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05-01-2006, 08:28 PM
I came home from work this evening and was sitting in the car watching the wild rabbits when a mostly white with a few black spots cat started trying to chase the rabbits. (At no time was a rabbit in danger.) I got out of my car and the cat ran off a bit and stopped. I called kitty-kitty and she came and rolled at my feet.

She is a very skinny long-haired cat that has not been groomed in a very long time. (She is mostly a giant mat) I am saying she because I can't see or feel any walnettos, but she's very hairy and thin! Her eyes are clear and there isn't discharge from her nose. She did sneeze, but the carrier I put her in was rather dusty.

I have put her in a good sized carrier (Meant for medium dogs) with a bowl of food, water a blanket and a pan of shredded newspaper. She does have claws but as thin as she is I don't think she has been doing well hunting. Besides, in Ozaukee County it is legal to shoot stray cats on sight.

I called the woman across the road who knows everyone and their pets and she doesn't know who it might belong to. Clearly she was once somebody's. Of course the humane society is closed as is my vet...so she'll have to wait in the carrier until tomorrow after work. I can't risk bringing a disease into the house. (My clothes are in the washer, I took a shower and my shoes have been sanitized...)

I can't afford another cat. I am not making ends meet as it is. I very likely will not be able to keep the house and that means I may have to relocate most of my cats.... butI hate like hell going to the shelter in my county as they are not nice....and do put down cats they decide aren't likely to be chosen.

So, please pray that when I call tomorrow that she is on the lost list and her people are there for her... otherwise I'm not sure what I will do...

She is so friendly and cute... her nose is black, giving her a comical cartoon appearance.

At any rate, for tonight she is fed and safe.


She does not have fe-luk and has been treated for fleas and has been living in my garage in a large dog crate.

Today I started in on the mats in her fur. I've cliped a lot of cats in my 48 years but this is the worst I have seen! She is so skinny and her fur is so matted and full of burrs that the skin is folded into the mats! I cut two pieces out of her skin and she didn't even cry (or bleed! that's how bad the circulation is in that skin!). (I cried though and she just rubbed on my face and purred) She did cry when I used hydrogen peroxide on the open patches but purred when I applied the antibiotic salve.

I took her to a friend's to help me hold her when I found how bad these were.

I am literally having to cut these out on hair at a time. The skin of her neck was stretched nearly to her ear!

I set up my big cat cage in the garage and she is resting. We will work on her other side tomorrow.

(When I went to leave, the ignition in my car had broken! Fortunately my friend is a mechanic but that's one more bill! yikes!)

Miss Mae has gained weight since Monday but she stll is a skinny kitty. She breaks my heart as she once was someone's pet. She accepted a collar and knows how to walk on a leash. Even when this grooming MUST be hurting, she cooperates. If she was deliberately dumped I hope whoever did it finds karma real quick!

05-01-2006, 08:48 PM
That's wonderful that you scooped her up and made her safe and fed for the night. She's probably too debilitated by starvation and flea anemia to be able to catch much wildlife, it's terrible to watch this struggle to survive in a once domesticated cat, I know.

Hopefully, the members of this forum who know rescue organizations all over the U.S. will respond and offer help. These cries for help always seem to come from states that are very far away from me to help.

05-01-2006, 09:09 PM
No matter waht happens to that Poor Cat,its better tahn her wandering hungry and friendless and potential prey for Predators.
At least this way she has a chance at getting a Furr Ever Home.
Thank You for taking that Poor Starry Cat where she will cleaned ,fed and LOVED.

05-01-2006, 09:11 PM
Thank you for taking her in and giving her a chance. Have you searched online for no kill shelters in your area? There may be some that could take her in.

Laura's Babies
05-01-2006, 09:39 PM
Poor kitties, out there abondoned and all alone. At least she has a safe place and a full tummy tonight and tomorrow.

05-01-2006, 09:42 PM
You can only do your best and whatever the outcome, kitty is bound to be better off than she is now, i do hope you can find a no kill shelter though to increase her chances of adoption, she does sound so sweet, good luck, and thanks for caring enough to help her. :)

05-02-2006, 12:38 AM
How long are you going to be able to keep her? Just for a couple of days or might it be a little bit longer?

05-02-2006, 08:03 PM
An update.

No one has reported this cat missing anywhere in the area... So she went to my vet for a Feluk test. She tested negative and so I don't have to be quite so careful about contact with my guys. She does have fleas though so she is still in the garage until that treatment is finished. This weekend I will do a complete clipping of her mats (right now I just did the ones that were pulling.) and after she fattens up a bit I see about finding her a home of her own.

I spoke to the director of the school I work for, and although it is against policy to make a contract before Sept. (most schools do contracts in spring so waiting would put me in jepardy of not being able to find a job if the contract didn't come up to enough) he promised me enough that I might be able to work out a way to keep the animals and me in our home.

It still isn't secure but it is more hope than I've had in awhile....

Since I had committed to a vet visit for the stray before this conversation even though it would have been much more sensible to take her to the shelter...I am taking this as a sign that things are improving. And I have a feeling that once the fleas are gone unless she and the others can't get along, Miss Mae (she came on May Day) may just join the colony....

05-02-2006, 11:08 PM
I am so, so pleased that you are taking care of her. I was almost afraid to open this thread and see that she had gone to the shelter. I know what it's like, I think quite a few on PT do, to face financial uncertainty and yet yearn to help the needy cats that cross our path. Thank you for going out of your way, really out of your way, to help Miss Mae. I hope you can keep both your house and all your cats - how many, by the way?

05-02-2006, 11:24 PM
That is FANTASTIC! Hooray for kitty and you! :D

05-06-2006, 02:09 PM
An update for anyone interested in her progress.

05-06-2006, 02:32 PM
Yes, I'm interested but didn't see an update or link to an update.

05-06-2006, 02:51 PM
The update is at the end of her first post.

"I spoke to the director of the school I work for, and although it is against policy to make a contract before Sept. (most schools do contracts in spring so waiting would put me in jepardy of not being able to find a job if the contract didn't come up to enough) he promised me enough that I might be able to work out a way to keep the animals and me in our home."

Barncat, this would be the best news if this could happen for you. Finger, toes and paws crossed here and big time Prayers also, that everything will work out for you in the end.

How sweet of you to take on this precious kitty, even though you are going through your own problems. You have a heart of gold. :)
Oh gosh, when I was reading how matted Miss Mae is, it just broke my heart.
Poor sweet girl. She sounds like a treasure and she will be so very grateful to you when those nasty mats are gone. Once they are, be sure to give her body a gentle massage.

Please continue to let us know how things are going.

Bless you. :)