View Full Version : Photoshop

05-01-2006, 10:16 PM
Is it worth the $$$? I see the beautiful siggies people create using it and I've also found some really cools sites with tutorials, clipart, etc. that look so fun to use. I went to Circuit City to buy it, but for some reason, I don't want to pay that much. I don't know why. Is it worth it?

05-01-2006, 10:18 PM
Depends what it's going for now. A few years ago I looked into it and it was over $1000. I honestly would never pay that for it. I don't think it's worth it. You can do similar things in Paintshop Pro for much cheaper. (I personally like PS more.) However, I doubt it costs that now....

05-01-2006, 10:25 PM
Depends what it's going for now. A few years ago I looked into it and it was over $1000. I honestly would never pay that for it. I don't think it's worth it. You can do similar things in Paintshop Pro for much cheaper. (I personally like PS more.) However, I doubt it costs that now....
It was only $100 (I guess I'm in one of my cheap moods). How much is Paintshop?

05-01-2006, 10:29 PM
My mom and I only have it because she owns a graphic design buisness and we do a lot of things together for that. We also use it to edit photographs that we will sell and for web design. For someone who's just doing it for fun I would reccomend another similar and cheaper program.

Photoshop can also take a long time to learn. I started using it 4-5 years ago and am just recently learning the functions that are the best (but also hardest) to use. I had to attend a seminar in December before I felt like I could "accurately" edit my photographs, but I still am learning and will probably need to attend more seminars. My mom also watches lots of tapes and reads books on the program. It can be a little overwhelming. I am mostly self-taught, and I didn't really find the program hard, but most people get frustrated with how many options there are.

05-01-2006, 10:30 PM
It was only $100 (I guess I'm in one of my cheap moods). How much is Paintshop?
It was probably an older version if it was only $100. The newer and "more powerful" versions are upwards of $500, usually closer to $1000.

05-02-2006, 08:24 AM
I have Photo shop Elements 2.0 and it's pretty good. I paid $100 a few years back, but I've seen it at Wal-Mart for around $30-$40.
I do have one program I like quite a bit and it is super easy & fun...it's called PhotoExplosion Deluxe (http://www.novadevelopment.com/Products/us/pkw/default.aspx) I usually make all my siggys with it because of the ease. I got it at Stapes for around $40 and there was a $30 rebate!

Good Luck on whatever program you get!

05-02-2006, 02:57 PM
I LOOOOOOVE Photoshop, but you can get just as good with PSP. I'm still learning Photoshop, :p.

05-02-2006, 03:06 PM
Well geeze, if Wal-Mart carries the older versions for that cheap, then I would get it.

05-02-2006, 03:10 PM
What version was it? I have 7.0, and CS2, but I mainly use 7.0

05-02-2006, 06:12 PM
I think it is worth it but no way would my parents pay that much money for a photoshop... :rolleyes: If you can pay for it and want to make siggies then go for it :p I would think it's definetly worth it.

I have VCW Vicman's Photo Editor and it is pretty good. It allows animation and stuff. I make siggies with it, they may not be as good as Photoshop siggies though.

Suki Wingy
05-02-2006, 06:27 PM
CS is amazing, however, I got it for free because my dad's company had to buy it. I use 7.0 at school sometimes, and I'd say it is worth $100.

Dixieland Dancer
05-03-2006, 04:01 PM
Photo Shop comes in many different packaging styles. If you get the latest version (Photoshop CS2) with no other add ons it is about $300.00. If you get the entire Creative Suite which includes Illustrator and other Adode software it is around $1000.00.

However for the everyday user who doesn't need the more complex features of Photoshop, Adobe created PhotoShop elements which contains about 70% of the most used functionality of full version for about $75.00 - $100.00 depending on where you get it.

05-08-2006, 03:21 PM
I have been using it in my job for a decade and a half, and it's the best. But if you want to use it for personal use it may be overkill. There are other paint programs that are smaller in function, have a faster learning curve, and smaller price, plus Adobe.com will let you download a month trial version of Photoshop for free.