View Full Version : Pug Crawl

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-02-2002, 11:18 AM
Well, I'm sure most of you have heard of a "pub crawl" but I saw last night on TV where a group in Chicago have a "Pug Crawl!" :) It looked like a lot of fun with what had to be hundreds of people with their Pugs. They were all so adorable. :)

They said for more information you can check out Pug Crawl (http://www.pugparty.com) It looked like a cute website, but I didn't have time to really check it out.

Hope some of you can join the fun! :D

05-02-2002, 02:41 PM
Cute site and lots of cute pictures! I am a pug admirer from afar! I don't have a pug but I just adore them and whenever I see one in PetsMart or anywhere for that matter I have to get down on all fours and play with them. Thank you for my "pug fix" today! :) They are just precious. Love those smashie faces!!

05-03-2002, 12:36 AM
Hey, Pug Mom here. Thanks for posting that site. Through one of the links I found a pet friendly hotel that I can use during a trip I have planned!

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-03-2002, 01:29 AM


05-03-2002, 05:34 AM
Adorable! :D

05-03-2002, 10:20 AM
that is funny, so cute!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-22-2002, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I am a pug admirer from afar!

Ok, I have to admit that I've become a "pug admirer from afar" too. :) One of the apartments I walk past everyday to get from my car to work must have gotten new tenants a couple of months ago, or they got a new dog. He's a pug boy, and he is soooo cute! I've seen a 20 something girl walking him, so I think what happens is that she must leave for work right before I get to work and he sits in the window and watches her leave. Then she must come home shortly after I leave, so he's sitting in the window again waiting for her to come home. There are bars on the window (first floor apt. in Chicago - gotta have bars) and this happens to be an older building so the bars are on the inside. Well he sits with his little chin resting on the bars and watches everything that goes on outside. It's so cute because just his eyes move - lazy boy. Before he was there, all the blinds and shades were pulled tight all the time so no one could look in the apartment. Now I can tell they make room for him here. the curtains are pulled back just far enough for him to get in and out, and the blinds are left at a level just above his head when he's sitting up. He's really there quite often and sometimes even lifts his head when I walk by. I always say "hi cutie" as I walk by. I think he can hear me because there's only the glass between us. I'll have to see if I can get a picture someday. :D He makes me smile on my way to work which is a good way to start the day off, and makes me smile when I leave, which is nice after an icky day. Gotta find out his name. :D

08-22-2002, 08:02 PM
Oh T&P's Mom, I would just have to introduce myself to his human. Then maybe just maybe I would get a chance to meet that little cutie in person and kiss his little smashy face! My pug cravings are getting worse by the day. Two days ago I was driving to work and passed a man walking a pug puppy along the side of the road. For a brief minute I had the crazy thought of pulling over just to meet this sweetie. If it hadn't been for the fact that it would have made me late, I might have given into the urge and this guy would surely think I need to be locked up! One day right outside of the groomer's I got to meet a pug who was just leaving. Before I even knew it I was down on all fours with this little one. Fortunately his owner realized I was harmless. :D

08-22-2002, 10:27 PM
You guys sound like me with English Bulldogs! One day, I was driving down the street, about five blocks from my house, and I literally turned the car around, stopped in front of the guys house where I saw two Bulldogs, and proceeded to plop myself down on the grass, start kissing those wrinkled faces, and yes, I did talk with the owner too! :o I didn't even know him!!! LOL!!!!

08-23-2002, 01:20 AM
Quote Logan:

I saw two Bulldogs, and proceeded to plop myself down on the grass, start kissing those wrinkled faces, and yes, I did talk with the owner too! I didn't even know him!!! LOL!!!!

So ahhhhhhh is that how you met Scott??? LOL :D :D