View Full Version : How do you relieve stress?

05-02-2006, 08:04 PM
Well, I try to relieve stress by relaxing or doing something healthy- but sometimes it's hard! Today I had a huge let down as I was finally rejected from a grad school (after an interview and $400 later getting down there, they say they have no funding :( ).

Anyway, I made myself feel better by eating a huge bag of Reese's peanut butter cups :o and buying a bunch of stuff for the pets online. I do feel better now! :)

How do you relieve stress?

05-02-2006, 08:13 PM
sorry bout school but I must laugh at your way to relive stress .

I usually take the dogs for a walk and take pictures or go in the back yard with them and Ted

05-02-2006, 08:14 PM
Err, I usually cry. It always makes me feel better. Or I confess my problems to Alicia (buttercup :p)

05-02-2006, 08:16 PM
sorry bout school but I must laugh at your way to relive stress .

Haha yeah not the best way to deal with things....but luckily, I only break out the chocolate on when I'm reeeaaally upset- but it always does the trick! ;)

05-02-2006, 08:16 PM
I take the dogs for a walk,and take pictures of them and misc. stuff outside.Then i take a hot bath :o

05-02-2006, 08:18 PM
Sit outside in the backyard with my Muttlies. I just cuddle them in the grass, all three at once. They know when I'm not feeling well and just stay by my side. :)

05-02-2006, 08:19 PM
Well I used to eat, awful habit, but I quit that now! I usually take the pups out to play soccer and take a hot shower. Sometimes I go jogging, and when I'm really stressed, I really like to push myself so I tire out and take a nice long nap... get away from the real world for awhile.

05-02-2006, 08:34 PM
Music works for me .......... and sitting on the floor with my spotties.

However, might have to try YOUR method of eating and shopping :D - sounds FANTASTIC!!! :D

05-02-2006, 08:41 PM
Walks. :)

05-02-2006, 08:50 PM
For me I always go in my room turn up the music and start working out like the active aerobic kinds its really fun and you can act like you are trying to punch the stress out.

Ginger's Mom
05-02-2006, 08:58 PM
Go the the dog park and let Ginger run through the trails off lead. It almost always make me feel better.

05-02-2006, 09:05 PM
play with my pups or watch my fishies swim around their tank. i read in a magazine that pretzels have an ingredient that actually calms down the body. they aren't the healthiest food, but they are healthier than Reeses. lol

Laura's Babies
05-02-2006, 09:36 PM
I go off and sulk or go to someone who will let me blow off steam and vent it out.

I am one of those who when I am upset, I can't eat... food gags me at times like that.

05-02-2006, 09:43 PM
When my parents bother me I usually grid my teeth and eat chocolate. Sometimes I squeeze or hit stuff :p Other tims I just relax... like lie on the floor or something.

05-02-2006, 09:52 PM
Doing something with the dogs always helps. If I am work, a power shopping trip, or &!tch fest with one of my co-workers at lunch helps relieve some stress.

I also play sports. Right now I have volleyball on Wednesdays, soccer on Fridays and in few weeks will be starting softball on Sundays.

05-02-2006, 10:43 PM
I hang out with the dogs mostly. My hubby knows it's been a bad day if I head straight for Earle when I get home. It's been horrendous if I call him before I leave work and tell him to put Earle in the house for me!

If the dogs caused my stress, not that my little angels ever do that, I cuddle a kitty, usually Kasha. She likes to be held the most.

Sometimes I soak in a hot, bubble bath--if we have enough water. (we are on water delivery)

And somedays nothing works like a few shots of Tequila! :p

05-02-2006, 11:21 PM
It depends on the level of stress and reason. If I'm angry, I walk or go out in the garden and do some heavy landscaping. If I'm going through long term stress because one of my cats is very ill, I drink gallons of tea, eat dark chocolate (so I don't eat too much) and cuddle the cats. If I'm trying to work through a stressful problem, usually something financial or a problem at work, then I prune - I love pruning!

05-02-2006, 11:58 PM
Spend time with Tango usually...whether that be taking her for a walk, playing with her in the yard, sitting with her in the yard or grooming her. I'm not sure why, but spending time with her almost always makes me feel much more relaxed.

05-03-2006, 12:08 AM

I am really sorry about your grad school's lack of funding. Where did you apply? My son just finished Freshman year at Pitt (he's on an academic scholarship - had baseball scholarship offers, but not a full ride like what he got from Pitt) and he is already talking about grad school. I know how nerve racking this can all be. Good luck in your search and try and stay calm!!! :D

05-03-2006, 01:01 AM
I like to cuddle my cats. They are wonderful for helping out. Also, I like to sing or look at pictures (wannabe photographer- *as if* my photos were even slightly indicative of that. HA!). Also, I enjoy drawing, sculpting, and painting.

