View Full Version : Tell me I'm doing the right thing

05-03-2002, 12:46 AM
Hi, its me, the blubbering idiot. I promise this is going to be my last heart-broken-over-a-dog post (yeeeaah right :rolleyes: ) But its really bad again :( I've wanted a Yorkie my WHOLE life and we got the cutest one in the shelter (I'm posting his picture at the bottom of this. I was on the other side of a half-door and he was freaking out trying to jump to me). I tried to distance myself from him when I first saw him in Pre-Adopt because I didn't want to fall for him. I'm going to be gone for 6 weeks in the fall and I know my mom wouldn't be very happy if I had to make her babysit an extra dog - especially since he's not housebroken :eek:

His name is Rascal and he is everything I've been wanting in a dog. He's got a little attitude but he's also soooooooooo sweet. I had him wrapped in a baby blanket today and just carried him around like a baby and he slept in my arms. I took him to the drive thru at McDonalds and he barked viciously at the intercom when the woman was talking :D Then I couldn't eat because he kept jumping up and trying to take the french fries out of my mouth! We went to Petsmart and spent WAAAAY too much on presents for the little boogar. He was SO well behaved in the store. He's a wiggly brat when other people try to hold him, but whenever I hold him he just sits and watches the world go by.

I've been sitting here all night with a pit in my stomach. I feel like throwing up. The girl who has her application on him is supposed to get him tomorrow. She has an introduction with her dog at 3:00. She has a rottie. She's a vet tech and VERY sweet. Everyone at work is telling me that I need to just take the dog. He is seriously the dog of my dreams, but he does have a good home lined up if I don't take him. Also since I'll be going to NYC, I'd feel irresponsible getting another pet right now. I just want to do what is best for Rascal, not for me. I really need someone to tell me I did the right thing or this is going to weigh heavy on my heart for so long. I hope she'll let me see him sometimes. Blah I gotta stop now because its making me cry :(


05-03-2002, 12:57 AM
Aww Aly, Rascal has the cutest face! You can definitely tell he has the attitude. Yorkies are fun dogs. I really can't tell you what to do, but I know that he would really have a great home with you! I don't think I could do what you do, I'd want to take home every dog.

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-03-2002, 01:02 AM
AWWWWWWWW Rascal is a cutie pie.......
Don't worry Aly, you are doing a good thing!:) At least you know that this sweet pup is getting a good home!!:) Why don't you just tell his new Momma about pet talk and she can keep you posted with pics and stories???

Former User
05-03-2002, 02:30 AM
Aly, this may not help you...but if he is all that you've ever wanted, why not taking him then? I know, I know, easier said than done. But you said you'll be gone for 6 weeks in the fall...it's a long way till fall, I know you can do it and make him not do his business inside the house (sorry, not wake yet, can't find certain words), and I'm sure your mom would fall in love with this little cutie, who woulnd't? She can't say no :D.
Okay, of course only you know what's the best thing to do. Whatever you decide, let us know ok? :)

05-03-2002, 06:41 AM
Aly first of all I can see why you are in love with Rascal because I am too!! Yorkies are another favorite breed of mine! Has he met Lolly, Reece and Shiloh yet? I think you might find your answer there. He sounds like he might be a bit difficult for Shiloh to accept, although you can't know for sure unless you try. Since the girl is coming today I doubt there is much time for you to introduce him to your gang if you haven't already. It sounds like he will be going to a good home so, if you don't get to have him for yourself, just rest in that. Somehow I have a feeling that Rascal will be able to hold his own with a Rottie!!! :D :D Those little Yorkies just don't seem to realize they are so small!! :D :D

05-03-2002, 06:58 AM
You're doing the right thing Aly, there's another Yorkie out there for ya if you really want one;) and when it is more convenient for you too:)

05-03-2002, 07:11 AM
Aly, this is a tough one. Perhaps you can see how it works out with the other person who wants to adopt him. If it doesn't work out than you will have until the Fall to house train him. :)

05-03-2002, 07:18 AM
I think Sara/Tinky has the right idea, tell the new mama about this site and Rascal can keep in touch with Auntie Aly :p and all of us. When you get back from NY you may want to spend some time finding a new place where all your furkids can help you decide "who's next" in Alyland ;) Laurie

05-03-2002, 07:29 AM
Don't say it, Rachel, don't say it....Oh, I can't help myself. He'd be small enough to take on the plane with you to New York! Forgive me, I said it.

