and please talk with you doctor about alternatives. Take care of you....

05-05-2006, 08:47 AM
I cannot remember if Zoloft is a 'step down' drug or not, but, if so, make sure you stay on them, or, step down off of them responsibly.

I do not understand doctors that precribe anti-depressants without precribing/referring you to a counselor.

Only YOU know if there is something wrong. IMO, going to talk to someone 6-8 times would ONLY be a benefit.

05-05-2006, 12:48 PM
I agree with Cataholic! My doctor has had me taking Effexor (anti-depressant and anti-anxiety) for a few years, but she MADE me go see a counselor. I did for almost a year, and we were able to work through a lot. I am still on Effexor, as we (counselor, doc, and myself) realized that I had been unhappy for years, and that it was due to a chemical imbalance. When I miss a dose for more than 2 days, I can cry at a Hallmark commercial! :rolleyes: But when I am on it, I am E-V-E-N! The med just helps me to be able to get through the largest and smallest of trials, whatever they may be.

Talk to your doctor about a different medicine that would be covered by your insurance's formulary. I am lucky, my Effexxor is only $15.00 per month, since there is no generic. If I remember correctly, in a conversation with a pharmaceutical rep last week (at a local health fair where we were both exhibiting) she told me that Zoloft is about to have a generic rolled out! That may be covered on your formulary. Check with your doctor, as she may know.

I am lucky.... my doctor was a pharmacist before she became an MD, so she stays on top of what is going on in the pharmaceutical world.

Good luck. Feel free to PM me if you need to. Don't be ashamed! It is something that we are born with and if the meds help... take them! That is my opinion, anyway. I am sure Tom Cruise would disagree! :eek: :D

05-05-2006, 01:09 PM
I was in the same situation as you. My pills didn't cost that much though, but I could afford them. I was on Cilexa or however you spell it. I believe that over time, it helped me. Once I felt good about things, I decided to stop the pill. However, it took a verrrry long time to feel "normal" again. Being off the pill made me dizzy. I think I was dizzy for like 2 weeks to a month. Can you talk to someone about being able to get the pills? Or what about a cheaper one?

05-05-2006, 02:44 PM
i got a sample for a week and next thursday i go to the doc and talk to her about diffrent pills. I can affrod 15-30 dollars a month. I thought I was like this because i moved FAR away from my parents, and in with my bf and his parents, and i miss them everyday, and i used to get mad and cry all the time, and worry about little things. But when i really thought about it, i was like this my whole life and i never did anything about it until now, and i know those pills do help me...dont know how but they do:)

05-05-2006, 03:43 PM
Talk to you doctor asap. Those pills are helping you correct a chemical imbalance and going off them suddenly can cause you to feel depressed.... Do not pick on yourself for using medicine when you need it and please talk with you doctor about alternatives. Take care of you....

I agree with barncat.