05-03-2006, 04:30 AM
I try to find something funny and laugh the stress away.
a lot it works... sometimes not

05-03-2006, 06:46 AM
I find working on my 3 websites helps a lot, & if that causes more stress I usually curse (under my breath), get up, stretch & grab a nice cold pop.. Pop does the trick everytime. Pepsi/Coke works best but I drink Coke Zero so I don't get fat again.

05-03-2006, 07:05 AM
Thanks everyone, those are great suggestions!


I am really sorry about your grad school's lack of funding. Where did you apply? My son just finished Freshman year at Pitt (he's on an academic scholarship - had baseball scholarship offers, but not a full ride like what he got from Pitt) and he is already talking about grad school. I know how nerve racking this can all be. Good luck in your search and try and stay calm!!! :D
I applied at Auburn University (in AL)- it wouldn't have been so hard to take except after flying down there, they NOW tell me they have no $$ and they were supposed to let me know by March 31 whether I got in or not.

I find working on my 3 websites helps a lot, & if that causes more stress I usually curse (under my breath), get up, stretch & grab a nice cold pop.. Pop does the trick everytime. Pepsi/Coke works best but I drink Coke Zero so I don't get fat again.
Yeah I drink quite a bit of diet soda too. Too many! :D

05-03-2006, 07:24 AM
I go down to the Long Wharf dock and sit by the water where I scattered my Dad's ashes and talk to him. May sound strange, but it works for me!!

I only WISH I had money for "retail therapy"

05-03-2006, 07:28 AM
Yeah I drink quite a bit of diet soda too. Too many! :D

I put on 20p from pop a few yrs ago & then another 30p since last sept (I think that was from being depressed inside).. But with Coke Zero there is NO sugar or calories so I can drink it all I want now & keep loosing weight :) Diet pop is still has calories, so becareful

05-03-2006, 07:30 AM
Sorry to hear about school, that really sucks.

And as for what I do to relieve stress....Powershopping and puppies:D

Samantha Puppy
05-03-2006, 07:41 AM
If it's money related, I make my husband massage my shoulders as that is where I carry all my stress.

If it's not money related, I go out for a bit of retail therapy.

05-03-2006, 08:01 AM
Mostly nature related in one way or another, taking the dogs hiking or for a walk, gardening, etc...
Shopping also helps sometimes, although I have to admit I rarely buy things for me, usually it's for the critters. But hey it works!

05-03-2006, 08:21 AM
..cry, bury in cats, photography, photoshopping, scrapbooking, jog with crayola ..depends on what, why, where, who. :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-03-2006, 08:56 AM

That ALWAYS makes me feel better... if i'm stressed out, too hot, or have a headache.... then when i'm all fresh and clean.. I cuddle with Tinky and Jupiter.... those purrs and kitty kisses.. make me soooooo happy!! :D

05-03-2006, 02:57 PM
Not to change the subject, but I am. Pembroke, what department did you apply to? The reason I ask is that I graduated from Auburn this past August. Just curious.

finn's mom
05-03-2006, 03:02 PM
I drink green tea. Hot tea always makes me feel more relaxed. I listen to music, cuddle with Finn. I'll work out, too, if I'm needing something more to pump me up than relax me. Or I'll go get something really luxurious done, like a pedicure. Sometimes just sitting outside watching the sunset is nice, too. Dancing at the end of the week is always something I look forward to, also.

05-03-2006, 04:06 PM
Sorry about grad school.
I eat when i am stressed out really badly,I also read,talk to Zippy and listen to music.

05-03-2006, 05:15 PM
Not to change the subject, but I am. Pembroke, what department did you apply to? The reason I ask is that I graduated from Auburn this past August. Just curious.
I applied to the Phd program in experimental psychology. What dept. were you in?

smokey the elder
05-03-2006, 08:10 PM
Veg out with a book, a lapful of cats, and VOX on XM radio (sorry for the commercial... :p ;) )

05-03-2006, 10:03 PM
I was out at the vet school. I have a friend who is in his 3rd year of his PhD program in psychology and there were only 3 people (inc. him) who were accepted that year. I know funding is really difficult to find and he struggles with the stipend he is paid. He has to work another job, as well, to support himself.

05-04-2006, 09:18 AM
long walks/talks with my puppers, listening to music, hot showers...

05-04-2006, 11:52 AM
Sorry about school. When I'm really stressed, the last thing I think
about is food.What works for me is working around the house.I clean up
a storm,scrubbing, polishing & sweeping. :)

Lori Jordan
05-04-2006, 01:04 PM
I have an odd way i get in my car set the car on cruise down old dirt roads turn the music up load so i cannot hear myself thing..It works for me :)

05-04-2006, 05:57 PM
To be perfectly honest i have no idea how to relieve stress effectively, i wish i had the magic answer, so if anyone does, please let me know.LOL :)