05-03-2002, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by RachelJ
Don't say it, Rachel, don't say it....Oh, I can't help myself. He'd be small enough to take on the plane with you to New York! Forgive me, I said it.

That was my thought too! That's one breed I've always wanted, personally, I'd go for it!

05-03-2002, 08:06 AM
Well, there is no doubt in my mind, if I were you, I would get the pup. I have been around (and house sat) for Yorkies, and they are simply effortless. They seem to be appendages - and just want to be held all the time. I would even hold the dog while I was cooking. My cats couldn't figure out why they weren't best of friends with the dog. Although they got along, the cats were larger than the dog.

So go fulfill your dreams, and get that doggie. You can house train him easily. And even if you don't, they are so small that whatever they do, is small too!!!

Go go go get that dog!

:D :D

05-03-2002, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Has he met Lolly, Reece and Shiloh yet? I think you might find your answer there.

Aly and I have chit-chatted briefly about this little guy! Isn't he adorable? ;)

Aly, please think of Miss Shiloh (and I know you are). I don't want to dampen spirits because I know you'd provide a wonderful home for the lil' guy! It's just that, the other day, you mentioned he had the terrier attitude w/ cats.

On the other hand, if Miss Shi is bigger than he is...she could prolly hold her own! lol (Now *THAT* didn't help any did it? ;) )

05-03-2002, 08:30 AM
I haven't known too many Yorkies. My good friend owns one, named Josh, and he is a total lap dog, but so spoiled that he has to be medicated when she leaves him as he gets so anxious. But a very sweet boy.
The second one I knew was a problem. Let me restate that. The owners were the problem. But she was an escape artist, and was constantly ending up at my house. Very, very active, and drove my cats crazy.
I think you hit the nail on the head when you talked about the timing. You and I have the same terrible problem, we want them all! And each one steals out heart. I think that if the potential adoptor is as wonderful and qualified as she sounds, she'll be a wonderful mom to Rascal, and you can concentrate on Reece and Lolly, and of course, Shiloh, before you leave them this fall. Just my two cents.....but I can certainly understand why you feel the way you do about him. He is darling!!! :)

05-03-2002, 10:12 AM
I think there is no wrong or bad choice here. This dog is lucky to have 2 good options and you should be very happy about that!!

You are being considerate thinking of your mom when you go away. I'm glad Rachel mentioned it first - the dog would be small enough for a plane! But - do they charge more to bring the dog on and can you afford it? What about when you're in NY - you need to concentrate on the class.

I do believe another Yorkie will come along just as sweet, the fact that you would hesitate at all indicates that now is probably not the best time.

05-03-2002, 01:08 PM
aly, why don't you wait and see if the other potential owner even shows up to take Rascal and then make your decision from there? I am of the belief that animals adapt very well as long as the owner has established him/herself as alpha in the home. I hope all works out for the best...you have definitely had your share of heartache in the recent past (since that's all I know). I'll be thinking about you!! I would definitely say that if the potential owner brings him back that you should snatch him up!! Good luck and keep us posted.

05-03-2002, 01:10 PM

I agree with Mugsy.

05-03-2002, 09:11 PM
Well guess who's sitting in my lap as I write this?!?!?!

Its Rascal!!!! Now tentatively named Tobi. I had a very emotional day and was a bucket of tears all morning when I was thinking about him leaving. I got all of his stuff gathered that I bought him at Petsmart and he was ready to go. But at around 1:30, the girl came in very upset and told me her rott is very, very sick and she couldn't bring him in for the intro today. I talked to her for awhile and she said she wouldn't feel right getting a new dog while her baby is so sick. He had to be on fluids and has had diarrhea and throwing up. This girl is the sweetest thing in the world. Both of her parents are disabled and she takes care of them and their animals (they live next door to her). She made me cry because I felt so bad about the whole situation. I told her I'd take Rascal (Tobi) home for a couple days to see if her rottie got better. I told her if it was any longer though, I'd get too attached.

So now Tobi has met all three of my animals and things are going smoothly. Lolly seems to like him. She's a bit nervous and jumpy but play bowed to him right away. Reece and Tobi are having the time of their lives licking each other's faces and mounting each other nonstop.

I bought Tobi a diaper but it was too small so I exchanged it for the next size. Now this one is a little big and keeps slipping down a little. I hope to eliminate the need for diapers ASAP. He does beautifully in a crate. I had him in a crate in the cattery for 3 hours this morning while I cleaned. He sat there quietly watching me. When I brought him up front, he growled at the executive director of the shelter :D :D He's a goof ball. His growl sounds like a purr. Oh yeah, at Petsmart today he kept challenging a pitbull. It was so funny. He really loves all dogs and if he's near them, he'll just smell them and mount them, but she was at a distance so he was acting tough. He stands on his hind legs and growls so he looks bigger :D :D :) OH and I was talking to the pit's owner and he's going to come in and see if he can adopt Kayla!!

