View Full Version : Baby bird!!!

05-02-2006, 02:16 PM
so yesterday i went to my backyard to water my lawn when i saw a bird get on the lower side of the grill...............and stood there...........so i called my kid so he couls see it, he came saw it and the bird didnt moved so i thought gettting him out so he could go, but to my suprise it was just a baby that couldnīt fly yet!!...............so he just ran and ran until my hubby and i catched him........a neighbour told us his neighbor had some birds that apparently fell from a nest on his roof and was taking care of them so we went hoping he could take this one too probably from the same nest.........he said what he had were baby chicks not birds and that yes a couple birds falled from a nest and he wasnt able to catch them but he couldnt keep a bird as he had chicks.................

so we took him home and i could only find a box to keep him in in the meantime, i have a bird cage, its not the best i know as he is an outside free bird, but as he/she cant fly and there are cats around i prefer to have him safe on a cage until he can fly rather than outside at the mercy of the cats.........

he is one of those gray very common birds you see (well probably not in he states) and he jumps and flaps his wings but doesnt flies more than 20cms high.................

any suggestions regaarding care are well appreciated as i have no clue, iīve had canaries and parakeets and chicks and ducks but no wild birds...

i do have some pics but i forgot my usb, so iīll post them hopefully in the afternoon or tomorrow

05-02-2006, 02:30 PM
The best thing you could do is get him back in his nest. It sounds like he's old enough to be out of the nest though, if he's flying at all he's old enough to be out of the nest. His parents will be near by feeding him and caring for him until he can fly well and be on his own. Given the chance he'll probably be in the air before the day is out. If you can't get him in his nest try to find a 'safe' place outside to put him, near where you found him. Don't go near him, but keep an eye on him from a distance. Watch and try to keep cats away until he's in the air.

05-02-2006, 02:42 PM
The best thing you could do is get him back in his nest. It sounds like he's old enough to be out of the nest though, if he's flying at all he's old enough to be out of the nest. His parents will be near by feeding him and caring for him until he can fly well and be on his own. Given the chance he'll probably be in the air before the day is out. If you can't get him in his nest try to find a 'safe' place outside to put him, near where you found him. Don't go near him, but keep an eye on him from a distance. Watch and try to keep cats away until he's in the air.
Agreed! Good thig you saw it.

05-02-2006, 02:45 PM
i tried but the possible nest is in the roofing of one house which is pretty inaccesible..........and if i leave him outside............iīm not at home as much as i want to keep an eye for the cats, i wish i could leave him but hes much more in a risk that way heīll be on his own pretty much all day, and besides i have him in a spot where he can see/smell/feel the outside so he doesnt forgets also i just plan to have him secure until he flies well which wont take more than a couple of days, my guess............

05-02-2006, 03:49 PM
The problem is you're taking him away from his parents who need to feed him and teach him things, the parents stay with their babies for a little while after they fly. Even after they are flying the parents are still feeding the baby. The best thing you could do for him is not interfere and let nature take its course. If he's not hurt then he needs to back where he was, its his best chance. If he is hurt then he needs to go to a vet or rescue center where he can receive proper care. A cage can actually do much more harm than good. Keeping him for a day or two will only weaken him, you're doing him no good. It would be very sad if a cat got him, but being returned is still his best chance of survival, he needs his parents.

05-02-2006, 03:56 PM
If you don't feel safe putting him back outside, then I highly suggest contacting a conservation organization or wildlife organization in your area to see if they can't take him in for you. I'm kind of in the same boat now, I have a Sora here with me now, but I don't think it can fly at all. I will be dropping it off tomorrow at a wildlife sanctuary so they can care for it properly and allow it to heal!

05-02-2006, 04:03 PM
i really dont feel comfortable leaving him on his own outside, as said his parents may still be there and take care for him as naturaly would occur, i really couldnt live knowing i left him helpless, and since we dont have those kind of organizations..........

i will leave him for his parents to find him as been suggested, but my heart will be worried for his sake, please pray no cat finds him until he can fly and get out of their reach, i really hope i couldīve helped te little guy :(

05-02-2006, 06:20 PM
You shound like a very good owner for him. If you are willing to go out digging for worms and teaching him to fly and stay away from predators, well, I guess you can try. For more information I would suggest going to http://www.google.com and typing in care for wild birds. Best luck to you!