View Full Version : New car crash commercials

04-30-2006, 08:22 PM
I don't know what is up with advertising lately. I have seen 3 commercials today that show people driving safely and having simple conversations and then getting hit by another vehicle in a serious accident. I have been in a few accidents and let me tell you, it doesn't matter that everyone walked away from the accident, seeing a car wreck is NOT going to make me want the product.

I swear I get shaken up every time I see a commercial like that. I HATE it!

04-30-2006, 08:25 PM
I've seen those too, and I completely agree.

The worst car crash commercial I've ever seen was the one where it's this Kid's birthday, and the Mother tells her husband, "hurry home".. Those of you who've seen it know what happens next. Very, very sad. I don't think it was a commercial for a certain car brand, I don't remember though.

04-30-2006, 09:09 PM
I totally agree! I saw a new one last night where two guys are talking and *bam* they collide with another car. It made me jump. I know they are trying to emphasize the safety and how solidly built the car is, but it freaks me out, and makes me less apt to buy a VW (and yes, I know what car it is because I remember seeing the front all crumpled yet the VW insignia looked perfect.)

04-30-2006, 09:43 PM
i agree with you!
I do like the VW Jetta though,nice car.

04-30-2006, 10:09 PM
Ya that commercial with the VW made me scream and jump and they are all ok and not even a scratch but why would they do that for a car commercial anyways poeple won't buy when they see those commercials.

04-30-2006, 10:11 PM
i agree with you!
I do like the VW Jetta though,nice car.
I used to think Jettas were nice, but then a friend got one.. and it fell apart. He got a new one... it fell apart. After a month!

Anyway, the commercials... if its advertising a car, I don't know, I suppose its good advertising to show the durability of the car and its crash ratings to prove its safe... but on the other hand it does kind of shake people up. They don't really bother me, though.

Laura's Babies
04-30-2006, 10:23 PM
I often wonder what they are thinking with some of the commercials they do these days.... :rolleyes:

04-30-2006, 10:44 PM
I've never seen those before!

The only commercial I see over & over, is the one where the officer pulls some teens over & then he gets run over by a drunk.. Its a MADD commercial & have no issues with that, but a car brand commercial, thats sick.

Cinder & Smoke
04-30-2006, 11:26 PM
... two guys are talking and *bam* they collide with another car.


IMBW ... (I Might Be Wrong) http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif
but I thought the two guys talking one was for State Farm Insurance ??

I sorta remember putting a Black Mark beside State Farm after watching a couple
different *crash ads*. :( :mad:

04-30-2006, 11:39 PM

IMBW ... (I Might Be Wrong) http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif
but I thought the two guys talking one was for State Farm Insurance ??

I sorta remember putting a Black Mark beside State Farm after watching a couple
different *crash ads*. :( :mad:

Not State Farm, Progressive did a LOT of crash commercials though.

I have State Farm and I LOVE them! My parents have been with them for eons, and I was put on their plan with them, so I got discounts because they know my parents pretty well, and when HJ and I broke off and got a plan of our own when we bought our Grand Am they gave us even more discounts LOL they are so cool

Cinder & Smoke
04-30-2006, 11:48 PM
Not State Farm, Progressive did a LOT of crash commercials though.


Wudda sworn the new *crash* ads were State Farmer's ??
I'll erase the Black Marks till I see it again.

I thought Progressive did the Two Squirrels - where one nit-wit ran across the road
then Hi-Fived his buddy after the car crashed.

One of the Insurance Companies did a cute one with the the Two Dogs - and I think
maybe the Lizzard was in it, too.

As you can plainly see - TV Ads leave a long-lasting impression on me - NOT!

05-01-2006, 12:07 AM
Nope cause I remember seeing them, too. One was a lady and her husband and the wife was ranting about how she couldn't believe they got such good tickets to see the opera, and in mid-sentence they were hit by a car, etc.

And State Farm commercials always have their little jingle at the end of them hehe

05-01-2006, 12:56 AM
I thought Progressive did the Two Squirrels - where one nit-wit ran across the road
then Hi-Fived his buddy after the car crashed.
That was Geico. That was the coolest commercial :D

05-01-2006, 05:25 AM
but I thought the two guys talking one was for State Farm Insurance ??

Actually Catnapper is right. It is a commercial for VW. It seems like it should be for an insurance company but it is not. I don't like the commercial either. They could point out the things that make this particular car stand up better to a crash without actually showing a crash. The fact that the drivers are not very attentive sort of makes you not feel very sorry for them too.

05-01-2006, 01:00 PM
Hubby and I were JUST talking about this a few days ago when we saw the Jetta commercial. YIKES! :eek: Now today I heard on a news program - they did a segment on this very subject and both newspeople thought the commercials were very effective and said that Jetta had experienced a 40% increase in brochure requests since the crash commercial.

I have seen several other companies doing similar shock commercials. One is Allstate - the speaker is casually walking and talking about Allstate while various accidents are happening...a car repeatedly slams into another and it shows broken glass and twisted metal...

Another is a "Mr Goodwrench" (GM??) commercial where a lady is talking about having her tires or brakes checked by Mr Goodwrench - and then she breaks at a red light and they show an elephant - soon replaced by a speeding semi - she stops in time (thanks to Mr Goodwrench) but sits there shaken by the near accident. That one really freaks me :eek:

05-01-2006, 03:40 PM
Yep, it's the VW commercial.

Two guys in the car talking and a pickup truck backs out of a driveway and they collide with it.

The other commercial is two couples in a car that starts to go when the light turns green and a SUV/Truck running the red light broadsides them.

That commercial made me cringe in the days following my accident.

All State had a commercial where a guy rear ends another car and it's all in slow motion up until the point of impact. I remember those commercials because "President Palmer" is the spokesperson. (Any 24 fans? ;) )

State Farm did have an accident commercial where a guy misread directions and drove his car into a lake. It's where the local diver is also the local State Farm agent.

Can you tell I watch a lot of tv? :eek: :p :rolleyes: :D

05-01-2006, 03:42 PM
LOL, I guess the advertisers are doing their job! Getting people to talk about or remember the product is **the name of the game** in advertising, isn't it?
Product recognition? And, as they say, even negative publicity is still publicity. At least, I think that is what they say.

I LOVE the Geico commercials. That gecko is so funny.

(and, not to turn this into a rant about insurance companys...but, for those that 'claim' to love SF, or whomever, get back to me when you put in a claim!! Anyone is 'good' when all they are doing is accepting your premiums. )

05-01-2006, 03:45 PM
I LOVE the Geico commercials. That gecko is so funny.

I like those commercials too except I get so tired of people asking me if I've named my geckos 'Geico' or if they talk, sing, or dance.... :rolleyes: :p