So as of now, I have Tobi as a foster. I will decide in a week or two if he is permanent. It really depends on Romeo the rottie and if he gets better soon. I will post some pics of the gang tonight!

05-03-2002, 09:36 PM
:D Good luck Aly--we know Rascal/Tobi will have a good home either way!!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-03-2002, 09:53 PM
YAY.....Maybe it was ment to be after all that you get Tobi?!?! Sorry to hear that her Romeo is so sick though. Give Tobi a pig PAT AND HUG for me..... **hugs to you too**!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures.:D

05-03-2002, 10:52 PM
Here's one more pic of Tobi. I'm too tired to try to get everybody in one picture tonight. I will take some tomorrow :)


Sara luvs her Tinky
05-03-2002, 10:53 PM
I can't see the pic just an x

05-03-2002, 11:02 PM
Try to look now. I hope it works because its a cute one :D

05-03-2002, 11:03 PM
It works! ;)

He's a cutie guy!

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-03-2002, 11:12 PM
AWWWWWW That pic makes me want to put his hair in some pig tails with ribbons :o !!!!

05-04-2002, 05:30 AM
Oh Aly what cuteness!!! I bet in no time there will be four tiny pictures in your signature! LOL! :D Regarding the mounting....I remember one day years ago watching Joan Rivers on TV with her beloved Spike (before he went to RB). She had the Yorkie on who had won Best in Breed the night before at Westminster. Well, of course Spike was not groomed at all properly next to the Westminster winner but what made it even more amusing, was that Spike was trying to mount him the whole time. Joan was dying! :o

05-04-2002, 07:17 AM
Aly, Tobi is an adorable little pup!!! I think things will work out for the best, either way. Fostering Tobi will give you a chance to see if she fits in with your family. If so, maybe the other person will not be able to take her. And if she doesn't at least you will know you tried and maybe the rottie will be better. Either way it sounds like the dog will have a good home! Can't wait to see more pics!

05-04-2002, 07:35 AM
OMG! He's so beautiful, and he sounds like so much fun! Hope everything works out!

05-04-2002, 10:23 PM
Here's Tobi at work bossing Turbo around:


05-05-2002, 05:16 AM
He sounds like a real bundle of fun! I love the last pic :D

05-05-2002, 06:36 AM
Aly, why does Tobi need to wear a diaper???

05-05-2002, 05:12 PM
She mentioned that he's not housebroken yet. But she'll work on it! Aly, I think the perfect solution is for you to Foster him, until her Rottie is well enough for his new little brother to come home. Can you imagine a cuter pair! Big black and shiny, small, gold and scruffy!

And you'd get to love him up, teach hima little, and know he's going to a great home - AND that way your mom won't have to dogsit him, too, come October!

05-05-2002, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Karen
She mentioned that he's not housebroken yet.

I just never heard of using a diaper for a dog that wasn't housebroken. I've heard of it for incontinent dogs or dogs in heat. Is this a new technique?

05-05-2002, 09:50 PM
I don't know if too many people do it that way. I probably wouldn't do it, but when I say he's not housebroken, I mean he's rEALLY really bad. He marks like crazy too. He has gotten a lot better though. I am just using the diaper as protection for my carpet. When he marks, he'll just go a tiny bit in 100 places and there's no way I'd know everywhere he peed in the house unless I followed him around 24/7. I didn't want to have to shampoo all the carpets or have to have my house start to smell like urine.

I'm doing the usual housetraining methods - just with a diaper on him in case he feels the need to life his leg :)

05-06-2002, 06:10 AM
Thanks, Aly. I understand. YOU are a better woman than I to take on the challenge of a marking dog. That's a big one.

05-06-2002, 09:18 AM
Yeah, its not fun to deal with but we're working on it.

You should see it when I walk Reece and Tobi at the same time. They see who can pee the most :o

I took Tobi to a park with a coworker and her Dachshund after work yesterday. The little guy has a ton of energy. We walked at a quick pace for at least 2 miles and he still had a bounce in his step at the end. I think he's a little sick though, either with allergies or URI. He's a bit snotty and snorty.

I'm probably going to call the girl who wanted him to see how her rott is doing today. I have very mixed emotions on what I want her answer to be.

