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05-04-2006, 05:42 PM
Well finally after many years of fustration with my useless reading glasses, i have finally got the cash to get some new ones, it has been over eight years since my eyes were tested.

my eyesight was getting so poor i had to use a magnifying glass with my glasses to read at all, could not read phone books, and shopping, well bit of a nightmare when you think something is priced at 19.95 and really is 99.95 lol and as for the computer, well believe me that has been no fun, getting numbers mixed up especially.,won't have to edit my posts as much yahoo.

I now have to have progressive lenses and need to wear my glasses most of the time, cannot imagine myself wearing them most of the time, but so be it, that is how it has to be, so 750 dollars later, i shall be sporting a new much more modern pair of specs soon, can't wait and to beable to read again, it is nothing more than magic to me.

05-04-2006, 06:18 PM
Well finally after many years of fustration with my useless reading glasses, i have finally got the cash to get some new ones, it has been over eight years since my eyes were tested.

my eyesight was getting so poor i had to use a magnifying glass with my glasses to read at all, could not read phone books, and shopping, well bit of a nightmare when you think something is priced at 19.95 and really is 99.95 lol and as for the computer, well believe me that has been no fun, getting numbers mixed up especially.,won't have to edit my posts as much yahoo.

I now have to have progressive lenses and need to wear my glasses most of the time, cannot imagine myself wearing them most of the time, but so be it, that is how it has to be, so 750 dollars later, i shall be sporting a new much more modern pair of specs soon, can't wait and to beable to read again, it is nothing more than magic to me.
Oh Sis, how well I know that feeling! I'm also looking forward to be able to see well. I have to edit my posts for spelling errors, too. Just think, in a little while we both will have new eyes! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Laura's Babies
05-04-2006, 06:52 PM
You mean all my mis-spelled words are because of my GLASSES and not that I forgot how to spell? :eek:

I have wore glasses for so long that I don't even realize I have them on when I get in the shower or go to bed... they are a part of ME!

Lori Jordan
05-04-2006, 08:04 PM
Speaking of that i need to go get tested never wore a pair of glasses a day in my life,But im having trouble seeing at night time which is something that should not be fooled with.

05-04-2006, 08:07 PM
I've been wearing glasses since the summer I turned 9 years old. I do not get out of bed without putting them on. I am extremely myopic (nearsighted) and have astigmatisms (means you see double) in each eye (so in my case, it's more like trible or quadruple).

Trust me, you'll get used to it, Carol! Glasses are a good thing!

05-04-2006, 08:41 PM
I've been wearing glasses since I was 5 or 6. Guys DO make passes at gals who wear glasses :p

05-04-2006, 08:42 PM
You'll be able to see so much better now and you'll get some stylish new specs too!
What a great thing! Don't worry about the glasses, I wear glasses too, to read and for class and stuff and they make such a difference!
It will be like a whole new life!

05-04-2006, 10:18 PM
Believe me folks they are a godsend, i have been fustrated for so long, i have been told it might take me three weeks to get used to them, i might feel dizzy etc, so not looking forward to that, but it will come right, yes it will take me a while to get used to that person wearing glasses, but i know i will in no time,it is just new to me is all, besides it is very common for people in my age group , so no big deal is it? :)

05-05-2006, 06:59 AM
I have glasses since I've been 9 years old and now these progressive lenses for 5 years. I think it is so practical as you don't have to put them down and search for them all the time ;)

05-05-2006, 08:08 AM
I guess I'll join the fun of the four-eye club. I've gotten so used to mine I can sleep with them on too. I wish I had extra money or insurance so I could get rid of these horrible copper frames. I am nearsighted, I have scratches all over the lenses of my eyes, and I am very sensitive to light. I'm not yet to a point of misspelling words but I'm to a point where everything is slightly blurred.

05-05-2006, 09:50 AM

As my eye doctor told me, once you hit 40, it's all down hill from there when it comes to your eyes.

I've worn glasses since I was 40. I am farsighted, which means I can't read worth a damn without reading glasses. I have my expensive glasses that I wear all the time (they're progressive bifocals). Sometimes I forget them, so I buy the cheap reading glasses at the Dollar Store just in case. I have them all over the place...my car, my desk at work, my computer at home, you name it.

So girl, go with the flow. If you're not crazy about glasses, how about contact lenses?? I tried them and loved them. Only problem is I had to compromise my distance vision in order to be able to read with them. Plus my eyes are very dry so it was more of a pain. That's when I finally resorted to wearing glasses. "Guys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses" is an old saying I used to hear all the time. But at my age, WHO CARES?????

05-05-2006, 10:05 AM
I've had glasses since I was a teenager. I liked to sit far back in the class and chat with my friends, but the teacher soon found out that I couldn't see what was on the blackboard, so I was moved up front. :o

I have just ordered bifocals and will get them next week. I really should have had them 5 years ago, but .... I'm afraid I will find it hard to get used to them, as looking to the side, things will be blurry. :eek: However, I'll try my best, it would be nice to be able to see far and read with the same ones on.

For those of you who are light sensitive, get a pair with glasses that turn into sunglasses when out in the sun.

Good luck with yours! :)

05-05-2006, 09:51 PM
Good one Carole. :) It took me ages to finally go and get glasses, but once I did, I couldn't belive how silly I was for not getting them sooner. (Of course it took Carole [partner] to march me into the shop and get tested :D )

05-06-2006, 09:24 AM
I have glasses, bi-focals and a pair for using the computer, need new ones badly.
I have one short-sighted eye and one long-sighted which the optician says is unusual, I can see pretty ok without glasses though distance and close up can be a problem. I don't wear my bi-focals very often though I do wear the ones for the computer a lot.
I had some vari-focals a few years ago and they were great but somehow I lost a lens and when I went for new ones I got the bi-focals again.

05-06-2006, 03:48 PM
Sis, I can't wait to be called TWO eyes again! Darn cataract!

05-07-2006, 03:30 PM
Well i finally managed to pick a pair of frames on saturday, i had originally found the pair i liked then they told me they could not put transition lenses in ,those are the ones that turn into sunglasses as well, so had to choose bigger ones, which i really did not want, but i found a pair i like they are called Mooks, and have the top in two colours black and i forget the other colour around the ears in plastic and the bottoms have no frame at all, cost me another 65 dollars extra but worth it, so in ten days i will no longer be blind., i can hardly wait, it was not that i did not want to have to wear glasses, i never had the money to actually get them until now, at now 815 dollars they are not cheap.

But yes it will take a while for me to get used to them, and see myself wearing them on a daily basis, but i guess in no time i will think nothing of it. :)

05-08-2006, 12:00 AM
hey Carole. join the crowd! i think i've seen Mooks- i think they're so trendy. i wear a soft contact in my left eye and a hard lens in my right eye due to a terrible stigmatism and keritosis. plus i also use 2 pairs of reading glasses !!! Oh Lord! i'm glad you'll be able to see so much better! shame eye care is so expensive :(

05-08-2006, 04:50 PM
Ain't that the truth, just got rang up by them and have to go back and get measured again, the girl was new and did not do it properly, pain really, as now i will have to wait even longer to get them, yes Karen i thought they were reasonably trendy glasses for an ole girl like me, mind you some of them are so way out,we have this one shop that had glasses i never knew existed, you would have to be rather out there and eccentric to wear them i think.

Yep and now i have a sore tooth , feeling hot and cold senstivity so that means a trip to the beloved dentist soon, more expense, getting older sure has its minuses eh? lol. :D