05-06-2002, 08:06 PM
Errrr, remind me to NEVER EVER EVER again take 3 dogs to Petsmart at once!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:

05-06-2002, 08:14 PM
Oh Aly!!! I can't imagine trying to handle three...my two are bad enough!!!:)

05-06-2002, 08:25 PM
I tried to walk two (big ones, of course) by myself last week, on a path around a lake. What could I have been thinking???? My Retrievers wouldn't want to go in the water??? DUH!!!! Guess who else ended up in the water. :o

05-07-2002, 07:09 AM
That's so funny! When I walk Hans and Fritz they always seem to want to go in different directions!

05-07-2002, 11:42 AM
Between Tobi protecting me from every human, animal, or moving object; Reece wanting to be pet from every human, animal, or moving object; and Lolly getting freaked out from every human, animal, or moving object, I had my hands FULL!!!! I made the boys ride in the cart so they wouldn't mark and I could keep an eye on them better. Lolly ran circles around my feet and kept jumping up to sniff in the cart. Then she'd accidently push it and get scared out of her mind. Everyone wanted to come pet Tobi, but he's such a brat. He hates it when people come near me. He also really doesn't like tall people. So after Tobi barked in their face, they'd pet Reece instead and he'd just melt in their arms.

In the parking lot on the way out, I was carring my purse and bags and all their leashes got tangled in my legs and I was stuck!! It was embarrassing. I had to put my stuff down to untangle them. When I started walking again, they got tangled again so I could just take really small steps, hehe.

05-07-2002, 12:33 PM
No diapers today and no accidents so far!!!!

05-07-2002, 06:11 PM
Here's Tobi's webshots album. The pics aren't that great because the boy won't sit still!


05-07-2002, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I bet in no time there will be four tiny pictures in your signature! LOL!

Ha!Ha! I was right!!! LOL! :D

05-07-2002, 08:00 PM

Tobi is Precious !!! Loved the pictures, especially
the wrestling pics. Reece & Tobi look pretty evenly
matched.:D :D :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-07-2002, 08:07 PM
I really like the ones where he is chewing the yellow duck with his hair up.........CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

btw.......... I just looooove your new signature!!! :D :D

05-07-2002, 09:10 PM
Sara - I spend more time on his hair then my own :D :D :D :D :D

I think he looks like an angel in this pic:
Looks can be deceiving!!! :)

Pam, you know me too well, hehe!

05-07-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by aly

Pam, you know me too well, hehe!

We all do, Aly!!! Congratulations on your new baby!!! He could not have found a better mom!! :)

05-07-2002, 09:29 PM
Oh Aly! He's such a cutie pie! I love the pics of him!

05-07-2002, 09:47 PM
I especially liked Tobi4.

05-07-2002, 11:04 PM
Well, Tobi still isn't a sure thing but I couldn't help but add him to my sig :)

The good news is even if neither the other girl or myself can keep him, he has a possible backup home in the extended Pet Talk family :)

05-08-2002, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by aly

The good news is even if neither the other girl or myself can keep him, he has a possible backup home in the extended Pet Talk family :)

Curiousity can kill a Pet Talker.....who????

Dixieland Dancer
05-08-2002, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Rachel

Curiousity can kill a Pet Talker.....who????

I agree! WHO????????? :confused:

And I was just getting ready to congratulate you on your new addition, Aly!

05-08-2002, 08:21 AM
My uncle and his wife! They are huge dog lovers and lost all 3 of their dogs in the past 4 years and want a little Yorkie so terribly! They used to have 3 great Danes who died of old age.They have 2 little boys now and want a small dog! So, Tobi may have a back up plan!

05-08-2002, 09:01 AM
Tobi is a real cutie pie and it looks like he has lots of offers for a good home. He is just adorable.

Dixieland Dancer
05-08-2002, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
My uncle and his wife! They are huge dog lovers and lost all 3 of their dogs in the past 4 years and want a little Yorkie so terribly! They used to have 3 great Danes who died of old age.They have 2 little boys now and want a small dog! So, Tobi may have a back up plan!

Thanks for letting us know who! Tobi is one lucky little fellow to have so many people want to provide him with a great home! :D

05-08-2002, 07:13 PM
Tobi is absolutely precious Aly! What a sweet addition he would be to your furfamily. And the best news is that he has so many fans waiting to step in! He looks adorable in your signature! Yay! Tobi!!! You've got the best Mom there!:)

05-08-2002, 09:01 PM
I like the one too with the duck! He is a cutie.